Monday, November 14, 2016

Bye Bye, Miss American Pie

Hello friends.  I am going to speak honestly today.  I may lose some friends or readers, but I want and need to go on the record about how I feel.  I believe in being idealistic and progressive.  Up until last Wednesday morning our country was known around the world as a place to look up to.  The progressive candidate won the popular vote.. the other one will be president.  I could not do my wednesday post because I was too shocked and depressed.  I did not do my Friday post because I was still too crushed and hurt.  I've been told.. "Oh well.. he won.. get over it.." And I say.. no.. not yet.. maybe never.  

Last Wed, my sister Denise and I who are of the same mind about this election,  went swimming together.  We spent the drive there and over lunch trying to understand how this country could elect a man who is so obviously ill-suited for the job.  We cried.. we railed.. we lost hope.. together.

The man who will be president spent his campaign inciting hatred of minorities.  He called Mexicans "rapists and murderers", he said he was going to deport Muslims and anyone else he wanted.  And guess what?  His election has unleashed a rash of hate crimes against anyone who isn't white across this country.  He gave the thumbs up for racists - and school kids are taunting brown kids in lunch rooms chanting "Build that wall, build that wall!"  Women wearing scarves on their head for religious reasons are being told to hang themselves with that scarf.  Black kids are being told they will be hung and killed.  Gay people who had finally gotten acceptance in this country and many who have gotten married and have families are now crying and scared that they'll lose their rights to marry.  The man who mocked a handicapped man, who mocked a man and his wife who's American born Muslim son was killed in the line of duty while serving in the military - this is who is our president now.

I've asked people who voted for Trump.. why?  They say - "He's good in business."  I beg to differ.  He lost a billion dollars in one year 30 years ago and has not paid federal taxes in 30 years as a result.  You're telling me he's good at business?  So.. those of us who work making a modest living and those of us who are retired who still pay federal taxes.. we pay for "his" roads and airports and services.  They say, well it's legal and the law.  That does NOT make it RIGHT.  Warren Buffett is a billionaire but he still pays federal taxes because it's the right thing to do.  The president-elect's companies have gone bankrupt 4 times, he's defaulted on numerous contracts and refused to pay those who built his buildings.  The people who do the most menial of his jobs, the maids in his hotels, say he won't pay them fairly, won't give them medical or retirement.  This is not a sign of a good businessman.  

I feel sorry for Melania Trump as I doubt she is happy about any of this.  But the thought of her as our First Lady and how she might "redecorate" the White House.. the thought of those two living in that historic home fills me with despair.  She was a nude model and photos of her are readily available on the internet.  How can I look up to her as my first lady?  How will "he" be able to use a bathroom without a gold plated toilet?  :-)

He is appointing his staff and advisors now, not with progressive and open-minded people, but with old school buddies that he owes a favor to.  His choices are the likes of Newt Gingrich, Rudy Guliani, Chris Christie, etc.  Lovely.

His gang vows to close down Planned Parenthood - do you realize that this is where those with limited means go to get birth control, family planning, much needed women's health care?  Men also can get care there, too.  

And lets just talk about his history with women.  His first wife claimed he raped her while married to him.  He bragged about walking into the dressing room at one of his beauty contests he owns, boasting about seeing the young women with no clothes on.  He crowed about being able to do whatever he wanted to woman, "grabbing their pussy" because he's "famous".  A string of women have come forward to tell their stories of his abusing them.  There is an actual legal case against him for raping a 13 year old girl at a party of his good friend Jeffrey Epstein who was convicted and served time for soliciting an underage girl for prostitution.

So, I'm saying here in plain English.  It shocks me that any woman would vote for this man.  I'm saying that when you did you gave permission to every racist to taunt and beat up immigrants and gay people.  You gave permission to every man or gang of boys to grab women to grope and assault them.  

Where do we go from here?  I'm not even sure.  But I refuse to accept this "man" as my president.  I am on strike for 4 years.  If he's elected for a second term.. I may die before hope is restored to this country and I will die with a broken heart.

If you don't know what to do - here is what we can do - wear a safety pin on your shirt - it's a sign that if someone is in trouble, you will try to help.  You can smile and say hello to minorities.  Let them know that the GOOD people of this country will not hurt them and devalue them.  Donate to Planned Parenthood.  Volunteer to help with those less fortunate.  Write your elected representatives in government and make sure the country remains a place where all people of all colors exist together without fear.

So there it is.. I truly am sorry if I upset you with any of this.. but if good people don't make a stand and say what they're concerned about, we might all be lost.  


  1. From the Netherlands we've been following this election and are shocked as well! I'm afraid for our own election because we have a sort of Trumpfigure also. Very well written post, I hope the people who want the best voor everyone stay connected and strong!

    1. Please try your best to talk to people about NOT voting for anyone who is remotely like Trump. I hope your people do the right thing. Thank you for your input. (hugs)

  2. thanks for your thoughts, Teresa. I couldn't have said it better. I am still trying to come to grips with this frightening reality that faces everyone. The feeling must be like the Brexit vote;(

    1. I think the Brexit vote is very similar to this one. Those who pushed through Brexit and this election voted in fear. May we all rise above that.

    2. Ah Teresa,, so well said. You've put in words what I couldn't pull together. Thank you.

  3. Teresa, don't worry if this upsets anyone. Your true friends already understand and will support you. This experience has been a revelation of what and who is meaningful to each of us. Values of compassion, knowledge-seeking, hope, and integrity are intrinsic to you and you are~who we are~so, the loss and grief we encounter is very real. I, for one, will be marching on January 21st. Rolling up my sleeves for the work ahead. Love and hugs, Kathy <3

    1. I wish I could march with you but I can't stand or walk for long due to arthritic knees. But I'll be with you in spirit. Hugs, T

  4. As I was with her, I am with you. We rise.

  5. Well said Teresa. I am shocked and horrified as well. I was devastated about the Brexit vote as you know, and this is more of the same. There have been horrible incidents here since the referendum too. It seems to have validated racism somehow. I am so sorry for your distress and upset. A tiny crumb of comfort; in four years things are likely to change. Over here, in four years we will only just be starting down the road of our mistake. Sending you a hug Teresa. We need to believe that decency will prevail in the end. CJ xx

    1. This pretty much sums up my own thoughts at the moment, very clearly written. Rue

  6. Hello Teresa. You have written this so well. As you know I am in UK but Graham and I were so dismayed by the result, I cannot believe that people voted for him, especially women. I had been 'talking' via FB to an American lady who said she had voted for him and I could not get my head around her reasoning. She is also a very committed Christian - how as a Christian can you support such a man and what he stands for. I was deeply saddened by her view. Hugs dear friend. Anne x

    1. Anne, I'm glad you are with me on this. Thanks for the note.

  7. Replies
    1. I'm not sure what you mean by this comment, care to elaborate?

    2. I meant that people wanted to believe in his corny slogan without really investigating what a hollow shallow man he is. There were many factors that caused this calamity, at least 47% of people did not vote, some people saw the poll numbers and did not vote and some men simply do not want a woman in charge.

  8. Replies
    1. Thank you Star. Any chance you can turn Florida a bit blue-er? :-)

  9. Teresa, It is all so alarming. I feel the PResidency is such an honorable role. I dont know how this man will fill the role with honor...

    1. It should be an honorable role. But this clown that was elected has begun by choosing his first cabinet member Steve Bannon, a well-known white supremacist. Can you imagine what that says to every person of color in America? And he's picked a guy to take care of our environment who doesn't believe in global warming and things that poison sprays in agriculture doesn't harm people. And it goes on.

  10. Well Teresa I am sending you hugs and you sure have written a great post and letting you know there are many many here who feel sick down under xoxoxo

    1. Wendy, thanks for your concern from afar. We'll need you good thoughts.

  11. Teresa, I'm 100% behind everything you've said here. I, too was shocked and saddened by this election.

  12. Well said! As someone who doesn't like to stir the pot, I've changed my tune this last week and have been speaking my heart and applauding those who have. Your blog is one I've read for quite a while but I'm not much a of commenter... well, change is happening and I am speaking out to say thank you and well said!

    As much as I've seen horrid comments on my Facebook page, I've also seen such a coming together of like-minded people who are equally saddened and in shock by last week's vote. That gives me hope.

    1. Thanks for your support.. and you're right.. this election has divided people and I am very saddened by that.

  13. Thank you for sharing your feelings and concerns, Teresa. I am grateful to live in the United States of America where we can freely communicate, where we can peacefully protest, and where we can work together to right wrongs and celebrate progress toward peace. Our latest election clearly shows our nation divided, even though by our rule of law a winner has been declared. If the winner has broken the law he needs to be prosecuted and found guilty and punished accordingly. If our election process is unfair we need to work to change the laws to make it fair. There are parts of our American history for which I feel great regret and others in the world have rightly not respected us. Our treatment of Native Americans, and the promotion of slavery, are primary in my mind, and now the blatant expression of hatred during and after the election, but I am grateful to those like you who continue to stand and work for liberty and justice for all within the laws meant to unite us in the cause of peace. It is painful to see how our differing votes in our nation divide us, but I am asking the Lord to show me/us the way to practically live in the kind of love of country that Dayle demonstrated when he fought in the protested Vietnam War. He and your family gave yourselves for the good of our country even when there was much debate about what was right for our country and I truly appreciate your service then and now. Love with hugs, Gracie

    1. Yes, our nation is divided and I hope we can heal the division. Unfortunately when Trump was elected I feel those that voted for him have unleashed a monster who has brought shame upon our country and plans to undo all the good that we have built up over many years of work to unify us and make things better. His plans seem to be to take us back 100 years. I see little hope for our future for at least 4 years. :-(

  14. Thank you Theresa, you words are carefully thought and beautifully spoken. How nice to hear others who share my own feelings and sentiments. I am one of the disabled he mocked so know the pain and insult personally. There is no understanding delusion and ignorance and that's who he played to. No, he will never be my President and I will never utter his name for the hate it brings with it. I will wear my safety pin and ignore his supports that are still hurling hate and telling people to leave this country just because we have high standards than them. I thank you so much for this post...thank you Beverly and thank Dayle too for his wonderful post at Mereknits...a fine man.

    1. My husband is a Purple Heart veteran, shot while flying a helicopter in Viet Nam. When the (I hate saying this) "president elect" mocked a disabled person he mocked all of them in our country. And yet people voted for him. ::sigh:;

  15. Sending you a big hug from down under...I'm so sad that you and lots of my American friends are so divided and hurting so much....XXXXXXXX

    1. I appreciate your hug. I and many others who hoped for a better future need it.

  16. Teresa, you are my hero. You and your wonderful husband who fought for our freedom. You are a proud DAR member, and you do so much for your community. I applaud you for standing up and speaking out about the mess this country has created. A mess that was fueled by fear and anger, and all of those people who some how kept themselves in check have been set loose by a mad man. He is appointing a racist of the highest order to be his highest adviser. What have we become? And how did the biggest con man in the world con so many? Unfortunately this will not be over in four years even if we vote him out, his supreme court appointees will set the laws for ultra right wing values that will shape our nation for years to come. He will not be my president, ever. Thank you for speaking your thoughts, if people leave you don't want their energy here anyway. You are the best,

    1. Meredith, you are MY hero. You spoke up right after the election.. I was so devastate I crawled into a hole of depression and it took me a week to crawl out and say how I felt. My sister is disappointed that so few of the blogs she reads said NOTHING about the election. I'm thinking because they voted for "him" or they sell something and couldn't offend potential customers. But you and I are stuck out head above the parapet. :-)

  17. As President Obama stated today, 43% of those eligible to vote didn't. It makes all the difference to get out and vote. President elect Trump will be sworn into office January 20th, 2017 and serve as the President of the United States for the next four years.
    What he does and what the American people do will make all the difference. As someone once said, "To pull together is to avoid being pulled apart."
    Obama also said, "I hope everyone will give him a fair chance and all the help he needs because this job is not easy one."

    1. Lacy... I gather that he's your guy. Well.. the first thing he did was hire on Steve Bannon, a well known white supremacist. I won't pull together with a man who puts a hateful man like that at his helm. Sorry.

  18. I think it's great that you speak your mind. I've been "on strike" for the past 8 years. But it's so much more than what our media made us believe. The stock market has hit all time highs since the election because people want to bring this country back to being productive which means good jobs for our people who can then support their families. Our country will survive. My best to you, Pat

    1. I am amazed that people would put the almighty dollar above our nation being a kinder gentler place. Anyone who feels that election "him" is good because they might make a few more bucks.. well.. tell that to the minorities that now feel it's open season on them because the leader (ugh) of our country has done it and brags about it and so it's okay to bully and hurt those of color. Our country might survive but I truly feel it's been hurt beyond measure by this monster being given the keys to our white house and our country.

  19. So very well said. I am heartbroken over the outcome of the election but trying to make sense of it. So far, I'm still struggling.

    1. I don't think we'll be able to make sense of it.. he's appointing to his cabinet the worst dregs of society.

  20. Thank you for speaking out, Teresa. If we sit back and just let him proceed with his (or should I say his handlers?) policies we are in big trouble as a nation. We are in the dark as far as how our financial markets and national security, not to mention medicare and social security, will fare until he takes office. There is strength in numbers. We need to be loud and clear. I've donated to PP and Sierra Club, so far. is a place where progressives can find common ground and take action.
    Don't worry about what other people think. Someone I've known for 25 years "unfriended" me and my daughter on Facebook because we spoke out on our pages. I've always kept it civil and will continue to do so but I'm tired of being "nice".
    Hang in there! A lot of us share your feelings and concerns. (((hugs to you))

    1. I guess it's pretty obvious that I've given up on being nice, too. :-) Today Paul Ryan's dream of gutting Medicare might soon become a reality. Oh great.. we're retired and depend on it.. grrrrrr.

  21. I'm very sorry to say that I despair for your country in the next four years. I have brother and sister-in-law who both come from the U.S., I haven't dared speak to them about the election result. I now see the U.S. as being greatly divided and that's a sad thing. In relation to people of colour and of a different ethnicity to "white" America and the President elect's terrible comments, should he not look in his own back yard? Is he not a third generation American from a German grandfather immigrant whose surname was Grumpf? It's not as if he is from founding fathers stock is it!!! Sad, so very sad.

    1. "He" has been raised as a coddled rich boy who has never had to interview for a job. And he's now the president elect. How can he be so anti-immigrant when he married 3 of them.. so far.

  22. Hi Teresa! Please don't apologize for your opinion which is SO true and so rightful! We were watching this whole election process for the past few months, and were shocked and disappointed at how it turned out - the choice is clearly not America's!
    I don't know who were those who chose SUCH person for a president... I bet that the previous presidents of the USA are all ashamed to have such follower. But I want to believe that there are more sensible people and kind people who won't let anything bad to happen. Take care Teresa!

    1. Thank you for your concern and good wishes.. we shall need them.

  23. Well thought through and written, Teresa. I agree with you wholeheartedly.

  24. I have been wearing a pin and support equality, we are experiencing so many problems here in the UK too. Stay strong.

    1. I am strong, my friend.. but I feel powerless to help my poor bleeding country. :-(

  25. I guess my thoughts are, as in life generally, to hold on, keep being a good and kind person and to hope that things will not be as bad as you fear they might and to know that all things go round and come round and they will someday come round again. So hold on in there and keep being the kind and loving person you are and hold on to hope. xx

    1. I will hang on and hope for the best.. but even after being elected he is appointing the absolute worst washed out haters to his cabinet. It's hard to think this will go well.

  26. Best hugs from France, I hope this man will not keep all his promises as many politicians and that he forgot the worst. We have the same fear in France for the next election. I hope that our world find soon the way back to love each others and the open-mindedness which only can do a best world.

    1. I must tell you how much it means to me that you would send your good wishes all the way from France! I hope your lovely country will not elect a monster like has been done here.

  27. Dear Teresa, how well you have expressed your feelings and worries in this post. Like many others I am so saddened and concerned that your great nation is so divided at the moment. Thinking of you and sending love and a big hug from across the pond.
    Helen xox

    1. Thank you, Helen. I appreciate your concern for us. Your hug is comforting.. and I need all I can get! :-)

  28. You are a good woman Teresa.
    Love from Kathleen, in Yorkshire England.

    1. Thank you, Kathleen. I send my regards to your wonderful country.

  29. Dear Teresa, I feel so sad for you and don't really know what to say. Sending love, xoxox

    1. Dorothy, you are so kind.. thank you for the love you're sending.

  30. Deplorable donny will NEVER be my president.

  31. Agreed....very sad about the outcome....but I have to believe in the future of our nation and have hope that those who have the same beliefs that I do will forge ahead and help shake this nation.

    1. Hi Mary, I will try to believe in the future too.. but it's oh so hard with what I'm seeing happening. We've had several people assaulted here.. one woman was hit by a thrown brick, she is a black woman, then the two white boys told her they could rape and kill her now because Donald Trump is president. A woman today was wearing a safety pin and two white boys spray painted a swastika on her garage door! ::upset::

  32. I agree with you 100%! I cried for my country last week. Now I'm planning what to do and how to live for what is right. In his sermon on Sunday our priest spoke about how we dehumanize people when we label them into categories such as liberal, conservative, Christian, Muslim, gay, straight, etc. and by dehumanizing others, we are at risk for slipping into horrors such as the holocaust. So, we need to make an effort to support the rights of every person and speak up if we see them violated. Thank you for your very thoughtful post.

    1. You are so right to worry about a holocaust.. many have said "his" behavior mimics what happened in Nazi Germany. Now.. that's frightening.

  33. Thank you, Teresa, for writing this. You're absolutely right and you know I am in complete agreement with you on every point. That this man was elected is shameful and will go down as a blot on our history, a blot that will carry forward for years.

    And now he has appointed an avowed white supremacist who is also Anti-Semitic to a position in the White House.

    At least two people I know have been the victim of hate crimes/hate speech in the past week. And it will only get worse.


    1. We're in agreement on this, Claudia. We've had several hate crimes here, too. Haters have been given the thumbs up for bad behavior by this country electing a man who admits to assaulting women and his other long list of bad behaviors.

  34. Well said. My daughters and I were in total despair after the election. I feel out country has taken so many steps backward. Both of my daughters are efucators in elementary schools. Both dealt with children who were afraid they would besent away or children bullying other children because they were different It's so very sad. I feel all I can do for my country now is pray.

    1. Your daughters are seeing the negative results of this election in their own classrooms, this is so sad and thank you for telling your story.

  35. Good words Teresa. We too, are very dismayed & saddened by this election. Hopefully, he won't last in office. That's about all we can hope for at this point. He's a hateful human being & has surrounded himself with the same kind.

    1. I keep hoping we'll wake up from a bad dream.. or something will save us before he takes office..

  36. Well said Teresa, I am sorry that your country is so divided and a great many of your fellow citizens are in despair. I can only reiterate what others have said and encourage you and others to continue to treat everyone as you would wish to be treated wherever they are from and whatever their beliefs , Fiona x

    1. Thank you Fiona, I am making a concerted effort to go the extra mile and be kind and nice to people I may have not have noticed before.

  37. All I took away from this election is that it's okay for men to lie and change their stance the next day but a woman cannot. I accept that all politicians lie. My husband who watches five hours of news a day bought into the "trump is a good businessman" crap that the media (owned by?) trotted out. Nevermind that trump's businesses have floundered and gone bankrupt, nor that his 'charitable' activities were only benefiting his family. The two women I know who said they voted for trumps said 1. they were disappointed in Hillary staying in the marriage, and 2. she doesn't support right-to-life. I have never figured out what abortion rights have to do with governing one of the world's biggest countries. Hillary, at least, has experience with international relations.
    I thought Hillary (not my first pick) handled trumps aggressive behavior with poise and dignity. She could obviously handle herself with other world leaders.
    I also think this election is symptomatic with trending behavior. People do not interact with others in person. They can't name their neighbors. They run around with so much busy work, they don't make time to join community groups or go out with actual friends. It's become, "All about me" selfishness.
    What can we do about this violence and unsociable behavior? Get out there and volunteer. Look around you and see WHO in your community needs a helping hand. Have you given a compliment today? Help spread goodness and dignity. Are you donating to social causes that support building people up? Think positively. Work for the greater good.

    1. Kathy, I believe you're right that the man in this election got away with murder and HC was castigated for some emails which it turns out contained nothing of importance. It isn't fair but American's overlooked the old rich white guy's heinous behavior and voted for him. I like your ideas of how to combat the hate.

  38. Thinking of you here in the UK Teresa. We are in a similar situation here but thankfully we didn't vote Farage as Prime Minister. Nevertheless it's not good. I still believe there are more good people than bad in the world and it seems now is the time for good people to speak out just as you have done Teresa.

    1. Thank you Val.. if we've learned anything from this is that the good people of the world need to speak up.

  39. I'm so sorry. As a Canadian neighbor, I can tell you that everyone I've talked to are afraid as well. God's blessing be with you all.

    1. Sandy.. I actually envy Canada for having such a great leader as you have now. You're very lucky.

  40. Well, I didn't vote for the man either, and was as shocked as anyone to see him win. I have no idea what's ahead, but all the "Ain't in Awful" rhetoric is starting to drag me down. There's work to be done and everyone who believes in democratic ideals needs to be involved in some way. When I think about the hundreds of thousands of registered voters that didn't bother to show up and cast a ballot it makes me furious.

    1. I actually worked for 9 months ahead of the election trying to talk to people about why it was important to vote for HC. And guess what? It didn't work.. and now we're faced with our country going 100 years backwards. I'm deflated.

  41. You GAINED me as a follower with this post! I have been SICK...LITERALLY, depressed, tearful..and just NUMB since Tues. night. I went to work, and was SHOCKED to find SEVERAL of my coworkers voted for him. They did not boast or brag about him during the campaign, but they sure did now that he won! I am a NICU nurse..ALL of the nurses I worked with last weekend voted for him...I feel alienated, and alone. He is a monster, and I have never been more ashamed of our country for making this PIG our president. He is #notmypresident. I stand with you ...and people like you. I am heartbroken. Thank you for this post!

    1. Thank you Michaelanne, I'm glad to hear from you. I'm sorry you have to work with those people. I've had some backlash from this post.. and it's not lost on me who is boycotting leaving comments as in the past. I'm glad you're here.

  42. I'm a new follower, too, because of this post. I feel the same as you do, and it was very heartening to come here and see others that feel the same.

    1. I'm glad to meet you and welcome you here. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  43. I do not understand the panic and despair until I remember how we felt when Barack Obama was elected. STILL, we did not have meltdowns and destroy property or injure people. We lived with him for 8 long years as our taxes (as retirees) went up so we could pay for his excessive spending. I love ALL people, as most of us do, including Trump if you would crawl out of the Democratic bubble and stop tossing out labels on those of us who respect and love our country and its constitution. I, also, offer love and friendship to ALL people, but instead of wearing a diaper pin,, I wear a smile of friendship.

    I hope we can all learn to live in peace and love. For, God IS love.

    Thank you for letting me speak.

    1. Mary - I'm at a loss for words that you would compare the election of such a fine gentleman as Barack Obama to the election of your candidate who has the longest list of sins of any president ever. And those who are demonstrating peacefully - don't mix them up with rioters who are doing it for the fun of it.. two different groups of people.

  44. P. S. My vote was against a woman who is a criminal. I would have preferred to have a cleaner candidate on both sides, as I am an Independent voter.

    1. I disagree that HC was a criminal.. I think she's a wonderful woman who spent her entire career helping families, women and children.. a poised and strong diplomat who would have led our country with grace and dignity.

  45. Excellent post!! I am feeling the same way as you. This is the worst thing possible for this country and all those who voted for him should be ashamed of themselves! Including this missinformed commentor above! It is she who voted for the criminal and lord knows what bubble she was hanging out in while he was spreading all that HATE during his horrible campaign! You can't claim to love all people while voting for someone who is so hateful!

    1. I agree with you that those who voted for him saw the same thing as the rest of us who were appalled at his behavior, a long list of horrific things he did and said. But I guess party affiliation is more important than the safety of our people and the future of our country.

  46. It's as if Pandora's box has been reopened and hatefulness has been validated. A very sad day indeed. We have been transported back to the sixties.

    1. Judy.. you are right.. a sad day and a sad year and probably a sad 4 years.

  47. Readers - this is a post sent to me via email by a reader who can't post their comment, so she is allowing me to post this for her. Teresa
    I just wanted to say thank you for your latest blog post. I am a reader of your blog but am unable to comment as I don't have an online ID.

    I wanted you to know that I am fully in agreement with what you said in your most recent post. I am also in awe and very respectful of what you wrote and how you said it. It took bravery to own your opinions and put your head over the parapet. This is not something that many bloggers have been willing to do and is something that has frustrated me. So yes, I respect and applaud you for that. What you have said will make a difference, I am sure of that. You did not flinch and you spelt it out loud and clear. In a world that speaks in code and seeks to obfuscate, your clarity stands out.

    I hope you do not get any nasty backlash, but always remember that you have good on your side. It is not simply a matter of different politics this time, as it is much more serious than that due to the nature of the beast - Trump. You did right, you did a good thing. Please hold on to that. All we can do is work hard to be the change we want to see.

    I live in the UK but I am a citizen of the world and this really does effect us all.

    Take care Teresa, thanks again for your post which I found inspiring.

    Very kindest regards, my thanks and appreciation

    Siobhan, a reader and crafter and admirer of your words.

  48. Readers - this is a post sent to me via email by a reader who can't post their comment, so she is allowing me to post this for her. Teresa
    Hi Teresa , I have just read your latest blog post . I just feel so sorry for the people of America . I kind of guessed you might have been upset when you hadn't blogged since the result. I was watching the results and could see your area was for Hilary.
    D Trump built a golf course around 30miles from where we stay and he really upset the local people next to it .
    Just thought I would see you love and hugs all the way from Aberdeenshire in Scotland .Love and lots of hugs
    Your blog is so good ..... xx

  49. Readers - this is a post sent to me via email by a reader who can't post their comment, so she is allowing me to post this for her. Teresa
    I have enjoyed your blog for so many years. Though born and raised in Portland, I lived in Pasadena for half my life until recently when my husband passed unexpectedly. I closed up life there and moved back to care for my 92 yr old mother full time. Still following your adventures and enjoying them.

    I rarely write to anyone but I had to say how much I appreciated your take on the election. It was a horrifying shock and I agreed with you point by point. Rather than losing readers, I would think you would gain numbers seeking voices of truth and wisdom.

    Thank you for the hours of pleasure you have given,
    Sita Wallace

  50. Disturbing times indeed.

  51. You are a good woman Teresa. Love from Kathleen in North Yorkshire, England.

    1. Thank you, Kathleen.. as are you. Thank you for your good wishes.

  52. Teresa, here is an article that you might want to read. My daughter posted it on Facebook today, and it contains some good points. There are many reasons as to why people voted for Trump, and this does touch on some of those points. In all honesty, I didn't care 100% for either of the candidates. I, personally, do not let politics come between me and my friends and family.

    1. Rita, thanks for giving me this article to read. It does explain why desperate poor people voted for who they thought would bring change. But it does not explain why well-do-do people with educations and a television on which to see what "he" did everyday, racism, hate, degrading women that weren't a 10, his string of woman abuse, etc, etc, etc - would vote for him. For those it was more party loyalty and a disagreement that women should not have choice over their own bodies. So they elected someone that would put a panel of angry old men to decide what we do with our own bodies.

  53. Well said! I am dreading and even fearing the next four years.

    1. I belong to a private group on Facebook where people can report how they are getting attacked and verbally abused by racists that were emboldened by this election. There are almost 3 million in there and their stories make me cry each day. I feel so hopeless.

    2. So do I although my group may not be the same one. I was verbally abused in the home of somebody with different views to me and changed my name on Facebook for protection but somebody must have reported me and Facebook closed my account ,made me scan my passport and made me use my correct name.I even wrote to Zuckerberg complaining that he condoned abuse to no avail. I have since joined a private group about people who need to change their name for protection against abuse.

  54. Teresa,
    I love your blog and rarely post, but I feel the same way that you do. I've always been progressive, and in years past, we could agree to disagree. What happened to us that now we can't exist. Several moderates of both parties in our state legislature are hanging up their hats because they stated it is impossible to cross the aisle and work.
    I'm stepping up on my volunteering and donations to causes I know will be shut out.
    Onwards and upward! We've got a lot of work to do. I am trying to reach out to others, including supporters of Trump.

    1. Megs.. you inspire me. I've donated $$$ to Planned Parenthood and wear a safety pin so that people know if they need help to ask me for it. We need to stick together.

  55. Sending love from the UK dear Teresa I can feel you pain and despair. I'm so sorry to read this..all I can do is send a hug. Take care xxx

    1. Jane.. your hug means more to you than you know.

  56. I live in Scotland and while I was over in Florida people said to me; 'we will come over and live with you' I said, 'don't bother, it is just as bad here, we are a divided country too since our referendum about breaking away from the UK. Now we have Brexit on top of that. Scary times.

    1. Denise.. I hope things improve there.. the world has gone crazy, hasn't it?

  57. Readers - this is a post sent to me via email by a reader who can't post their comment, so she is allowing me to post this for her. Teresa
    Dear Teresa

    I am a long-time reader of your blog (since you joined We Love Lucy on Ravelry) but rarely comment because of my deficient computer skills which invariably cause me to lose the comment after typing it, so I hope you don’t mind me contacting you by email.

    I simply want to say that I completely agree with everything you said about the election. I am utterly shocked at the outcome which now gives us a president who is clearly out of his depth and bringing extremely serious and dangerous character flaws to the most important office in the country, if not the world. To think that we could instead have elected someone who was so well-prepared and experienced and devoted to public office as Hillary Clinton, who would have continued the work of President Obama, just breaks my heart. As I see the names of potential cabinet members and office holders for the new administration my horror simply grows and it is hard to be hopeful about the direction that we will take over the next four years.

    I am grateful that you spoke out Teresa. I also read Dayle’s comment recently on Meredith’s blog and felt so much better that good people like yourselves are sharing your opinions. Keep up the good work!

    One of my goals is to come and visit Multnomah Falls of which you have written so eloquently, and I very much hope to have the chance to meet you there one day!


    Christine Creswell

  58. I'm with you Teresa! Well said and true. Thank you.

  59. Just read this bog post, you will be glad that episode of American history is over. It was a very bad time.


I absolutely love comments and thank you so much for taking time to leave me a note. :-)