4th of July is in 5 days so I put my stars and stripes tablecloth on the table yesterday and put my cute little figurines out. I think they're so sweet, she even has a hat made out of a miniature newspaper with real crepe paper poufs on top.
I found an interesting recipe for Hawaiian Banana bread that has a little can of crushed pineapple, coconut, pecans and ginger in it. Chef Dayle made it for us last afternoon. It turned out delish!
We were running low on honey so Dayle walked across the road to buy a quart of local honey from Ginger Bates at her lavender stand.
The hives are next to her fields of lavender but the honey is also from wildflowers in a 2 mile radius around us. How cool is that? I can't wait to try it.
He took a dozen eggs for her and she gave us a 4 ounce bottle of this blend of essential oils and suggested we rub some into our neck before we go to bed as it aids in sleep. Cool!
As you can see above, I got the center done on my 4th of July pin cushion cross stitch project. Thus I began working on the checkerboard design across the top. The finish was in sight. I was happy.
Mocha, fresh from the groomer, asleep on my lap, keeping me company as I stitched away.
And then.. EGADS!! SHOCK!! HORRORS!! I obviously mis-counted. The squares were supposed to go to the end of the blue stripe and I came up one short. WAHHHHH!!! Now what? I'm so bummed out, dispirited, depressed and unhappy.
I started in the middle with the house, and apparently I should have started with the checkerboard top. I thought I counted everything right. Sigh. What would you do to fix this? Or do I start over?
The Dahlia is still opening up.. so pretty.
A closer shot.
I had to show you this. Every time I leave my easy chair and come back, this is what I find. Mocha has taken over my spot and expects a belly rub. But even if I do give her a rub, she still won't get down. I have a wooden spoon in my magazine rack that I have used to scoot her off the chair. Now when she won't get down I reach for the spoon.. sometimes she leaves and sometimes she doesn't. Then I take the handle of the spoon and rattle it. Then she'll reluctantly get down. Sheesh. If you have a pet.. do they have a bad habit?
And so.. I am thankful every single day for our cozy home, some land around us, the garden, being able to order our groceries for contact-less pick-up, my dear husband, my cuddly dog, my kids and grandkids and my friends. And I am thankful for this blog and the friends from around the world I've met here. So, thank YOU for the comments that keep me going and your friendship. 💙💚💛🧡💝💜 ((hugs)), Teresa :-)
Oh, I wouldn't start over on that cross stitch, just add another "X" worth of stitches and it should look fine. Only you will know:) Yes, I had a little dog who adopted my chair and I had to buy myself a new chair even though the older chair is much more comfortable. My dog won't give it up. ha!
ReplyDeleteI agree with Sue's comment regarding your cross stitch project. I've always liked to add my own touch to craft kits to give it my own personal flair. This is your chance to give it your special 4th of July creative touch. Enjoy a peaceful Fourth of July!
ReplyDeleteI would bite the bullet and start the red squares again. You’ll feel more proud of it if you know it’s right I think. I love reading your blog from the uk xx
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry I seldom comment but I always enjoy reading your blog and seeing your pictures. Hood River is one of the most beautiful places in the world so it's fun to hear what life there is like. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteLove that you can just walk across the way and get some lavender honey. How nice! I do love lavender oil when I go to sleep. Some on my temples or behind my ears, or even a few drops on my pillow is great. I think you will love it!!
ReplyDeleteI'd continue on with the cross stitch as charted, then I'd add a strip of pretty matching fabric around the edge (like in quilting) to flesh it out before making it into a pin cushion.
ReplyDeleteLavender is a great sleep aid. I use essential lavender oil in my bedroom diffuser. Helps a lot.
Little Miss Mocha does the same as our Hamish. He loves to lay where we have sat. After all it is the best seat in the house! Right!?!
I'm sorry to see your cross stitch issue, Teresa. If it were mine, I'm afraid I'd take it out and begin the checkerboard over. I used to do cross stitching all the time, but my eyes no longer allow me to enjoy it. Your dahlia is so pretty! Having a lavender farm nearby sounds wonderful! I'm sure the bees love visiting your flowers to make that wonderful honey.
ReplyDeleteJust improvise your own border. No one will ever know. It looks great! Wish I could smell that lavender. Be well.
ReplyDeleteOh Mocha. You look so comfy there. But your momma is right to rule the roost. Our beleoved dog trainer told us dogs are ALWAYS looking to change the heirarchy . As beloved as Huck was, we had to keep him in line. He would creep across the kitchen floor during dinner and he KNEW that was not allowed!! :) None of the cats are allowed onthe kitchen counters. MR. Fezzik was found ready to pounce through the screen at a chipmunk while he stalked from the forbiidden counter. I love your dahlias. I love your little patriots.. Love that Dale brings you goodies all the time!
ReplyDeleteYour stitching is beautiful thus far, even if the border count is not what you want. I am cheering you on as you decide what you will do next. There are some new buds on my Mother's Day Clematis and I hope they will turn into pretty purple flowers. I picked and ate my first Sugar Snap pea and I am excited to see more pods forming! I'm so glad you are enjoying your Dahlia blossoms, your lovely home, family, friends and good neighbors, and dear Mocha, even if she is reluctant to move from your chair.😊💞
ReplyDeleteThe cross stitch is lovely, I guess it depends how much it will annoy you if it isn't exactly how you wanted it. I doubt anyone else will even notice. Beautiful flowers, especially the rose. Bertie likes to jump in my spot when I get up, but he will usually move when I come back. They always look so comfortable though! Mocha looks utterly adorable asleep on your lap while you sew. I am thankful for your blog Teresa, it is always a treat to come here for a while and have a chat. CJ xx
ReplyDeleteI did that same thing with my Halloween kitty stitching project.
ReplyDeleteI have a terrible cat allergy and five indoor kitties that spend all their time trying to figure out how to get in the one chair I claim for myself. Most days they win and I have to scrub it down before I can sit in it which is more work and defeats the purpose of relaxing in front of the tv. Araignee
Only you can decide what the outcome will be for your beautiful stitching project. I too am cheering you on. The Hawaiian banana bread looks delicious I am tempted to give it a try. You are certainly bless with your home/land and family I too feel so thankful in these difficult times.
ReplyDeleteI think you should continue the checkerboard all the way around the blue border, so it frames it all in. More work but it will look wonderful. So many thoughtful gifts for those wonderful eggs of yours. Stay safe Teresa.
ReplyDeleteI wonder if it would be noticable to add one more line of blue down so that it at least lined up a little better? I know that feeling of dread though when you 1st notice a miss count and it is no fun :(
ReplyDeletethe banana bread sounds delish~~yum~~~y!!! nice dahlia! I took a few closed rosebuds off bush I cut back a bit on Sunday as we are getting our house painted this week. I brought them in and put in a vase so they will be nice indoors. I've had to rethink what I am doing these days. Was weary once off work. So sat in parking lot of Panera and ordered a to go order. Brought to my car, ate it at home. What are you doing this weekend? I need to pull out some 4th of July things as well!
ReplyDeleteLavender honey tastes really nice. For me, lavender always triggers memories of my dad, he enjoyed the scent and loved visiting the South of France, where there is a whiff of lavender wherever you go. I'd probably start over with the cross stitch because I like things to be "just so" and I don't have a flexible mind that allows me to forget a mistake. I'd love to be able to be more flexible! Whatever you choose to do, it will feel right in the end x
ReplyDeleteThis is why I grid even on small projects. I have been in this situations before. Annoying isn’t the half of it. Is it going to glare at you the whole time. It would me. Put it aside for awhile. Rethink and then make a not so angry decision. Really cute pattern.
ReplyDeleteHola Teresa, siempre corro a buscar tus publicaciones....... me encanta tu finca, tus flores y hortalizas, saludos a tu esposo e hijos y nietos. aqui seguire en tus publicaciones....
ReplyDeleteLove your cross stitch and its special feature 💖💖