Monday, November 21, 2016

Life's Ups and Downs

Greetings.  My friend Gracie came over for a visit on Friday and we had a long talk.  She brought some flowers for Kristi to cheer her up after a long surgery and a tough recovery - and for me too.  I'm so enjoying the sunflower's happy face.  Kristi is having a very painful recovery.  Poor thing.  

Her mother, sister and BIL came over on Saturday for a visit.. her mom brought this pot of gorgeous orchids for her.

I am enjoying the lime green and purple of these flowers.

Dayle has put his back out and this morning took some meds and got dizzy and fell on his way to our bedroom.  I helped him up but he almost collapsed again trying to get into bed.  Goodness sakes.  

I used to wear a two-strand bracelet of turquoise rondelles and it broke, I tried to restring it but seem to have lost some of the rondelles and could not make a double strand again.. so.. I found some Sleeping Beauty Mine beads from Arizona on eBay and now they are here.  Time to restring my double strand again.

I am part Native American.. I wonder if that is why I love beads so much.  

I am still worried about the future of our country, it feels like all the social progress that has been made up until 2 weeks ago is being eroded.  It feels to me like our country has lost 100 years of progress.  I'm still concerned about the appointments the P-E has chosen.  Many of whom are known as a questionable choice for their position due to past stances on issues.  

It was called to my attention that Steve Bannon was not a white supremacist - in an effort of fairness I spent several hours researching his past.  What I found out was that his wife accused him of abuse, that he refused to allow her to put their children in a certain private school because there were Jewish children there. He took over Breitbart news after the death of it's founder and turned it into a vehicle to help the P-E get elected.  He calls women the "C" word and the website is a vehicle for alt-right.  So, after my research I stand firm that his appointment will not be a fair and balanced choice for our country.  

NOW... sorry for continuing my political statements but this is America and so far I still have the freedom to say what I think.  

I need to go check on my husband.  I'm worried about him.. OH.. and Paul Ryan is trying to abolish Medicare - which is our health care insurance.  Then what will we do?  ::sigh::

OK.. talk soon.. Teresa


  1. Greetings dear Teresa, although our political views may differ, you are an amazing, kind friend. I do hope Kristi's recovery goes well. And, I'm sorry to hear about Dayle's back problems. My husband had shoulder surgery and is still coping with the recovery. Pain meds cause a different set of issues so he's trying to cope without them. I hope they don't touch Medicare as I'm two years ago from getting it!! Hugs to you, Pat

  2. I'm sorry to hear that life is so stormy for you Teresa in all areas of your life at the moment. Wishing Kristi and Doyle speedy recoveries and take care of yourself. Hugs xx

  3. I am glad you are enjoying the sunflower and the beautiful orchids, Teresa, especially since you and yours are going through a rough patch at home! I hope Dayle and Kristi and you heal rapidly and the rest of your household stays well. The beads you strung are so beautiful. Thanks for letting us admire them, too. Thank you, also, for sharing your concerns! I think it is vital that we each do what we can to peacefully promote liberty and justice for all and I am proud of your efforts to do that. xx

  4. Best wishes for both Kristi and Dayle's quick recovery.

  5. Such beautiful flowers and please do say to Kristi healing hugs to her from me we over here....and as for Dayle more hugs and may he be ok xoxoxoxo

  6. Beautiful sunflower and it sounds like you needed something cheerful like that at the moment. So sorry to hear that your family is having health issues. Goodness there's so much going on right now that is stressful. So nice of your freind to bring cheerful flowers and hugs. I heard on the news about them trying to do away with medicare too. We are on medicare as well and are worried about it too. Such scary times. It's hard to comprehend it all. Sigh

  7. I like all flowers. I also love flowers. Flower is a love and a woman expression.

  8. That sunflower is really gorgeous as is your turquoise bracelet! My mom used to love turquoise jewelry and seeing your post reminds me of just how beautiful things made out of it are. No need to apologize for things you post on your page! Everyone's blog is different and a reflection of what matters to that person. Glad your family and close friends have been there for you during this difficult time.

  9. The flowers are lovely and hope all gets better at your house...prayers and blessings and your words are yours and we read them and decide our ways of thinking....hum...not sure I'm liking some of the people Trump has chosen. He's not the best character for the top billing but I'm praying we can all stand together in friendship and be civil to everyone around us. God have mercy on us all! Hugs to you! xx :.} Becky

  10. So sorry to hear that Kristi is still in so much pain and that Dayle is suffering to, sending them both a hug and wishing them a speedy recovery. Love your beads, they are such a beautiful colour. Take care.

  11. Teresa, I'm so sorry that Kristi and Dayle are both in so much pain. My other half has suffered a lot with his back in the past so I know how agonising and debilitating it can be. I do hope they are both on the mend very soon. The PE does seem to be finding some very extreme people to appoint to the top jobs. It doesn't bode well. I have heard other people talking about the Medicare situation; it all sounds very worrying. I really hope that things won't be as bad as anticipated. I can imagine it is a very anxious time for you all though. Sending you a hug, CJ xx

  12. Oh no, send my best wishes from England and I hope he makes a speedy recovery. That's all sounding stressful and worrying for you xx

  13. Bannon is a racist, xenophobic, misogynist, abuser and deplorable donny is just showing his true colors by appointing him. I'm seeing people vowing to register as a Muslim if a "registry" is actually enacted. I'm not sure how that will play out, but there seems to be a lot of support for that. Don't lose hope yet! Millions of us are ready to fight this garbage.

  14. Dear Teresa so sorry to hear Kristi and Dayle are both suffering and hope they will recover very soon. Your flowers from Gracie are so cheerful and she is such a good friend. I hope some other nice things happen for you soon, and it is fine to keep talking about the political things that concern you and worry you. Your beads are gorgeous.....a lovely colour and shape. Sending love your way.....and another big hug too :)
    Helen xox

  15. You're right about Steve Bannon, Teresa.

    Sorry to hear about Dayle and Kristi feeling so under the weather. Sending good thoughts their way - and yours, as well.

  16. So sorry to hear about Kristi and Dayle health at the moment . . . here's wishing them a speedy recovery. In the meantime take care of yourself; sounds like you are the caregiver :)

  17. Teresa, I hoped my comment from yesterday came through...but I dont see it. I wonder if when I comment on my phone, it doesnt go through No matter! Praying for Kristi. Surgery post op is so difficult. Sleep is evasive and I believe it is due to the anesthesia. WE couldnt have surgery without it, but its effects linger for days and even weeks . Hugs to Dayle too. Hugs to you

  18. Hi Teresa, hoping Thanksgiving will be a fun (and tasty) and joyous time for you and yours. Healing thoughts for Kristi and Dayle -- hope they are both improved quickly. Love your beads - so very pretty. Also echo your words of concern over the state of our country. Trying/scary times for sure.

  19. First of all I am sending my good wishes to your lovely family and hope Kristie and Dayle a speedy recovery. Sometimes it just all comes at once doesn't it? Secondly I am really sorry that on top of Trump you are also having to put up with Farage. I can assure you that I personally know of nobody here in the UK who wants Farage to speak on our behalf and once again Trump is making assertions that are frankly untrue. Nothing new there then. Farage is a self-serving opportunist who is disliked by the vast majority of right thinking people in the UK. There's a reason why they get on so well!!

  20. Dear Teresa, Dear Kristy and dear Dayle, my best wishes for recovering and be fine really soon. I hope the best is coming quickly. It's so sad.
    You are all in my heart and in my mind to get better.
    xxx Love
    PS : I'm not a native but (a woman)I adore beads too !!!

  21. It doesn't rain that it pours. I hope your family will have recovery and health back again soon. The flowers are absolutely gorgeous and uplifting to all of us. Thank you for sharing them. We too are worried to death about Medicare and what financial heart-ships may be coming. Everything you said about *him* and his appointments are true. Nothing can sugar coat what is going on. Let us all have a beautiful Thanksgiving and share our love and peace. Blessings to you and your family Teresa...

  22. I loved seeing the photos of your beautiful flowers Teresa. The beads are very pretty too - and your repair job looks perfect. Xox

  23. Hope that your family is on the road to recovery and that you were able to enjoy a nice Thanksgiving together. Sending big hugs from Seattle!


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