Monday, December 11, 2017

High Wind and Power Outages

This morning the power went out at 7:30, our 4th power outage in almost as many days.  Our area is well-known for it's raging East winds that happen in the winter.  It's been howling like a banshee for weeks now.  It sounds like a jet engine going right over your head.  SO.. yesterday for the 3rd morning we had no power.. Dayle and Kristi got the generator going and the power cord to keep the pellet stove going.  But what to do with no TV or computer?  Well.. I suggested the boys draw a picture.. of Santa and his sleigh.  :-)

I kept busy crocheting my son Shawn's hat, blanket on my lap, Buddy cuddle there too.  

The pellet stove saves our lives, but need electricity to run, kinda silly, huh?  

I was so impressed with the boy's drawings!  Hayden is such an artist!

That's the moon up there in the sky.  

Caleb put all the houses below Santa.. I thought that was cute.

Caleb told me how they dropped the gifts from the sleigh and elves would go down and make sure they got down the chimneys and into the homes.  :-)

They always ask me what they should draw, so I suggested Caleb do the Christmas tree.  This is the one he did.  I guess I should be happy as my gift is as tall as the tree!  :-) I asked him if HE was my gift?  :-)

I got some new candles for my candelabra and lit them last evening so I could show them to you.  The ball candles are pine scented which is neat.

Thank goodness for candles during power outages.

I did a thorough dusting and cleaning of my candelabra, lots of nooks and crannies to clean.  But it's shining now!

I walked into the den and saw that Buddy had found the blanket I used on my lap and made a nest in it.  Cute little guy.

I must rush off now to my DAR meeting (Daughters of the American Revolution).  I hope you have a wonderful week ahead!  ((hugs)), Teresa :-) 


  1. Who needs electricity when you can have such pretty candles. Always enjoy looking at children’s drawings. Those of Santa are great. Love the huge parcel. Stay warm. B x

  2. Happy Monday Teresa. I saw on the news that Multnomah falls lodge opened again. I’m sure that makes you very happy. Love the boys drawings and your pretty candles. We haven’t had any wind here. Isn’t that strange? In fact we’ve had an air stagnation warning for the last week and predicted for this entire week to come. I wonder sometimes how we can live so close and have such different weather? I hope you have a lovely week and stay warm.
    Blessings, Betsy

  3. We have our wood stove in times like this. It has save us a few times! Whew! Glad you guys were able to stay warm!

  4. I love your pretty candles- they really do set a mood, don't they? Sorry about the power outage..that wind noise must get annoying pretty quickly. We have a pellet stove, but don't use it much. I hate cleaning it out to tell the truth. Have a blessed week!

  5. Candles are wonderful and sure hope the weather improves there xoxo

  6. Bummer for so many power outages in your area. Glad you have a generator tho. It's been freezing the last few nights. Your grandsons drawing are creative and good story. Phil got our lighted tree up today. My feet are too tired right now to do anything but be off them from working all day. I'll dig out ornaments later. Have a good week!

  7. You continue to teach your family how to enjoy the bumps that life brings. Love their drawings. Hope that box for you is filled with yarn and things you love to collect!

  8. Hi Teresa. I just spent the last half hour reading your blog all the way back to the post where you snapped the pics of the seals on the dock. It has been well over a month since I posted and again I'm doing my catching up. You sure have been busy with Halloween, Thanksgiving and now Christmas. Makes my head spin, I don't do much of nothing since my husband passed. It will be 5 years next month. I still enjoy seeing what others are doing though. During my journey reading through your busy life I ran across your attempts to give up carbs. It is a struggle and I sympathize because this gal isn't what she use to be anymore and it didn't happen overnight, but years of enjoying way too much food, not always eating healthy and not showing much discipline. It's rough and so hard. I lost 90 lbs back in my early 30's and it was hard cooking for a meat and potatoes guy and two small children.....then fixing a completely different meal for me. I'm a lover of carbs too, my complete downfall and my addiction. I love potatoes and I've never run across one I didn't like, so, that brings me to something I wanted to share with you. Last week I was checking out the freezer section at the grocery and ran across Birds Eye Veggie Made Mashed Cauliflower with Roasted Garlic. There was other varieties of the mashed cauliflower. I grabbed a couple and a few days later stuck one in the microwave. OMG! Yummy! The package says it is 50% fewer carbs than mashed potatoes, 3-1/2 cup servings per container and total carbs per serving 6g. You can spray some of the 0 cal butter sprays on it, something like I Can't Believe It Isn't Butter. I think that one has 0 everything in it. But, it would doll up that roasted cauliflower. Try it if you already haven't. I'm sure you will like it. Hang in there. Once you get past the holidays you are over the bumps. Good luck.

  9. I love your grandsons names.they are so cute too,great artists love their very imaginative drawings.Oooooo no,no power brrrrr lets hope it wont be for long.We have those winds in Cornwall too so know what you are talking about.No snow here but the rest of it.I love your house it Hugs you.Buddy is soooo darn cute.Take care now.Huggles xxx ps.You might like my latest post.x

  10. Fun drawings by the boys. And a huge package for you!!! Hope your winds have died down a bit. The howling wind must be tiresome.....stay warm!

  11. Both boys are very talented. I bet your pellet stove makes things very toasty in your beautiful farmhouse. No power outages here because it is sunny and 70 degrees. Still we Floridians find that to be chilly!

  12. The boys have definitely inherited your artistic ability, Teresa, and their artwork is precious. Carolyn enjoyed it, too! I hope your power stays on and that you all are cosy and comfy.xxxxxx


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