Monday, December 17, 2018


Before I explain the title of this blog post, let's look at some happy things.  Saturday, December 15th, I opened this Alicia Paulson Advent calendar surprise.  A pretty washed denim blue colored ball of yarn.  

I must tell you that this advent calendar has brought much joy to me this Christmas.  :-)

Photo bomber Buddy.

On Sunday, this package, it's not hard to tell that it's a skein of yarn, but the surprise is the colors!

Ohhh.. a pretty peachy, buttery color!

This morning a flat parcel.. hmm.. what could this be?

OH.. a stack of wonderful post cards with Alicia's fabulous photos!

And now.. the story of the very baaaaad dog.  Michael went to school at 7:30 this morning and he did not close the safety gate and put Meeka behind it.  Dayle slept in and got up to find a huge mess in the family room and living room.  Meeka had been left to her own devices and had climbed over Dayle's chair and pulled out a bag of dog treats, ripped the bag up and finished them off.. she'd found them before and ate half of them.  She pulled a box of muffins off the kitchen counter and had opened it and ate the last 2 muffins.  AND....... she found my advent calendar box that I had on a chair in the front entry where I'd go each morning to find my gift to open.  Packages #18, #19, #20 and #22 are intact.

Items ripped open that I do know which day it "was" is #25, my Christmas morning "surprise" which I can identify at least as I knew the shape of it - a long full skein of yarn.  She had quite a bit of fun ripping around on it, but I think I can salvage it.  .  A little pretty bright skein of yarn which I don't know which day it was supposed to be.  #21?  Who knows.  


There are tooth marks in this tin.. but I think the bar inside should be somewhat intact.  #22?  #23 and #24 are just plain missing.  I'm going to have to email Alicia and ask her what were in the packages.  ::sigh::  Needless to say some new rules will be in place on restricting Meeka behind the gate with all doors closed when no one is here to supervise her.  ::sigh::

I have to say this really broke my heart.

SO.. this is the progress on my cowl.  I really am having fun with the different colors.  I will enjoy wearing this on cold winter outings, especially when I go swimming and come out with wet hair in the freezing wind.

I'm enjoying the knitting for a change but I think I'm a crocheter at heart.

A better shot of the new wreath over the mantel.

Well.  Have a good week, my friends.  ((hugs)), Teresa :-) 


  1. Oh my .....bad Meeka! (But don't you have to love them anyways .... I know we do even when Giroux gets a wild hair and gets into things.)

    Your shawl colors are so pretty and just blend so nicely. I hope you can salvage your big skein. From here it doesn't look TOO bad.

  2. Oh boy what a mess and sure hope it all ends up ok in the end. Lovely knitting Teresa and did love seeing Buddy photo bombing xoxoxo

  3. Your advent surprises are so lovely, Teresa! I'm so sorry about the "incident." Hopefully you'll forgive them. Have a happy week in spite of it! ♥

  4. I'm so sorry Teresa as I feel your pain. Some of my favorite knitting needles have bite marks from Lilly my cat. I hope the yarn can be salvaged. Sending you hugs 🤗🎄🤗

  5. I’m just now out of my fog and I want to try to make some comments on blogs. I read yours and my heart just dropped. I’m so sorry about your advent calendar because I know how much joy it’s bringing you. Thankfully your big skein of Christmas yarn is safe. I hope you can figure out what the other days contained. If it’s any consolation, your cowl is looking absolutely gorgeous. Sometimes you wonder if having animals is worth it and then when you realize you’re the recipient of all that love, you realize that you can put up with a lot!

    Obviously I survive my colonoscopy today, although it was not fun at all. That week long prep about did me in. I got about two hours sleep total over the last three nights. They used a different anesthesia and had a hard time waking me up, especially after my blood pressure dropped. They kept me for quite a while and then I was groggy most of the day. I’m sure looking forward to my bed tonight. It looks like you guys are getting a lot of rain over there and it’s heading our way. Much better than snow though isn’t it? Blessings always, Betsy

  6. Oh no! Bad, bad dog! What a shame about your advent calendar as I know how much fun it was for you to open it each day. Is Meeka still a puppy? Sounds like she needs some doggy training. She could do some real harm to herself if she's eating things she shouldn't. I'm curious to see how the cowl comes together since that top part looks so skinny.

  7. I am so sorry Teresa! I hope everything can be saved. The yarn colors are delicious! And those postcards are lovely - I have always admired Alicia's way with a camera.

    Your shawl is really coming along - very, very pretty, and your mantle is equally pretty to look at.

  8. Loved seeing your first pics of those nice gifts...and so sorry about what happened to the rest!! Naughty Meeka...dogs can create such havoc can't they? I remember when my Molly was a puppy she used to wreck several big balls of yarn in just a few minutes...and always chewed up the most expensive spools of thread! She's grown out of that now thankfully. I love your pretty cowl, it will keep you nice and cosy. Hope the rest of your week goes really well now dear Teresa. XxX

  9. Oh Teresa! Big hugs to you my friend. Our pets will be naughty sometimes. Your swap person will be sad too. Your cowl is lovely. Now I get the construction. Im so sorry dear Teresa. hope you can salvage all those glorious gifts.

  10. Oh dear, these pups are hard work aren't they. And they NEVER, NEVER miss an opportunity in my experience. So sorry your lovely advent calendar was damaged, I know how much you have been enjoying it. I'm glad it wasn't completely destroyed though. And the cowl is looking lovely. CJ xx

  11. Bad dog indeed! I hope you are able to salvage the gifts and still enjoy what's left of the beautiful advent calendar. It's a bit like a treasure hunt now, trying to work out what things were meant to be opened on which day. Big hugs. xx Susan

  12. Oh dear Teresa, naughty pup. I must admit I am still amazed that you can leave Bear alone, for hours if needed, with everything out and he does not touch a thing! I suppose it's just the nature of some dogs. I can imagine how sad you were but hey ho we live and learn. Your cowl is looking very pretty and the wreath so festive. Hugs xxx

  13. Oh no!!!! What can I say? I never know if I am a knitter or crocheter at heart, when I switch from one to the other I think yes, this is who I am until I try the other and think ah yes, this is me at heart!!! Perhaps I am too fickle!

  14. Sooooooo sorry, Teresa. We briefly had a German Shepherd puppy, BB. Among items he destroyed was a braided wool rug my Nana I can relate to your loss and the challenge of lovingly training puppies. xx

  15. I am so sorry Teresa that your naughty pup chewed up your lovely calendar. Some dogs are hard work. Ours just stole half of Richard's dinner, which was waiting for him to be eaten.... I am sorry to read you have been subjected to a colonoscopy, not pleasant at best of times and worse still if there are complications with your blood pressure. I hope you got a really good nights sleep (I am a bit late with this comment). Thinking of you xx

  16. Oh my goodness Teresa, I just realise when reading your next post that you posted a comment by Betsy, it was not you who had the colonoscopy. So sorry to muddle this up. I hope Betsy is ok.


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