Monday, January 28, 2019

A Dog's Tale

Are you ready for an epistle?  You are?  OK.. settle in for a story.  We've had dogs our entire married life.  We got a liver spotted Dalmatian as our first pup.  In Louisiana.  We named him Maximillian but he didn't respond to that, so we called him Baba.  :-) Over the years we've had many different breeds.  Our last guy Buddy was a Cairn Terrier and he was our best dog ever.  As you may know he crossed over the rainbow bridge a month ago.  We took some time to decide if we wanted another dog and if so, what kind.  I finally convinced Dayle that we needed another bundle of love.  Meet Mocha, an 8 month old black brindle Cairn girl.  :-)

Her family adopted a brother and sister from the same litter.  She was very loved and well taken care of, but they found having two 8 month old dogs were extremely difficult to train at once.  So, they made the very hard decision that they would let go of Mocha and keep Smoky, her brother.  Dayle actually found her on the online "".  I emailed back and forth with Susan and we made arrangements to meet up in The Dalles, half way between us.  We had a nice chat with them and then they said their goodbyes and we headed home with our new girl.

We drove home along the Columbia River.  Mocha was just fine on the trip home.

At a stop I snapped a photo of Dayle with our new baby.

She seemed to love us immediately.  When we got home she jumped up on my lap and I gave her a hug and some pets.

Then she climbed up onto my shoulder to look outside the bay window and check out her new home.

Well.. this is an interesting place for her to settle in to.  :-)

And here she is relaxing on my footrest while I crochet.  Dayle is on the floor with a bowl of her kibble giving her a snack and playing with her.

And so she is fitting in very well here.  

Meeka, my son's 4 year old German Shepherd will be her "big sister" and they have played and played and are getting along well.

I must say they are fun to watch as they interact.

Dayle takes her out every few hours, she needs a little fine-tuning on her housebreaking.  She does go to the door to let us know she wants out, but so far mostly what she wants to do is look around the farm yard.  LOL!

Susan sent me some of her "baby pictures".  Here she is when she was 2-3 months old.

Here she is with her brother Smoky.

We think she looks a lot like Toto from the Wizard of Oz.  :-)

And so.. we are very happy with our new girl.. she is affectionate and happy natured.  What has been your best dog ever?  ((hugs)), Teresa :-) 


  1. Oh Mocha. Lucky girl!!! So happy you convinced Dale. Fireman wont budge.
    Huck. Best . dog..ever....

  2. Congratulations on your new family member. Cairns are lovely dogs ... headstrong but lovely!

  3. Congratulations! She looks like such a happy pup. I'm sure she'll have the housebreaking thing down very quickly. Right now there are just so many new SMELLS to check out. LOL

    I've never had a dog of my own. We had a poodle when I was growing up. So I guess my only dog would be my FAVORITE dog. He was quite a character, but I have to say ... I think I'm mostly a cat person. LOL

  4. Congratulations! She looks like a precious little one.

  5. Oh she is just adorable Teresa. She looks very much like my Smudge in the face although her face is a little thinner.
    I can't even think about another dog just yet even though I am missing my boy madly.
    For now I will just enjoy reading about Mocha and what she gets up to.

  6. Mocha is such a cute puppy! My favourite dog is Jack. He is our first dog so not much competition :-)

  7. Oh, Teresa. Mocha is just adorable! And you and Dayle look like you're already quite in love. Congratulations!

  8. Congrats on your new girl! Our last & favorite was our 4th Shih Tzu named Reggie. Oh how we loved that boy! We're done owning pets for now. Time for us with NO extra responsibilities!!!!

  9. Oh Teresa, she is darling! I love the photo of her on your head! So sweet--I think she likes it at your place. Our best dog ever was a Collie Shepard that we all adored. ♥

  10. Congratulations on your new baby girl, she's soooooo blasted cute!

  11. How gorgeous is she and so lucky to have you caring guys to love her furever. Meeka looks real happy too. xoxoxo

  12. Welcome to your new furever home, Mocha! You're going to love all the adventures in store. What a lucky little Cairn. I sure miss our Gus-Gus, he was the best little Cairn ever. We too never thought we'd have another dog but we adopted an 8week old Scottish Terrier. Out Hamish is now 7 months old and a pure joy. It's hard not to have a wee companion to love.

  13. Mocha is so cute, you already know that! Her coat color is gorgeous. I adopted my dog Bounce from the shelter two years ago when my husband died, and my younger son sometimes tells Bounce, you saved us. I know what he means.

  14. What a gorgeous, sweet pup Mocha is. I look forward to updates on her adventures and how she's settling in. xx Susan

  15. Dear Teresa, I do think Buddy would approve. Regards, Robyn

  16. Oh, Mocha is so cute and looks like she's gonna be a good dog for you! Had a few dogs while growing up. Pepper, the mutt dog ok but Skippy the last sheep dog my dad had was so comical! Have a good week!

  17. What a sweet face she has! So glad you found each other...

  18. I am thrilled for you she is adorable.

  19. Oh my goodness she is adorable. So pleased you decided to find another dog. Cn x

  20. What a lovely story today Teresa! Mocha is so sweet and how lovely you have a puppy in your home again...and wonderful for her too! I can see you and Dayle will have a lot of fun watching her grow and getting her trained :) Enjoy your week...I'm sure you will :) xxx

  21. Oh she looks so sweet! I bet she will have fun exploring outside - so many new smells, so many new THINGS!! I've never had a dog - only cats.

  22. Oh my goodness, she is adorable. And how exciting, bringing home a new puppy is thrilling. And you're right, she looks so much like Toto. I'm so happy you've got a little pup in your lives, and she is a very lucky doggie. Bertie is my first dog ever, and my best. Even when he chews up all of the things. I'm wishing you and Mocha every happiness together. The start of a new adventure! CJ xx

  23. So very happy for your new family member! A lucky dog that will bring you much joy through the years!

  24. Awww,thanks for sharing this wonderful post.She is sooooo darn cute and reminds me very much of Brodie who lives down the road.She looks like she has settled in well and getting with Meeka.Can't wait for more pics.xx

  25. Hi Teresa. She is beautiful. Have never owned a dog. My parents had Alsatians when first married. I have a grand fur baby named Ralph! He is a Beagle and belongs to our eldest son and family. He lives in Yorkshire and goes for long runs with our son! Hugs Anne x

  26. Awww Teresa she is adorable, I am so pleased you have a new puppy to love. What a lucky girl she is to have your home to live in. I only every had 1 dog...a dachshund called Heidi, as a child, who I loved but I am not sure I would keep a dog. We much prefer our cats and have always had a cat in our home for 34 years! Billy is such the sweetest boy! Hugs xxx

  27. I had no idea you had a baby until you wrote your comment on my blog. I have been so busy with work and life I have not been able to get on and read your blog and I am so sorry about that. She is adorable! I know about training two puppies at once, it is tough. Welcome to the family, (which I consider myself part of), sweet little Mocha.

  28. I am so glad you welcomed Mocha into your family and I look forward to giving her love pats! Louis and I at various times had four dogs, Barkas a toy poodle, BB a German shepherd Pepper a beagle mix and Lady a border collie. Lady was my favorite.🤗


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