Friday, May 17, 2019

Shell Blanket and Italian Heather

I want to thank those of you who have left some very kind and heartfelt messages about the challenges we are facing.  We will not know until next week the results of the biopsy.  This is very difficult.  He is in a lot of pain from all the carving they did to remove the "thing".. yesterday was bad but today he's doing a bit better.  I am the head nurse and we're getting help from Kristi and our grandson Michael.  My crochet blanket is saving my sanity.  Here are all 14 colors.  I didn't use a beige as I felt there was enough "beach".  :-)

My old phone case was scratched up so yesterday I did some searching on Amazon and found this one for just $7.99!  I think it's pretty.  I figured a little retail therapy was in order for the nurse.

Kristi bought a plant that caught her eye, it's an Italian Heather.  Her dog Ozzie kept trying to eat it do she brought it to us.  Isn't it pretty?  

Kristi and Travis went to the store and got all kinds of soft foods for Dayle and is also doing some weeding in our garden and tidying it up.. we are so thankful for her help.

What a neat variety of heather.

For some reason Mocha has taken to climbing up on the back of my recliner, what a funny girl.

We're trying to hang in there while we wait to see what will happen next.  Again, thank you for kind words of concern and encouragement.  It means a lot to us.  

My words of wisdom are this - if you feel a lump or something you're concerned about - see the doctor right away.

((hugs)), Teresa 


  1. Sending you a hug dear Teresa. Sorry that you are having to wait for the results. Thank goodness you and Dayle have your dear family nearby. The heather is beautiful as is your new blanket. Did you ever complete the lovely shawl you were making with the beautiful jewel tone silks? I'll be remembering you two in my prayers. Pat xx

  2. Teresa, I don't know how I missed your last post! I just went there and so enjoyed seeing your beautiful flowers. I am so sorry to hear about Dayle and all he's gone through! Thank goodness he's being taken care of! I will keep you and he in my prayers.

  3. Yes again sending more positive vibes to Dayle and you ♥♥ So special that you have family close by to support and hug. Mocha is a fun little doggy, I want one lol But we go away too much for fur friends. That blanket is gorgeous Teresa and am enjoying watching all of your blanket making xoxoxo

  4. So sorry Dayle is in pain and for the stress you all are feeling in waiting in the healing process. It is great that you have family members nearby are who are helping you; and the plant Kristi brought is beautiful!
    Mocha has found an interesting place to supervise your making of your lovely blanket and your computer projects :-)
    I'm still waiting for a letter from Kaiser, but I found out this afternoon the van is finally fixed and I plan to pick it up tomorrow...Yay!!! ...very grateful for my youngest daughter's generous help!
    You and yours are still in my thoughts and prayers with love and I am sending more hugs.

  5. Very sorry to hear Dayle is in so much pain. He's been through a horrific experience, I pray the pain lessons and for good news on results day.
    Your blanket looks lovely Teresa, Mocha is sweet on her look out post, surveying life. You are truely blessed with lovely family helping out. Take care, Cathy x

  6. Praying Dayle's pain goes away soon but thankful he's still alive!!! It's hard to wait for results and hopefully it won't be bad news! Flowers Kristi brought to your house is so pretty!!! And so it your afghan!! Have a good weekend in spite of it all! Hugs!

  7. You and Dayle are in our prayers, what a joy to have family close by who can help. Mocha has found the perfect perch to supervise you. Beautiful blanket.

  8. I went through this with my husband last month, it is indeed a very stressful time. Keep working on your blanket, it helps keep the mind and hands active. Sending prayers and love for you all.

  9. Dear Teresa, Praying for a good medical report for Dayle and your family. Robyn XX

  10. Dear Teresa, praying for a good medical report for Dayle and your family. Robyn XX

  11. I wish you and Dale the very best. Rue

  12. Your blanket is so beautiful Teresa....and good to have it to work on to help keep calm when waiting for news. I hope Dayle soon feels better. How lovely your family are helping you through this time. Much love to you both. XXX

  13. Im' praying for you guys. IM so glad that your daughter in law went to get soft foods for Dayle. You get some wine, m'lady. The nursing staff gets to have a bit of a sip for all their hard work. Im praying Dayle heals without any complications, that his pain subsides, that his specimen is not cancerous, that his nurse can nap when he naps. Im praying the you feel the love and support of this blog community. And Im praying for a bit of humor to come your way while you wait.......

  14. Teresa, I am so sorry for you and Dayle...I can't believe they're making you wait for the results. That was truly a shock to hear how it had intertwined his windpipe and awful. He must be a stoic. I hope he heals fast and that all is fine.
    I love your new phone cover...too cute! Also, all your flowers are gorgeous and I have never seen heather before. Your farmhouse is lovely and looks so cozy. What a beautiful area you live in.
    Love your crochet blanket...I'm going to look for past posts you might have made about it. So pretty and the colors are stunning. I will say a prayer, or several that Dayle is fine and on the mend! Blessing to you all.

  15. I am so glad you are surrounded by loving family to help you out when you need it most. Thinking of you both xx

  16. Hello to you and Dayle. Dennis and I are both thinking and praying for the two of you. I hope he is able to eat some of the goodies Travis and Kristi bought for him. The Heather plant is so pretty and I'm glad Kristi is able to help with some of the yard work you needed done. She's a keeper!
    Your blanket is SO pretty.I love the color sequence you've chosen. Take care and give Dayle a big hug for us.

    Oh! I almost forgot, I love, love, love your phone case. It's so pretty. :-)

  17. OMgoodness, Dayle! I can share my sympathies as I also had a complete thyroidectomy July 28th 2016. Mine thyroid was so huge the doctor took a photo of it as she hadn't seen one that large before. It too and wrapped around my windpipe so much it was cutting off my air when I laid down. Aren't we both luck to have had great surgeons. They saved two of my parathyroids, lucky me. My biopsy showed Papillary carcinoma. Right now I have blood work every three months and an ultrasound when my TSH is too high. I'm on 137mg of Levothyroxine everyday with an extra half pill once a week. It's an ongoing adjustment of thyroid medication for the rest of my life. The thing that got me was the doctors all said if theres a cancer to have then thyroid cancer is the one to have. Frankly, in my book, no cancer is the one to have! Hang in there, the pain will subside soon.

  18. I guess the waiting is the hardest part. I'm sure Dayle is uncomfortable with all they had to do to get that out. Hope he feels back to normal soon. Your blanket is so pretty. I love those colors in the order you've put them. And that heather is just beautiful. Wish I could have flowers and plants indoors, but the cats destroy them. I have a few houseplants on a small table but they are surrounded by cactus to protect them!

  19. Thinking of you. Will also say a prayer for you both. Xxx

  20. Kristi is certainly amazing and it's so helpful to have family support when things are a little rough. I can certainly agree with crochet helping you cope when a loved one is in pain or at any other time really. Hugs and wishes for you all. xx Susan

  21. Hello Teresa and Dayle. Sorry to hear Dayle has been in so much pain, I do hope it is easing. The waiting for results must seem like forever. I pray for good news.
    Good that family are there and helping, Kristi is such a sweetheart.
    Crafting - ie your blanket is such good therapy , you must look after you as well Teresa.
    The phone case is so pretty.
    The colours used in the blanket are so beautiful . Mocha very cute.
    Teresa. I have you in my thoughts and prayers and hope you soon get the results and the news is good! Take care.Hugs Anne x

  22. Hi please can you tell me where i can find the shell blanket above .
    I hope Dayle is feeling a lot better


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