Monday, September 9, 2019

Gone Fishin' and Homely Pursuits

Our son took Dayle and our grandson fishing with his best friend Ernie on Saturday.  They went to a very pretty place on the Columbia River.. Dayle sent me this photo of some pretty white Egrets in the river - from the boat.

Dayle dropped his line in the water and not more than 3 or 4 minutes the pole bent down and the fight was on.. it took almost 10 minutes to reel the big Chinook Salmon, this variety is called an "upriver bright" as they swim a long ways from the Pacific Ocean.  Here is Ernie netting Travis' catch which was only 5 more minutes from Dayle's catch.  They had two more on the line but they got loose right at the net.

Here is Dayle's catch.

Here is Travis holding both of the fish, Hayden helped him filet the fish.  Travis is looking down, worried that the something was dripping on the kitchen floor.. lol.

All set to filet and put safely into Ziploc bags.  Kristi prepared the salmon for dinner for all of us on Sunday night, it was DEEEE-liscious!  She served it with rice and peas and it was top drawer.  I took a photo of my dinner and proceeded to consume it all.. then went to look at the photo and I obviously did not get a photo!  Wah!

So.. what did I do on Saturday?  I crocheted on my shell blanket, played Words With Friends on my iPad, some Scrabble, too.. and crocheted some more.. (notice both dogs at my feet)...

Uh-ohhh.. Aileen is beating me!  :-)

I made myself a nice lunch, smoked turkey and Havarti cheese on a croissant.. and read my book while I dined.  

This is not an easy book to read, but since I paid for it, by golly I am going to read it.  LOL!  The jury is still out.. it has yet to grab me fully.  And on page 179 and I'm not sure yet why this book is called "The Sea"!

My sister has a pair of earrings and a pendant with this really pretty stone I've never seen, called Larimar.  I saw Danielle on "American Pickers" wearing a beautiful necklace of Larimar rondelles.. so I found a strand of them and ordered them so I can make a bracelet.  Now to wait for them to make their way from India to my house.

We have our grandsons staying with us for the week.  Dayle took them to school at 7:30 am and they took the bus home and got here at 4 pm.  We're making dinner for them soon.

I went to my DAR (Daughters of the American Revolution) meeting today.  It was difficult for me as it's the first meeting in 20 years that my sister Roberta was not sitting next to me.  Then I led the National Anthem - without my sister singing the alto harmony.  Yikes.. it was hard.  Many of my DAR friends came over to me and hugged me and told me how strong I was to be there.  Some tears were shed.  

Anyway... I hope you have a good week.  Thank you all who left me such wonderful comments on my last blog post.  It means so much to me.  

((hugs)), Teresa :-) 


  1. Grief sneaks out when we don't expect it sometimes. Sometimes we expect and it stays tucked away.Sigh. We are all here to give you hugs Teresa. Your relationship with your sister was a genuine plus for all to see, including us. She's with you still....

  2. Such freah airmiles at all. You are allowed to grieve,please don't beat yourself up at all.Hugs and more sunshine from Rhodesxxx

  3. You have been so busy with family. I enjoyed reading about and seeing Dayle and Travis' catch. How fun to have everyone over and sweet of Kristi to cook. I love how your family enjoys spending time together. Your Saturday sounds like it was very pleasant, full of comfortable passtimes with the sweet doggies guarding you.
    I can only imagine how hard the DAR meeting was for you. I'm so glad there were friends there to wrap their arms around you and hug you tight. Obviously they loved Roberta too. Although I only met her once, I know through your posts what a special lady she was.
    Wishing you a lovely and love-filled Tuesday.

  4. Oh Teresa, I'm glad there were friends at the DAR meeting to hug you. I'm sure it was difficult. Those salmon look delicious! Nothing like fresh fish - so much better thn what you can get in the store. Your blanket is coming along nicely.

  5. Love those beads - my favourite colour. I'm sure many more tears will be shed for your sister. Love and grief have no time limit. xx

  6. Wonderful catch...well done Dayle! Such delicious fresh salmon! Your days sound content and it's lovely to read and crochet and be cosy with the dogs nearby. It must have been so hard to go to the DAR meeting without your dear will always miss her and be sad at the loss of her so don't feel as if it's wrong to feel grief. Wishing you a peaceful week dear Teresa. XXX

  7. The salmon looks wonderful! We had salmon on Saturday night...but not as fresh caught! Glad you are getting some crocheting done and managing to read your book even if you are at sea about its title. It must have been so difficult to attend the meeting and sing without Roberta. Being with my sister, Margaret this past week was good, and remembrances of our sister Carolyn, and husbands Louis and Larry were a part of our conversations....We miss them...grateful for their lives shared with us, but we mourn they are not with us as they were. I am praying for you and yours and sending you love and hugs 💞🤗

  8. Oh Teresa, those firsts after someone has passed away are so so difficult. Sending you a hug all the way from Scotland.

    I love wild caught salmon, it is just so delicious. Richard spotted a salmon jumping over the weir in our local river, the Kelvin. Maybe I'll send him out fishing! Have a lovely week xx

  9. I do envy that fresh salmon. I know it was delicious. I know your meeting without Roberta was difficult. Grief is like that, but you seem like a strong person.

  10. Teresa, I know that salmon was delicious. It's nothing like fresh caught fish! Larimar is so lovely. I've seen it in the Caribbean. Hugs to you as you continue to have firsts without your dear sister. It's so hard...

  11. That salmon looks delicious. Fresh caught fish is the best and it seems forever since we've had any. I think I'll have to gently remind hubby that we have a boat! xx Susan

  12. oh how beautiful Teresa and remembering all those years you and Roberta were together and sang......hugs. Yum can I come and eat that salmon.....

  13. The salon looks wonderful and I am betting the meal made by Kristi was delicious.

  14. Fine looking catch there and I'm sure it was delicious. The beads are so pretty. Hugs x


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