Monday, March 2, 2020

Dahlia Blanket Ta-Dah!

I am happy to tell you that I have finished the last stitch on the Dahlia blanket I've been working on for many weeks.  I joined in a CAL (crochet-a-long) with the crochet blog queen, Lucy at Attic24.  Thousands of other crocheters around the world joined in too! 

Lucy picked out 15 colors and put out two designs, a random stripe and a color wash one.  I decided to do an ombre pattern following her color sample repeat.  People used other colors, too.  Here is the border design, I removed the Magenta and Powder Pink color yarns in my blanket as they were more blue than I wanted.  So, I was on "Team Rogue Color Sample Repeat".  :-)

In Lucy's border pattern she used the two colors I did not use in my blanket so I substituted some colors but I like how it turned out.

Dayle picked a bouquet of our own daffodils for my new Cornishware Jug that I just *had* to have after seeing them on my English friend's blogs.  :-) The bright yellow looks at home with this blanket.

A jug of sunshine, don't you agree?

I put the jug on my little piano stool right by my easy chair.  A warm fire in the stove, hubby by my side and a furry little dog nearby.  Life is good.

I've picked up the Dune blanket I am working on for my granddaughter, Paige.  One can't let our hands be idle, can we?

We're keeping an eye on the spread of the Coronavirus.  It has me quite nervous.  I plan to stay away from crowds as much as possible.  I'm in the high risk demographic due to age and pre-existing conditions.  Be careful out there, my friends!
((hugs)), Teresa :-)  


  1. So, so beautiful! A riot of joyful colors and the border/edge is so perfect. Bravo! Stay healthy - I understand your concern - I am in the same sort of group as you. But I am more worried about my dear 91 year old mom in a memory care facility. They called today to update me on their care plan and that they are being pro active.

  2. Your blanket is lovely and sets off the daffodils perfectly. The coronavirus is worrying. Like you, we're trying to keep away from crowds, and washing our hands as often as possible. Going to try buying some hand sanitiser tomorrow, but I suspect they'll have sold out! xx

  3. Teresa, your blanket turned out so pretty and the daffodils are a perfect match for them. I'm so glad that you finished it and are happy with it. Pure sunshine.
    You know I'm concerned about the virus too. Alex and Tara are in two of the hardest hit parts of the world and now Washington State is getting hit too. The schools up in Colville are closed beginning today because of a possible case. It is scary. But I'm trying to not be too anxious and realize that there is only so much you can do. I didn't leave the house the entire weekend. Dennis went to church but I had a medication reaction and ended up staying home. I did make a grocery run this morning, just trying to keep everything stocked up in case we're quarantined, which we were told this morning on the news that it has a pretty good possibility of happening soon.
    We just have to hang in there together my friend.

  4. Beautiful...

    Take wise precautions and do not panic. To me, this sounds wise. -smile-

    Gentle hugs..

  5. Teresa!! You are so talented. I always enjoy seeing your crochet work.

  6. Thanks for sharing your Ta Dah so beautifully, Teresa and Dayle. I am scrolling up and down and up and down...enjoying the glorious waves of color and imagining the lovely scent of Daffodils and Lilies :-) Although I have been monitoring the virus news I did not feel personal local concern. I was rather shocked on Sunday to note a higher level of concern than I felt in the folks I mingled with at church. Fervent prayers for healing for the infected and protection for those now healthy were offered. A family I know is scheduled to fly to Cambodia on Tuesday, but their flight had to stop in South Korea. Last I heard they were scrambling on phone to see if another route is possible. xx

  7. It looks lovely, the colours work so well together. Enjoy your daffodils and look after yourself. B x

  8. Beautiful finish to your blanket Teresa! And the daffodils are such a nice compliment to it. Stay away from crowds and be safe!! The virus is very scary.

  9. Beautiful blanket Teresa and love the daffodils in that jug awesome. Keeping safe as can be here and so far next cruise still happening xoxoxo

  10. Beautiful blanket :) Wish I had your patience to finish something like that :)

  11. Hoping NONE of my pals gets the virus. Hoping if they do, it is just a minor irritation. When are the shirts coming out? "I survived the coronavirus" I feel like I can't get away from feeling sad because Bear, my son's kitten, died of a feline coronavirus. It is so contagious to shelter cats. Most get it and do fine. Some, like Bear die months later. I look out the window where we buried Bear, and it saddens me still He was so special to zach in a terrible year for zach. He is an angel Bear.

  12. I love your blanket. I really wasn't sure about so many purples, pinks, oranges and reds when I first saw the colour scheme but we have to trust Lucy and her magical way with colours to get things right! It looks gorgeous. xx Susan

  13. Oh your blanket is soooooooo beautiful and your gorgeous photos elevate it to something that makes my heart BOOM!!!!!!! Thank you for joining me on this journey Teresa, I love having your company very much xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  14. Your blanket turned out so beautifully! So much work and so worth it because it is a treasure. Well done Teresa.


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