Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Daffodils and Hens a Laying

Which means Spring has sprung here!  The sun is shining through some puffy clouds, too.  

Dayle found my bin of St. Patrick's Day decorations so they're on the table.  

And the hens have begun laying after several months of taking a well-earned break.  :-)

I put one of my collection of doilies on my piano stool/side table and it fit just right.  This one came from Kristi's grandmother.  I love it.

A closeup of a daffodil.  Love!

Were you in need of a Mocha fix?  This cuddly girl has us both wrapped around her little paw.  She is exceptionally cuddly when we have a snack in the other hand.  LOL!

I have a quiet day ahead of me.  Dayle is off to a few doctors appointments today and so it will be me and Mocha and my crochet hook.  What are you up to today?  ((hugs)), Teresa :-)  


  1. I can see lots of omelettes in your near future, or maybe some of that banana bread you made a short while ago :-)

    Have a lovely rest of the week x

  2. Always love seeing Mocha 💖 More awesome pics of your daffodils 😀😀 Here getting ready to have dinner after lots of walking xxoo

  3. Those daffodils are so pretty Teresa. I need to get some fresh flowers in the house again, they're so cheerful. I bought two dozen fresh eggs from an aquaintance who's hens have just begun laying a LOT again. They taste so much better than store bought eggs.
    Little Mocha is a doll and I can sure understand how much you love her.
    I'm working on Pammy Sue's blanket this afternoon. It's not easy matching my guage and crochet hook size but it's a beautiful blanket and I'm enjoying working on it.
    I hope you have some of the same sunshine we're enjoying today. You and Dayle stay safe and healthy.
    Blessings and love,

  4. Hi Teresa. How lovely are the signs of Spring! The daffodils look so cheery in your blue striped container.
    Those eggs will be delicious I'm sure.
    Hope Dayle is fine! You too of course. Hugs Anne X

  5. The last two days have ignited Spring Fever in me! The sunshine has been so delightful. Thanks for letting us admire your Daffodils, eggs and dear Mocha. After knitting a baby blanket this morning at church, this afternoon I was surprised to receive in the mail a beautiful book, "The World of Rosamunde Pilcher." A NY friend who knows me well sent the book and I have relished reading it from cover to cover already! xx

  6. Still cold and wet here, but small signs of Spring bursting through. Just need some warmth in the sun! I wish I could give Mocha a cuddle, she's so sweet! xx

  7. Lovely to see spring flowers in your lovely Cornishware jug, and Mocha as well of course. A day at home with her and a little crochet sounds divine. I've done the first dog walk of the day (cold and damp) so I'm happy to be at home with the dog working. Hope you have a lovely day. CJ xx

  8. The daffodils are a delight, so pretty. I love collecting the eggs and then working out what to do with them, it is always nice to have fresh eggs. Hope all goes well with Dayles appointments.

  9. I ended up with a free day yesterday (power outage at work!!) which was very nice. Love your daffodils and it's so great that your hens lay eggs. (Bonus - they are pretty eggs!!)

  10. I love daffs and yours are so pretty Teresa. Great to see the hens laying and sweet Mocha. Happy March! Hugs xxx

  11. Hooray for the hens laying again! A sure sign of Spring. -smile-

    And your flowers and decorations are delightful.

    Best of luck with his appointments. I have been having them too, one after the other.

    But the sun is shining and the snow is disappearing and you can feel spring-like vibes in the air!!!! -bigggg smile-

    Gentle hugs...

  12. Happy March! Everything is look lovely over there. Friday is the only day my husband is off work, but no plans today.

  13. Today was a quiet day. I did my stretches, caught up on some correspondence, sorted some mail, made chicken salad for lunch, and organized our next book club meeting.

  14. I love a quiet day all to myself, not that I get any of them but I can dream! Hope you had a wonderful day with your beautiful flowers and Mocha.


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