Friday, March 6, 2020

Antiques "Roadshow"

Yesterday was our Portland Women's Forum meeting and our program was "Antiques Roadshow", in other words, members bring their own antiques to show and tell about them.  It's always fun and enlightening!  I brought an old print I found years ago in Florence, Oregon.  I paid $10 for it!  I had it framed when I brought it home.  It's like an etching of Multnomah Falls long ago before the white man came here, there is a couple of teepees there and a wooden dugout canoe going past with local Native people in it.  Published in William Cullen Bryant's edited volume 'Picturesque America; or, The Land We Live In', 1872. After googling it I find it's very rare.  

I also took my little vintage Violet perfume bottle.

I have collected 4 of these I think, most come without the original stopper which this one still has.  This also has the original purple silk ribbon that it came with.  I love these little bottles, they are hand turned on a potters wheel, glazed and the words are etched through the glaze to expose the red clay before it's fired.  :-)  Our violets are in bloom and I will fill a few of these with them and show you on my next blog post.  They make the room smell divine!

Georgia brought a milk bottle from her childhood.  Her family had 80 milk cows which provided the milk for the dairy next to them.  

Here is the original paper stopper with tab.

I love the graphic on the bottle of the cow shaking hands with the milkman!!

Chris brought some old framed photos from over 100 years ago of our area.  This is Mitchell Point Tunnel that was unfortunately blasted away so they could use the rock for the "modern" highway built in the mid-50s.  Such a loss.

An old photo of the falls a century ago.

Gayle brought in a vintage pear peeler which also cores the seeds out, too!

Another image of a Native man in a birchbark canoe on a plate.

Shirley brought an antique mug she found and paid $34 for and found later it was valued at $800 due to it's rarity!

When I took Diane home after the meeting she said her son was selling some Vaseline glass wine goblets so I bought them without knowing much about them.  After googling, I found that they are Fenton Daisy & Button goblets made by LG Wright.  

Aren't they cute?

I shone my blacklight on them and was amazed at how they glowed!

Aren't they amazing?

The Christmas Cactus that I rescued from my mom's room in her room at the Alzheimer's unit shortly before she passed away, has bloomed and this flower is right above my head in my easy chair.  Hi MOM!  I can't help but think she's looking out for me.

Isn't this a fabulous bloom?

I took this photo yesterday as the sun was shining on my daffodils.  Sweet.

We're off to run an errand or two and treat ourselves to lunch out.  We're stocking up on things here in case the Covid-19 virus gets worse.  The death toll has climbed to 14 in the USA - with 12 of them in the state right above us, Washington.  We're preparing for staying home and out of big crowds.  And washing our hands.  Take care, my friends.
((hugs)), Teresa :-)  


  1. Love that print you have Teresa. So lovely. Cannot believe you have violets blooming!!

  2. Love those wine goblets, so beautiful with the light coming through.

  3. Love that picture of Multnomah Falls! It's so beautiful in person, isn't it? I was interested in the pitcher with the shamrocks on it as I have a smaller cream pitcher and a little bowl with the same pattern! Things here are a bit crazy with the virus with lots of things cancelled. Just today UW announced that starting Monday all classes/exams will be online through March 20th. Stay well!

  4. Thanks for showing us some of the interesting items from the PWF Antique Roadshow...I remember paper stoppers in milk bottles! The black light on the new goblets does make them glow amazingly. I really admire your flower blooms as well your stories about them. Happy Weekend! xx

  5. I don't even know what to comment on. I found this entire post to be fascinating with all of the beautiful antiques of yours and your friends. What a GREAT find for Shirley. Good for her! Those new goblets of yours are so pretty. The color is amazing, just as you said.
    I have stocked up fairly well so I don't have to go out. We're having breakfast out with friends but then back home and we'll stay in the rest of the weekend. Dennis has to go to work, but he has his own office and promises to wash his hands and use hand santizer too. I know at some point we just have to accept whatever may happen, but I figure I should do my part and be prepared, right?
    Wishing you and Dayle a great day and I hope you had a good lunch.

  6. Sorry for the second comment Teresa. I just saw your comment on Kathy's blog and I had to let you know that you're not the only one getting scoffed at. I watched Dr. Fauci testfying today about why this is so serious. He explained it in a way even a non-medical person like me could understand. I shared the link on FB if you want to watch it. It's only 3 minutes long and very informative.
    I think all of your precautions are wise. My cardiologists office even left a message for me to try to avoid public places if possible. I think this is more serious than a lot of people want to admit. I do hope it's not, but it never hurts to be prepared.
    Love you both,

  7. Fascinating post. Some lovely antiques and memories for everyone. Fortunately, we're not in the high risk group, and we don't like crowds, but are being extra careful. I've washed my hands so often, they're getting sore! The news keeps showing empty supermarket shelves. There's stocking up a bit and then there's madness! Keep safe everyone. xx

  8. hello lovely! ive been catching up on posts, I just noticed your cornishware jug! really lovely...Ive always collected them as of being close to Cornwall that we visit often being next to Devon...Then i notice your lovely violet perfume pottery from devon...we often visit Torquay!...I have something smaller but similar, I will try share it in another blog post much to catch up on i love your antiques oooh and that lovely style log burner...we have very similar tastes i see. It really cheers me up seeing daffodils on blog posts ;)

  9. How cool, to be able to go to an Antiques Roadshow kind of an event!!!! Wish we had such, around here.

    Stay well...

    Gentle hugs

  10. Paul's Uncle Gordon lives in Devon Torquay England and we have been there twice 😀😀 So many lovely antique last name is those glasses.....yes washing hands like crazy and keeping safe on ship. Thankyou always for your comments Teresa and Paul is pretty happy finally being Granpa xo

  11. Judy also mentioned her church is closed tomorrow. I think it is good to take this seriously but not to freak out. I worry most for our students at the barn who are in wheelchairs and very frail to begin with. I hope the virus never touched them.
    I LOVE YOUR VASELINE GLASS. Thanks for the Roadshow TOUR what fun.

  12. Love all the old photos, glassware etc.Whatva lovely event to attend. Hugs Anne X

  13. So many wonderful tings to see. Love your new glasses, they are fantastic as are all your beautiful flowers Teresa. I had one stem of one of my Christmas Cactus bloom this weekend. IT was a nice surprise.


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