Monday, March 9, 2020

Violets and More Violets

We are awash in Violets in the farmyard!  It's a banner year for them.  White, lavender and dark purple ones.  My dear husband plucked a bowlful of them for me to arrange in 2 little violet perfume bottles.  I only wish you could smell them.  Divine!

I had never seen a Devon Violet perfume bottle before a few years ago.  I was swimming and my swim pal Dave told me he'd found one in an antique store.  Once home I checked out eBay and found my first one.  And you know.. I kind of needed a few more, right?  

My collection grew to four.  Some have thumbprints, some don't.  Most have lost their stoppers, I have two that have them.

They are all hand-thrown on a potters wheel, glazed and on the one, the words are hand inscribed through the glaze, the other three the words are painted on using iron oxide.  In a world of mass-production these hand-made bottles are precious.

As you can see, they are small, 2 inches or so.  Collecting little things is good as they don't take up much room.

I moved both tiny bouquets to the piano stool by my chair.  The aroma wafts past my nose often.

Dayle brought me in a new daffodil as the big bouquet of them finally was "past due".  

Dayle also took my iPhone out to get some photos of the Violets "in the wild".  We have a lot of white ones this year, I also think they are the first to bloom.

He took a photo of 2 Hyacinths in bloom surrounded by Daffodils and watched over by my metal goat.

Our potted Peony is shooting up, the flower is gorgeous, a pinky-red with yellow center.

I've noticed the Hyacinths we plant in our pots have fairly short blooms.. I wonder why?

The other evening I glanced into the kitchen and was amazed by the orange color of the sky, so I went outside the back door in my stocking feet and captured some images.  What is odd is that the color was in the South/Southeast, not in the West!

I also discovered something that I did not know.. when I went to take a photo on my iPhone you can click on 1x or 2 but more amazing is you can click on .5 and it backs out and you see way more!  You learn something new everyday.  

The natural world amazes me on a daily basis.

As you may know, I love holidays and often wear jewelry to match them.  I made these Swarovski crystal shamrock earrings a few years ago and enjoy wearing them near St. Patrick's Day.  I also made the gold hoops and wear them daily.

I also wear this pendant, it's an Irish top hat with a four leaf clover on the band with a crystal set in the center.  It's made by Brighton.

The other side is a feather which makes the bail for the jump ring.  :-)

 When you open it up.. a POT OF GOLD!  :-)

I'm once again working on the Dune blanket, designed by Lucy at Attic24 blog.  I made one for Jenna, my oldest granddaughter and this one is for Paige.

And then look who leaped right in the middle of things?  :-)

I've been wanting a selfie stick for quite some time, NOT for taking selfies of myself which I almost NEVER do, I don't fancy breaking my iPhone... but I finally got serious and ordered this one so I could hold the phone up high enough to take photos of my crocheted blankets.. lol.  Now.. it's already become valuable to me as when my granddaughter Facetime calls me this one has a little tripod on the bottom so I can set it up and chat with her and still be able to crochet!  :-)

My ZZ plant is sending up new shoots often, look at this one?

And a few days later.. and then I noticed another one shot up that I didn't see and two more are emerging from the soil!

Lastly, while clicking through old photos in my Photo file I saw this, a filet crochet panel I did years ago.  I always intended to put it in the window.  Must find it again and do so.

OK, I've wasted enough of your time.. :-)  I hope your week is a good one!  ((hugs)), Teresa :-)  


  1. I just love the violets and the perfume bottles.Did you crochet the large table mat?

    1. Which table mat? The lace doily? It's only 12 inches across and it was a gift to me and my DIL didn't know if her grandmother made it or someone else. :-)

  2. I love those little perfume bottles. I can only imagine how good it must smell with those violets. Finally getting some warmer weather and sun here. I am so ready for spring. Your orange sky shots are gorgeous! Mother Nature has the best colors.

  3. The violets and their pots are darling. The photos of the sky are stunning. Hugs Anne X

  4. Hello Teresa. What a great post! I think all of your violets, little violet pots and shamrocks are wonderful. Oh, and the daffodil too. You have such a pretty farmyard. I walked the neighborhood again this morning with Chloe and only saw the sweet little crocus again that I posted on my blog this morning. No other spring signs yet, but hopefully more will show up soon.
    I have a lap tray I set my iPad in when we facetime with Alex and Mandy's families. Sometimes Alex will facetime for a couple of hours and take us on his daily errands around Japan. That's always fun. I crochet/knit away while we travel! :-)
    I want to crochet some doilies when I finish the baby blanket I'm working on. I miss crocheting with thread and my gift drawer is woefully low.
    I hope Dayles doctor appointments went well last week. I've been praying for him. Please tell him hello for Dennis and I. Hugs to Mocha too. :-)
    Blessings and love,

  5. Lovely lovely post as always Teresa and thank you for always visiting me...a super moon tonight here sailing The Atlantic ❤❤ Always love seeing your interesting decor for so many festive times

  6. Teresa, the crocheted filet curtain panel you made is wonderful! It would be lovely hung in window with sunlight filtering through it. I admire you so many mediums: ink drawing, jewelry making, beading, crochet, watercolor painting, photography and more. Thank you for sharing the beauty around you in your the amazing sky in the South/Southeast! I will try to remember what you learned about your iPhone camera settings so I can experiment with my iPhone 😊[Thanks for the photos you took, as well, Dayle.] ((hugs)) 💞💐💞💐💞

  7. I just love your perfume bottles. They are beautiful!

  8. Lovely post. The little violet bottles/pots are precious. I think I saw one more than 50 years ago which belonged to a good friend's mother. The filet crochet would make a good Valentine's Day decoration.

  9. You dear one, are never a waste of time. I LOVE Your sky images. And you are way ahead of us in flowers. So I appreciate each photo. Hi Mocha honey. I just got my first self stick too! I haven't tried it out yet! Your collections are so meaningful and precious! Thanks for sharing them with all of us.

  10. Those little violets are just so cute, I wish I could smell them. Your spring is ahead of our spring, I have not spotted any violets yet. Fingers crossed we are not far behind although looking outside, another storm seems to be brewing. Have a lovely week x

  11. I love violets! When I was growing up, we had a white birch in our back yard and my parents planted violets all around the base of it. So pretty! You have more blooms than we do at this point, and I thank you for sharing. Your sky pictures are gorgeous! And I bet your grand-daughter can't wait for her blanket. such pretty colors in it. Hope you and Dayle are doing well Teresa and taking care!

  12. A happy post is never a "waste of time"!!!! -smile-

    I love Violets. When I see them in the yard, it is really spring to me. But not yet. Your weather is ahead of ours. We can feel spring in the air, but the ground has not fully "felt" it.

    I do love the blankets you make. Don't think I have ever seen any, as beautiful, as the variegated yarn you use.

    Your sunset photos, make me think of Oz! As in... the Wizard of Oz! Like a gorgeous film depiction of beyond-nature beautiful. -smile- And it _is_ Nature.

    🌱 🌸 🌱 🌷 🌱

  13. I loved this post. Your little perfume bottles are perfect for the violets. How kind of hubby to pick some for you and to take some photos. St. Pat's is about the only holiday that I don't have jewelry for... hmmmmm... I may have to remedy that. Your sky photos were gorgeous. How lucky we are to be surrounded by such beauty. Have a great week!

  14. You take the best photos. I always want the things you show in your photos:) How did you ever make those gold hoop earrings?

    1. I am an amateur jeweler! I bought 14k gold wire, bent it into a circle around a tube of lip gloss, cut the end with a wire cutter, filed the ends so they were rounded and not sharp, bent one end into a little circle with a round nosed plier and the other end of the hoop turned up. :-)

  15. Hi Theresa. I enjoy all your postings so much and photos of your lovely home and pic turesque countryside. how lucky you are to have swathes of scented violets in your garden. My gt. grandmother was born in Devon (county) and kept a chubby little violet-pot on her dresser, with silk violets in it. Have you seen the pretty speckled violet - white with purple spots - called 'Viola Sororia Freckles'? This heavily scented beauty is easily grown from seed and naturalises well. Time spent reading your posting is never wasted :}
    Val E. (Wales UK)


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