Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Authenticity and the Worm Moon 🌕

Do you remember the Cornishware pitcher I got recently?  Well.. I have a story to tell.  Of course I do.  I ordered the pitcher from Amazon, I did love it, but on the label in the fine print below.. was.. "Made in China".  Really?!!!  What!!??  I was ordering it from England because I wanted a true authentic English pottery piece.  I was disappointed.  So then I did some looking on eBay and found a REAL vintage one for a similar price, made in the 30's-50's in ENGLAND.  So, I decided to get a real one so now I have two.  The one below is the vintage one.

The big one is "MIC".  It's heavier, a different shade of blue with a simple handle.  The vintage one is lighter with a more interesting handle.  I like them both but for sure I love the old one better.  It's had a history from across the sea.

The handles differ from simple to the more interesting shape on the vintage one.

This is the stamp on the bottom of the old one.  Notice in the banner it says "Made in England".  

The new one conveniently does not say where it is made, but now says "Established 1866 Classic Kitchenware".  

The box label of the new one.

Imagine my surprise when the new one arrived and I read the label.  On the Amazon site when I was choosing this, there was not one word of where it's made.  Shame on them.  At any rate, I will use and enjoy both.

Our big pot of 3 varieties/colors of Christmas cactus has more blooms than ever since we re-potted them together.  The one in bloom was the one from my mother's room in the Alzheimers unit before she passed away.  It's my living connection with her and I love it.

I did a bit of a closeup of one of my wild Violets and noticed the cute little fuzzy things in the center, you don't actually see them with the naked eye so that was fun to learn.

Chef Dayle made another roasted chicken dinner for us.  This time we actually had cooking sherry to put in it and he added some sage to the pot.  It turned out simply divine.  Have you tried doing this yet?

A funny story.  When the hens began laying again I looked for my vintage wooden egg holder to take a photo.  Hmph.  I could not find it.  I looked high and low, in all the likely spots.  No go.  Dayle looked extensively, no luck.  Kristi even looked for it the last time she was here and didn't find it.  But yesterday she visited before picking the boys up from school and she found it!  In the storage closet/pantry.  

Now - the story on this piece is I saw one just like it on Season 4 of Downton Abbey on the pig watering episode.  I just loved seeing that side of Lady Mary. And then to see her so at home in the kitchen making scrambled eggs for Charles Blake.  WELL... she used an egg holder and I fell in love with it.  It was wood and just the most wonderful thing.  So, I looked on eBay and there was one and voila, now I have one.. just like Lady Mary.  :-)

The last bouquet that my dear husband brought home has lasted beautifully.. I had to snap this photo of one of the lilies illuminated by the late afternoon sunshine.

And last.. but certainly not least.. I went out in my stocking feet night before last.. around 11:30 pm.. and snapped this shot of the "Worm Moon".  What a silly name for the moon.  

We are still purchasing staples to hold us over if we have to stay home and isolate ourselves from large gatherings.  The buzz word is "Social Distancing".  I have had people scoff at us for stocking up.  There are 29 deaths in Washington now and 19 confirmed cases in Oregon. I'm not panicking but I am being as diligent as possible. We just got 2 TP packs and 2 paper towel packs at Costco today. I don't consider this panic.. we will use them. We're also stocking up on canned goods, medicines, spices, sugar, salt, flour, baking soda, etc. I am in the high risk group, over 70 with underlying health issues such as chronic bronchitis, diabetes, high blood pressure. If I get this, trust me, I will likely die. So.. we're staying home more and avoiding crowds. Again.. not panic. Self-preservation. And I am not ashamed of being careful.  I hope you are taking this seriously and taking care of yourself and your family, too.
((hugs)), Teresa :-)  


  1. I can understand your disappointment. You can spot the difference. On your vintage one it says TG Green. This company was at Church Gresley , near Swadlincote .Quite near to me in Derbyshire. Strange that is called Cornish when its nowhere near Cornwall. I think its still there. There is also a pottery museum in Swadlincote. Nice cafe too, haha. You can Google it. Swad has a dry (grass) ski slope too. Years ago it was a mining area. Lots of photo's on the walls in their Morrison's supermarket cafe.Interesting.

  2. I'm confused at how you found out, the new one, was made in China. I don't see it, on the label. And Amazon did not say.... But I certainly believe it. We must get away from so much dependence, on things made in China. Especially meds.

    Same here. Wise preparation. Not panic.

    But I can't see, how people who listen to what-passes-as-news, can not panic. It is a constant drumbeat of panic, panic, panic. So terrible for everyone. They should be ashamed of themselves.

    We have trusted and calm sources of info.

    Courage to all we older folks! -smile-

    Gentle hugs...

    1. If you look at the label I posted, on the bottom right it says "Made in China". They should have mentioned that on Amazon and I also think the company should not make things in China that represent England.

  3. Lovely jugs, especially the old one. I have a couple of TG Green items, a Cornishware herb jar and a pot with 'Kitchen Things' on it in fancy writing where I keep my wooden spoons. You are wise to stay away from crowds I think, it's not worth taking the risk, and it's good to be cautious. Quite a few things have been cancelled here. I am hoping that the school stays open because my son has exams in a few weeks' time, but I'm sure we'll weather whatever happens. Stay safe my friend, CJ xx

  4. That close-up photo of the violets looks like a beautiful painting! We're being careful here, too, for ourselves but also because of my 88-year-old mother who I see almost every day. A few weeks of extra caution is worth the inconvenience if it keeps us all safe. xxx Sue

  5. Hi Teresa! I enjoyed learning all about your two pitchers. I can understand your disappointment that the one was made in China but it's still a beautiful pitcher. Of course I prefer the vintage one too. :-)
    Your flowers are all beautiful and I'm so glad that your egg holder turned up. I remember when you got it and how excited you were to be like Lady Mary.
    Our governor just issued a ban on all gatherings over 250 effective immediately. I didn't even think about the fact that this affects weddings and funerals too. How sad that lives are so disrupted by this virus but safety for everyone is most important. I got my snow tires off today and can now hunker down at home as I have nowhere I need to be until a Dr. appoint at the end of the month. And I'll cancel that if necessary.
    As you say, not panic, but taking precautions. Alex is flying back to Japan on Sunday and I worry about him flying for 20 hours but he keeps chiding me and saying there is nothing to be done about it so not to worry. Obviously he isn't a Mom! We can't help but worry about our kids.
    Take care and hello to Dayle.

  6. I love the colour of that lily, such a gorgeous pink. We're being a bit cautious here too. I always give my hands and face a good wash whenever I've been out, and avoid touching door handles/ handrails. I just hope the virus burns itself out quickly. Keep safe everyone! xx

  7. Interesting to learn about your pretty pitchers...and see the close ups of your lovely flowers! I so appreciate the challenge of having something put in a "safe" place that is then difficult to find 👀I have not tried your baked chicken method yet but yesterday I made a yummy meatloaf that I froze in slices. Did you use your iPhone to take the amazing moon photo? I am still hoping to fly to Burbank next week... 🤗

  8. Pretty jugs Teresa, but gosh I really love your egg holder! Your Christmas cactus is so pretty. I wish mine would bloom again (maybe I should try re-potting it). We are taking it easy and trying not to panic over the current state of the world - pretty frightening for sure. Glad you and Dayle are being smart.

  9. Oh another lovely post to read and admire all your pics of treasured items 😀😀
    You sure have beautiful flowers. Here at sea still and next cruise cancelled so no Barcelona to Venice....oh well at least so far we are still well. 🙂🙂

  10. I love the moon picture. Nearly everything here is from China.

  11. Teresa, that plant that has a connection to your mother is amazing! Do stay away from crowds! WE need you. We love you! That chicken dinner looks very healthy, and I love what Sherry does to soups, casseroles, Sweet potatoes and chicken!
    I am not ashamed to say that I am glad i am retired from hospital nursing. Same for Fireman on the truck or ambulance. We are blessed and we worked long shifts ,long years and missed many important family and friends gatherings,so much so that when we retired and we both went to parties, People were shocked! Together? We always worked opposite shifts so our kids never needed daycare.
    We have at least ten days of food as of today and I hope not to need to go the market again .

  12. Hello Teresa.A lovely post. I used to get so cross when on Holiday trying to find gifts to take home and finding so many said made in china - refused to buy.
    Love the jugs though.
    Your dinner looks yummy.Today we stocked up on a few staples- had to as shelves are empty or very depleted. No toilet rolls, hand gel, wipes. :-(
    I am worried re our eldest son. Today he was measured for his respirator hood. He will be on 'Front Line' dealing with C. Virus patients. Will be intubating them - greatest risk of transmission and big viral load. He said that the hospital has been eerily quiet - calm before storm. Stay safe and well Teresa along with Dayle and your family. Hugs Anne X

  13. LOVE, LOVE that Cornish Blue. I might need to look for some of that. Thanks for linking up Teresa and have the best weekend.

  14. I love your pitchers, but I would like one in red! We are being cautious but not crazy. Fortunately, we always have a good stock of toilet paper as we buy it at Sam's. I say fortunately because all of the local stores are out of tp... it's crazy. We keep a fully stocked pantry and freezer so we are okay there. We are in our late 60s and I have a cardiac history so we are staying close to home, but that's pretty normal for us. Stay safe!

  15. Your mugs are great Teresa both new and old. It looks like Cornish ware is being made again in England...I found this link. We have a lovely old mustard pot which belonged to my MIL. Stay safe, sadly the Craft show in Birmingham was cancelled (no real surprise) we are still living normally and my husband's job is in London so for now life carries on! Hugs xxx

  16. You are smart to prepare. My family is making fun of me with the toilet paper and full pantry. My husband keeps saying the stores are open! Yet, I don't want to wake up and find out they are closed for two weeks. So I go, stock up and know it will get used anyway. Take good care Teresa.


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