Friday, March 13, 2020

Daffodils in the Snow

Yesterday it was sunny and lovely here.  Today - it is snowing.  :-)

Our brave daffodils are weathering the storm.  

Their heads are bowed somewhat but when the snow melts they should stand up tall again.

The snow looks kind of pretty on my long needle pine.

Remember the roast chicken I showed you on Wednesday?  Dayle used the leftover chicken to make a hearty chicken vegetable noodle soup.  He cooked more carrots, celery and potatoes and added fresh sliced mushrooms, too.

I've had two bowls of soup and there is enough for more.  Staying home and making our own healthy food since January 2nd has worked out well now that we are staying home to avoid the Corona-virus, as we're already being more self-sufficient and eating out way less.

Now we rewind to yesterday as I went out to pick a newly opened up unique daffodil and I spotted a big fat squirrel on the child-sized picnic table.  

Amazing the difference a day makes, isn't it?

This is the unique daffodil that I picked to bring in for my brass bulb vase.  I don't have a name for this one but I think I ordered a Hybridizer Pink Collection from Brecks once and this was in it.

This one is kind of neat but I've decided I'm not a fan of frilly daffodils, I like unique colors but I prefer those that have traditional shapes.

I think having fresh flowers in your living space really uplifts one's mood.  Bright colored walls and lots of light also help.

This cutie is brightening my days.

Our grandsons are spending a few nights with us, they brought their X-Box consoles with them so they are enjoying our high-speed, unlimited internet.  Their home has very limited internet and no TV service.  I hope you have a wonderful weekend!  Be safe out there, my friends.  ((hugs)), Teresa :-)  


  1. Hi Teresa, It's snowing here now too and the wind is howling outside. What a change from yesterday. We're eating at home much more too. We really only went out for breakfast on Saturday and lunch after church so it's not a huge change. Although I would pick up a take and bake pizza sometimes at WINCO because they're really good. We're set to stay home except for Dennis going to work. I just worry about running out of milk and produce. Oh well, we'll make do if we have to.
    Your daffodil is gorgeous. I like all of them frilly and non-frilly. Pipers school has been cancelled for the foreseeable future so we face-timed today and she danced for me. I enjoyed that SO much but I wish this virus thing was over and done with.
    Take care you two and stay well.

  2. Enjoy your grandsons. The daffodils look beautiful in the snow. The soups look so good.

  3. Hi Teresa. That noodle soup looks delicious. I do like the frilly daffodil, it is so pretty, my favourites are the more traditional one.
    I am getting very nervous re this virus. My only quandary at present is deciding about visiting mum. As you know she is in a Care Home. I really don't think we should travel. I don't want to stop over anywhere, use motorway services but did so want to see her. I am so worried re her getting it and DH and I are in the more susceptible groups. All such a worry. Do take care. Hugs Anne X

  4. Lovely Teresa and a squirrel love them. Always a joy to visit you among worrying times. We will be back home a month earlier than trip planned and hope our first flights go ok.

  5. That soup looks fabulous! I can almost smell its deliciousness! Thanks for sharing your lovely flowers! Your bright pictures lighten my mood! You are a sweet person for sharing your happiness!

  6. Lovely pictures, and yes, two very different days.
    Keep well,

  7. First, thank you for continuing to blog!!!! Seems as if Pretty Blog Land is drying up. Do people think they can "GET IT" from being on the net?????

    Flowers in the snow. Lovely photos...

    We do not usually go out to eat, in regular Flu Season, so this is not different, for us. Cook at home, is our winter way.

    Oh that daffodil you brought inside, is simply gorgeous. Love that combination of colors.

    Due to allergies we can not have flowers in the house. -sigh- But our walls are warm and pretty. Quite a bit of delightful-to-us wallpaper... And warm colors of paint. The only white room, is the bathroom! And it is a tiny bath/shower/laundry room. So white is the best! :-)

    We aren't going out. But have done prep. And our son and daughter in law and family, live right next door. They have been getting, what we might need. We are very lucky, this way.

    Stay wise...
    Stay calm...
    Stay safe...
    🍃 🌱 🌷 🌱 🍃

  8. HI SPEED INTERNET IS FUN when you are used to awful and slow! I love your contrast of snow with sun and warm. IT is downright dreary here. Typical March. 40s gloom! But this too shall pass!!!

  9. It's so fun to have grands hang out with us. Your daffodils are lovely, I'm with you, I don't care for the frilly ones either.

  10. We had some pretty snow over here too, and more and more flowers are blooming. Driving on Fairview I saw two purple Azaleas in bloom...early I think! I have been busy canceling plane tickets and contacting folks about changes in our schedules due to the virus restrictions. Yesterday I made it to the post office and grocery store...interesting to see where the shelves were bare! Your chicken soup looks mmmmmm goood😋Happy Weekend with the boys!! ❤️🤗

  11. What a beautiful daffodil. We are in Autumn now so not the lovely spring flowers here, but awaiting the autumn colours in the garden. Thank you for sharing.

  12. Wonderful daffodil - such beautiful colors - we don't have it yet. Here is snowdrop and crocus. Chicken soup is delicious, I like.
    The schools are closed with us and the borders too ... we are in contact with the telephone and computer ... walk in the forest, read, knit and sew with the sewing machine ... all the best to you. Greetings to you. Viola

  13. I,'m glad you said that squirrel was on a child size picnic table because based on the photo I thought he was a beaver or wood chuck! Stay well Teresa.

  14. I love your snow pictures! So pretty. Daffodils are pretty hardy flowers I find. And I agree with you in that I am not a huge fan of the frilly ones. We have them, but I prefer the traditional shape. Your soup looks delicious! Stay well my friend.


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