Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Snowdrops and Chickens 🐔

This is early for Snowdrops but we've had a pretty mild Winter so far.  They are predicting snow but I'll believe it when I see it.  But for now, I'm enjoying these cute little harbingers of Spring.

We have a large patch of them in front of our house alongside the walkway to the front porch.

We also have a big patch of them up in front of our apple tree.

Look how far up these daffodils are.  

Our chickens have begun laying and Dayle cleaned the chicken house yesterday and put fresh nest material in the nesting boxes and new straw in their secure yard.  We have had 2 chickens killed just by sticking their head through the fence to nibble on green grass and something got them by the head.  We have had to secure their area like Fort Knox to keep them safe.  We have coyotes, fox, raccoons and skunks who are predators here.

Dayle was the one taking some photos for me as he was outside feeding the wild birds.  The chickens were very curious of what Dayle was doing.  :-)

I have enjoyed watching my heart leafed philodendron that I have rooting in water next to my chair.  

And success, we have 2 little roots growing, one on each cutting.

I am happily working on my blanket.. 

I am so pleased with how this is evolving!  

Dayle made a big pot of smoked ham and pinto beans for our dinner yesterday.  He added an onion, celery, salt and pepper and it was delicious!  Then he made a pan of corn bread to go with it.

I'm watching the impeachment trial and am learning so much as they explain the moment by moment progress of how the people were invited to be there for weeks ahead of the insurrection of our US Capitol building.  I'm gobsmacked that anyone would support what happened on that day.  

((hugs)), Teresa :-)  


  1. It's good to hear your hens are laying again. Too bad to learn that something is hanging around killing them. So many lovely snowdrops already! Our daffodils on the south side of our home are coming up. It's early but not unusual there. Your meal looks great. And your blanket looks so happy and colorful. I am appalled at what happened at our Capitol! It makes me so sad....Take care and stay well.

  2. Love seeing your hens I miss having some but we go away too much (pre covid)
    Daffodils coming up wow and I must eventually put my bulbs back in the ground. First time dug them up to thin out after a decade lol

  3. Your philodendron is doing really well with it's rooting process. I had to give mine away when we sold the house. I had started it from a cutting at my office about 23-24 years ago and I can't even begin to tell you how many cutting I started off of it for friends and family over the years. I do miss it and would like to have another one once we're settled again. It looks like we may be closing on the house around March 1 or 2! Can you believe it happened so fast?
    It's hard to believe you have all of those snowdrops and daffidols coming up too! It's SO cold over here. Tomorrow morning is supposed to be 10F with a -2F windchill when Dennis leaves for work. Friday is predicted to be even colder and then, hopefully, will get gradually warmer until we're above freezing by the end of next week. I'm praying our pipes and refrigerator will all continue working properly.
    Then hens are beautiful and it hurts me to even think of a predator getting any of them. I don't think I should ever have animals because I get way too attached to them. Just look at Chloe. She's my shadow and I'll be bereft when something happens to her.
    Your blanket is gorgeous and coming right along. I had to knit myself a new pair of worsted weight socks today. I wear them with my slippers daily. I actually wore holes in them! Since they used worsted yarn and big needles they only took a couple of hours and now I have new slipper socks on my feet. Yay! Nice and toasty warm.
    Take care and give Mocha kisses for me. Hi to Dayle too!

  4. Lovely to see the plants growing around you, the chickens looking so well, yummy looking food and your pretty blanket growing even more beautiful. ((hugs))

  5. So sorry to read about predators getting the chicken. Thankfully we don't have much to worry about, they are generally free range and pootle around the garden and croft. Sadly we have avian flu so they have to be contained for the moment but we have made them a secure run they seem happy enough. Your meal looks delicious. So nice to see the snowdrops and daffs.

  6. It's so nice to see all green things popping up. Our came out early but this cold weather may do them in. They are still hanging tough but who knows how long they will be able to with this polar thing on the way. Araignee

  7. i am usually skeptical of reports of snow but this time i believe in freezing rain! i hope the three of you are all tucked in and ready to stay home for a couple days!
    i love to see the chickens! earlier on in the pandemic when it was warm outside and we were unused to the restrictions my kid and i would walk to a house about a quarter a mile away that has chickens and ducks in their backyard. we would just stand there and take pictures and talk to them until it seemed creepy that we were outside someone's backyard for so long. i find it a joy to see farm animals in the city.
    i love to see your cozy meals. i would love a chef dayle in my life. in my life i am chef dayle.
    peace and love in pdx,

  8. Dear Teresa,
    how lovely and wonderful to see your sweet little snowdrops. Still snow in my garden in the southern part of Austria.
    All my best and enjoy these warmer days

  9. I like your snowdrops, Teresa and I never think about them until I see your plants. Tulips are coming up. It is really good here this afternoon. No snow, but some rain this afternoon. 33 degrees and I need to put my fleece vest on over my sweatshirt.Enjoy the snow, if ya get it in your area and hopefully you hens will stay safe. I have been feeding birds for awhile. They whine at me when the suet feeder is empty, which empties once a week! :.}

  10. Gobsmacked here too.. It is so ugly. SO sad.

    I love your snowdrops. By the time we were ready to move, our snow drops were finally substantial enough to look like a grouping! I loved them.
    Im sorry the chickens are in jeopardy. I know you would do anything for them to be safe......
    I wonder if this is why our neighbor down the road. has a wooden fence around hers and the fence is constructed in such a way that light gets in-between the flat wood but you cannot really see in at all.

  11. Oh that dinner looks delicious! And your blanket is really growing Teresa! So bright and cheerful. sorry about your chickens...hopefully they are all safe now. Have a good weekend!

  12. So sorry about your chickens, that is horrible to see and I would assume traumatic for the ones still alive. The snow drops are beautiful. Stay safe Teresa.


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