Dayle brought home some fresh picked Hood strawberries the other day and some shortcake cups and a loaf of pound cake. After dinner we worked together, he plucked the stems out of the berries and I sliced them.. just like my mom used to.. and then I sprinkled some sugar over the top.. not too much.. just the right amount. Then I gently stirred them and put them in the fridge for a few hours to let the sugar dissolve. Then I sliced up the pound cake, asked who wanted the cake cups or cake.. ladled on generous amounts of bright red berries and added some whipped cream, and the boys wanted some ice cream too.. lol. Oh my goodness. It tasted so good. I told him the only difference is that my mom made homemade whipped cream so I'm doing that next time. What do you serve your berries on for strawberry shortcake?
My sister Denise and her husband Steve are traveling in Colorado - she texted me this photo of them in Aspen! Isn't this photo amazing?
My red hibiscus has been producing a lot flowers recently, it loves the longer daylight hours. I adore this old tree!
Strawberry shortcake! We've had it four times this week! We've been picking the strawberries at the garden here at the lake, and then eating them a few hours later. I'm process my strawberries the same as you do with a little sugar and then we like them on the dessert cups with a little bit of milk and whipped cream. Mmmmmm good!
ReplyDeleteI hope you get your deck fixed quickly so you can enjoy it. It's absolutely gorgeous here at the lake today. Not a cloud in the sky and 73°. Perfection. Have a lovely weekend.
Blessings, Betsy
Yum..that looks delicious Teresa. If I have strawberries I tend to miss out cream..I just love pure strawberry flavour..or I add them to Pimms. Hope you get your decking sorted. Have a lovely weekend...we're in Portugal at the moment! xx
ReplyDeleteMmmmm I think I will make some biscuits and put some sweetened strawberries on one. The Colorado and Hibiscus photos are lovely. I have my car in for maintenance this afternoon, worship art group tomorrow afternoon and church on Sunday. I hope your deck refurbishing is quickly successful! Meanwhile shall we salute each other with "Cheers!" as we down lots of water and iced tea over this hot weekend.😅🌺🤗💞
ReplyDeleteMmm, that looks delicious. Strawberry shortcake is something I haven't had in years, I really must make some soon. My strawberries won't last much longer, they were early this year and they'll soon be finished. The picture your sister sent is amazing, what a stunning spot. I hope she has a good time. Good luck with the new decking, I hope it's finished soon for you so that you can get your flowers back in place and enjoy eating outside again. The temperatures have dropped to around 66F here today after our short heatwave, it's chilly! CJ xx
ReplyDeleteWhat do you do with your hibiscus in the winter? Or is it an indoor plant.? I love them...yours is a beauty. Now I have to go find some strawberries
ReplyDeleteI keep it in the house all year although I bet it would enjoy spending the summer outside. I have it right by the window in the dining room. It blooms all year! ((hugs)), Teresa :-)
DeleteSoftball on the agenda, here. Your strawberries look delicious!
ReplyDeleteWe are going to the local Gala today if it hasn't been cancelled, it is blowing a gale. I like to make shortbread biscuits with strawberries and icecream. I also like to have some sliced on scones with some fresh cream. I always have some strawberry jam that I make in the cupboard for a taste of summer through the cooler months. Have a great weekend.
ReplyDeleteOh yum .. that looks wonderful. We could never do that with strawberries at the moment as they very rarely arrive home safely. The other day Oliver had eaten all but 1 of the strawberries before my daughter got to the checkout to pay. She also often has to pay for half a banana! Your hibiscus is beautiful. Its already Saturday night here and I've been doing a bit of knitting. I'm making a triangle scarf called The Jefferson scarf (free on Ravelry) - I'm enjoying doing it. Still haven't finished my Hitchhiker .. have you? xox
ReplyDeleteI never had strawberry shortcake and seeing yours, that's definitely something I need to make. We usually do with the strawberries what you do but eat them with a generous amount of pouring cream. I also like mine with pieces of meringue. The photo of you sister and her husband is amazing, what a background! I hope she is having a fabulous time. x
ReplyDeleteOh Teresa shortcake cups please!!!!! Allison made homemade whipcream last time she was in. Oh my!!!!so good. Your flowers are so so beautiful
ReplyDeleteI just need someone to pick my strawberries! Hoping tomorrow morning while it's cool. I plan to make a boatload of strawberry jam for my kids.
ReplyDelete(and it doesn't help that this is one of my big allergy problems).
I always make whipped cream from scratch - it's so easy with either the hand mixer or the vintage whipping thingy.
The strawberry shortcake looks delicious! Real whipped cream is yumo too. My chinese lantern plant has got green lanterns on it already. I had to water it this afternoon before I left for a grad party in Yamhill. It was wilting. After Megan and I got back I watered remainder of potted plants. Hydrangeas in tub were a bit wilted too. Yep..staying inside tomorrow. Stay cool!
ReplyDeleteI cut back my hibiscus this past spring so no flowers here yet. Yum on that strawberry short cake, my Mom used to make it, a sure sign of summer.
ReplyDeleteNew decking will be great and last again for AGES......and again I love your place and are you trying to make me go for carbs with that strawberry shortcake yummy....oh dear me lol xoxo
ReplyDeleteThe strawberry shortcake looks delicious. We have had strawberries in meringues with cream, ice cream and chocolate sprinkles with a dusting of icing sugar. Hugs Anne x