Friday, December 22, 2017

Holiday in the Hospital

Dayle made it through the surgery well yesterday.  Afterwards the doctor came to talk with me and told me there was a lot of arthritic bone growth that was compressing the nerves and discs, he said he took out all the bad stuff and could even see the nerves puff up and look better.  Now all he wants is to come home!  We'll find out if he can come home today or they need to keep him another day.  Thank you to all of you who sent him good thoughts and prayers.  :-)

I got a couple of packages delivered today and Hayden helped me open them.  Soon I looked over and he had crawled inside and was trying to scare the dogs.. lol.  Isn't he cute?  I told him he was my best package ever.  

I found an old photo on my computer, these are our 3 children, Amy, Shawn and baby Travis -- 40 years ago!!

Well.. I need to call Dayle and check in to see what's going on.  I'll be going to visit this afternoon.. or pick him up.. whichever they decide.  But we will have him home for Christmas, that's the important thing.  ((hugs)), Teresa :-) 


  1. Happy holidays Theresa, I haven't ever commented before but follow your blog and many others ( being a newbie crocheter). You are such a kind and inspirational lady that I just had to wish you, your husband and family a very merry Christmas and a wonderful new year. I hope that your husband makes a speedy recovery, best wishes sue x

  2. I am thrilled that all went well, our prayers were answered and he will be home for Christmas, the best present of all.

  3. So glad he can come home soon. Bless you both. Poor Dayle, I hope he is pain free soon. I wish you both a terrific, pain free Christmas!

  4. We are celebrating your good report and enjoyed seeing all your photos of loved ones. May you have a wonderful Merry Christmas. Sending you much love with hugs💞🎄💞🎄💞

  5. How good he will be home for Christmas.

  6. So glad he is doing well. A night or two in the hospital after back surgery really helps with the pain management.

  7. Praying he has a good night at home soon. He looks like he has a twinkle in his eye. I know you'll take great care of him. Wishing you all a wonderful Christmas.

  8. Dayle looks great! Oh how I hope he got to come home today. Your package is a cute one. How can I get one delivered like it to my house? Love your 40 year photo. Precious memories.

  9. Your husband and family have been on my mind whilst having his operation and I have prayed for him. I have my second spine operation in two months time and know the worry it is for those close to you. It is wonderful to be without pain. I do hope that you have a happy time with your family over Christmas and the New Year. Robyn

  10. Good report of Dayle's surgery. Glad it went well. Yep....grandsons are pretty good gifts! Nice memories of your children with Santa. Merry Christmas to you and your family! X-X

  11. So glad the surgery went well Teresa, and great that he got it done sooner than expected. It sounds as if the nerves will be much happier now. I'm sending him my very best wishes for a swift recovery and a life without back pain. My partner has had severe back pain in the past and I know how debilitating it is. I hope you can have him home very soon, it's the best place for healing. Hugs, CJ xx

  12. I am so glad that the surgery was successful Teresa. Wishing Dayle a speedy recovery and I so hope he makes it home for Christmas. I did chuckle at that photo...did Santa scare them..LOL! Merry Christmas my friend xxx

  13. I am glad Dayle's surgery went went well, I was thinking of him. I hope he'll be able to join you at home later today. Wishing you a peaceful weekend. x

  14. So glad Dayle can come home soon! Wishing him a speedy recovery and sending him healing wishes. I hope you and your family have a very Happy Christmas dear Teresa....sending you a big festive hug xox

  15. Thank you for the good news, well, he will be at home for Christmas.
    What a fabulous package Hayden ! The best !
    Have a Merry Cristmas all together.

  16. Awww bless that man.Do hope he will be ok to come home for Christmas,will be thinking of you all.Love the photos.Happy Christmas to all.xxxx

  17. Glad all went well, hopefully he is home by now :). B x

  18. Awesome news Teresa and sending lots of love to you all and especially Dayle xoxo

  19. So pleased to hear that Dayle is home for Christmas. I'm amazed at how quickly he was able to come home after such a big operation. Hope you all have a lovely Christmas. Love that old photo. xox

  20. Glad to hear Dayle is doing well and able to come home so quickly. Blessings for a quick recovery.


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