Monday, January 29, 2018

Progress, Cracker Barrel and New Book

Hello!  How was your weekend?  Ours was low-key, yesterday we all went out for a late lunch, more on that later.  First up is I'm making progress on my Woodland blanket, I've joined in Lucy's CAL (Crochet A Long).  I'm way behind, I'd have to be crocheting full-time to keep up, but that's okay, I'm happy with how it's growing and loving how it's turning out.  I'm not following the color arrangement of Lucy's, preferring to do my own thing, but I'm using the same colors of yarn.

This is how I work.. with my beloved dog on my lap, he doesn't mind that I drape the blanket across him as I work.  :-)

Perhaps I should crochet him a sweater someday.

In the USA there is a chain of restaurants called Cracker Barrel.  They are ordinarily found across the Southern states - but they just built 2 of them here in the Portland area, so we all loaded up in my car and headed there for a late lunch yesterday.  I love how they decorate the place with vintage western artifacts on the walls.

The place was hopping!  We had to wait for a table, but only about 15 minutes and it was a great round table for 6 in a nice nook.

I thought I'd show you my low carb selection.  Grilled chicken tenderloins on a nice fresh salad.  My favorite part were the deviled eggs on top, I've never seen a restaurant serve these eggs and I don't know why as everyone loves them.  The Sunday special was fried chicken which 2 of our party had and they were happy with it, another had meatloaf, all the food on the menu are good old old-fashioned meals like grandma might make.  

I got a new book via Amazon.  My my!  

I am off to swim in a while.  I'm down 20 lbs. now.  :-) In 3 months, about 7 lbs. per month.  Gadzooks.. it's slow but at least I'm going in the right direction.  Have a super week!  ((hugs)), Teresa :-) 


  1. Your crocheted blanket looks great.I have made quite a few of Lucy's blankets and was lucky enough to meet her at Yarndale.She is a lovely lady and a great inspiration to so many.

  2. Well done on losing the eight, you are doing so well. We like to go to the Cracker Barrel when we visit Florida, the food is good and like you we love the decor.

  3. Dennis really likes the meatloaf at a Cracker Barrell. We have one in Coeur d’Alene and go every few months. Well done in losing the weight. You’re doing great! You’re sticking to your diet much better than I am, although I’m trying hard. The blanket is growing and beautiful too.

  4. The last picture is the BEST!! I’d say enjoy the book but given the subject I’m not sure that’s possible. Hope you have a lovely week, Lisa

  5. Cracker Barrel has fun decor to explore and an interesting selection of things to buy in their store although I somehow managed not to buy anything when I went there last summer :-) Bravo for your progress on your pretty blanket and your low carb results. Elisabeth has a week of vacation and flew down here today to visit us and some of our friends where she is fun to visit with her today and we are looking forward to a good visit this week! xx

  6. Blanket is getting bigger for sure. I'm sure Buddy enjoys the coziness and maybe you should crochet him one. I've yet to eat at Cracker Barrel in Tualatin but hopefully soon . Good job on the weight loss. Slower is better than fast. Easier to keep the lbs down. I stayed home Sat and made applesauce and later cooked in my instantpot for the first time. Yummy roast!

  7. Love the way Buddy enjoys snuggling in the blanket as you crochet it! You are doing so well with your diet Teresa...and nice that you are taking it slow and steady. What a great visit to Cracker Barrel...I was so interested to see that. The last picture was so xox

  8. Awwww look at that gorgeous little furbaby !! Is this blankie going to be for him?

  9. Congratulations on your weight loss! That's amazing. And yes, slower is better than losing it quickly.

  10. Excellent results with your low/no carb diet - congratulations! your blanket is looking lovely. I'm not sure I could stomach reading that book.....

  11. BIG BIG congratulations Teresa. It is such an effort to change the way we eat. You are doing great!!!
    Fireman is reading THE book as well. He reads about 1/2 of it to me as he goes along!!! I love your blanket work too

  12. I don't think I could bring myself to read this book but I'll be interested to hear what you think. I hugely admire you for sticking to your low carb diet. I am struggling a lot with my eating at the moment, winter and stress are not a good combination. xx

  13. Your blanket is coming along beautifully Teresa, gorgeous colours. Your meal looked fab...well done with your weight's all going in the right direction. Fab. Take care xxx

  14. Your "Fire and Fury" expression is priceless! I confess that I blew $14.99 on the Kindle version the day it was available, and I'm happy I reinforces everything I suspected (that I KNEW)! I am thrilled that you're branching out with your low carb selections...I so wish I'd gone that route rather than the bariatric surgery. Sigh. Someday I know I will be happy I had it done, but at week 2, it's horrible. And I will be eating (pretty much, not going crazy) low carb-ish for the rest of my life!

  15. Love that blanket and its bright and cheery colors. Nice work!

  16. I love Cracker Barrel, but they are really slow here so we don't go very often. Congrats on your weight loss- so many of my blogging buds are on this no sugar diet....I keep trying, but it's like fighting a losing (no pun intended) battle. Have a good rest of the week!

  17. You rock girl with sticking to the low carb. Nice little post catchup time for me again xoxo


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