Friday, July 27, 2018

Hat Finish and Honey

I finished the little boy hat for my niece's new baby boy.  I can't wait to get it to her and see how he looks in it.  :-)

I put the finishing touches on the hat while I was volunteering at the falls yesterday with my sister Denise.  Lots of visitors commented on how cute it was.

I decided to make a small blanket to go with it and began it while volunteering.  A little one to cover him in his car seat or stroller.

My daughter Amy got two more photos sent to her from the people who raised their new puppy, Honey.  They will pick her up while I'm there next week and we're all excited.  :-)

What a cuddle bunny she is!

I snapped this photo on my way out to the parking lot after volunteering.. it's kind of a neat monument to the Armed Forces that defend our country.  

OK.. a quick post here.. I'm off to meet Gracie and her sister for lunch at the Ristorante de Pompello in Troutdale and then off to meet Sue Perez at the Crochet Guild of America annual conference.  I'm excited about the marketplace there.. yarn yarn yarn!  I will take photos.  ((hugs)), Teresa :-) 


  1. Yarn, yarn, yarn... what could be better? Can't wait to see your photos!

  2. Oh I can’t wait to hear about your yarn fun with Gracie today. Do you know what the first thing I thought was when I saw your sweet baby hat? It looks HOT! It’s so hot here. Cooler weather next week and then the hat will be very welcome for the fall weather that will arrive soon enough.
    Have fun today!!!!!

  3. oh I just adore that baby hat and that puppy is soooo cute.Can't wait to see more of baby and puppy.My baby blanket is still not finished,just been too busy or tired in this HEAT WAVE,but rain has now showed itself at least the start of it.Sunday is supposed to be " THE DAY " when the rain and thunder n lightening strikes,hate it.Huge Huggles to all.

  4. The hat turned out so cute. Looks like it will be snuggly and warm too.

  5. What a cute hat and blanket Teresa. Have fun with the yarn and a great weekend. Hugs xxx

  6. nice hat and blanket and puppy you get to see next week! Have a great day and travel safe my friend!

  7. The baby's hat is darling, Teresa. I like the baby blanket you have started to go with it.
    The Blue Star Memorial Highway system is a great tribute to our Armed Forces. It was begun by the National Garden Clubs in 1945 after WWII.
    Enjoy your weekend. ♥

  8. Yarn, yarn, yarn, sound like fun. Love the hat and the blanket, a lovely gift. That puppy is adorable.

  9. Adorable baby crochet hat. Great job. Looks warm. Nothing sweeter than a baby face peeking out of a beautiful gift hat

  10. Honey s so adorable. I can't wait for your visit you are going to have such a wonderful time.

  11. Hello there and bet you have enjoyed your lunch with Gracie. That pupper is adorable and so exciting you will meet her too while enjoying grangirls too xoxo

  12. Your hat turned out great Teresa!! Safe travels and have fun!

  13. Such a sweet hat and pup!!! Anne x


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