Monday, August 27, 2018

C2C Blanket, Rain and a Tribute

Hello!  Did you have a good weekend?  We relaxed!  Watched some TV, I crocheted on the little blanket for my niece's month old baby boy, I read my book "Water for Elephants" - warning it's a bit risqué!  I began the decreasing on the Corner 2 Corner blanket, it's a small one, I planned it for covering the baby in his car seat or stroller or while napping at home.  

Dayle is fascinated with history and Egyptology and I crocheted along while he watched hours and hours - it really is amazing what they did in those days.

And guess what?  IT RAINED!  I was never so happy to see rain.  We've had high heat and drought for months now.  Everything was parched.

I want to take this time to give tribute to Senator John McCain who passed away on August 25th.  I did not always agree with him but that does not diminish my respect for the man.  He gave his entire life in service to the USA and tried always to vote his conscience.  He will be missed.

I asked my daughter Amy to please send me photos of their puppy Honey so I could enjoy seeing her grow up.  This is the latest image she posted on Facebook.  So cute!

My photographer friend Steve Terrill posted this wonderful picture of a pair of Cedar Waxwings - note the flared tail feathers.. what a capture!

Happily the air has cleared of smoke here and I was able to get a fairly good photo of the moon the other night.  Then the rain came, so no more moon photos.  :-)

Our granddaughter Jenna began 7th grade in Ohio a few weeks ago, here is her photo before she boarded the bus.  :-)

Paige began 4th grade.  :-)

Caleb started 4th grade today.  Hayden starts 5th grade tomorrow.  :-)

I'm off to swim soon.  Richard is working on the front porch.  It will be fun to see how much progress he makes by the time I return.  Have a happy week!  ((hugs)), Teresa :-) 


  1. Lovely to see your pretty blanket progress, Honey and the Grands, the amazing bird photo, the moon, rain, and tribute! xx

  2. I'm so glad you have finally gotten a good soaking, Teresa. We are having a very humid day and we could use some rain as well. John McCain will always be remembered as a man of honor. I wish we had more folks with his integrity in government. I too, didn't agree with his politics, but I must say he was a fine man. Thank you for remembering him in your post. ♥

  3. Your photos are beautiful and the puppy is so cute. We were pleased to see rain too which is unusual as we get plenty but after over 7 weeks without a drop the garden was suffering.

  4. Everyone is growing up so quickly Teresa. They all look great. Schools here don't go back til 5th September. Glad you got some rain. Hugs xxx

  5. We enjoyed the rain but I'm not sure we had as much as you had!

  6. Hi Teresa. Guess what? We got some rain last night too! The first rain in months and months. It wasn’t a lot, but the skies have cleared of smoke at least for today and that makes me very happy. I’m back at the lake and enjoying the fresh air for the first time in weeks. Your blanket is beautiful. I’ve always enjoyed doing the corner to corner blanket. All of our Grandkids are starting school too. Piper started two weeks ago and our Montana kids start soon too. I guess it’s that time of year. Schools here don’t begin until next Tuesday. Enjoy your swim!
    Blessings always, Betsy

  7. Hi Teresa, I live about a mile or so from Corbet lough here in Northern Ireland, where a lot of the game of thrones has been filmed, wonder if there's any connection with your Corbett.

  8. Yay for rain!!!

    Hope all your "grands" have a wonderful year at school. We'll all be watching as little Honey grows up. She is just too adorable!

  9. We had rain for the first time in months over the weekend too. It was so lovely and I got to sit and finish Rachel's blanket while listening to it on the tin roof. Your blanket looks perfect for a baby boy to snuggle under. I do think my favourite photos are of your granddaughters with honey. My kids insist on photos with the dog on first days of school too. xx Susan

  10. Water for Elephants was our book club's first book! It was a good read. Glad you got some rain, it seems everyone is parched this year. The waxwing photo is amazing. I've not lured any of them to my feeders. Your grands look happy to be going back to school!

  11. So many lovely photos! That puppy is so adorable! We are slowly looking for just the right puppy to join our family and animal menagerie but cannot all agree on what we want! I read Water for Elephants a few years ago after I saw the movie. I quite liked it! Your blanket is looking gorgeous! xox Louise

  12. Oh that puppy - too cute. It's such a relief when it rains after a long dry spell isn't it. We had a couple of dry months here too, but it's all back to green now. Love the photo of the waxwings, a really great shot. CJ xx

  13. Lovely pictures! Your grandchildren all look happy to be going back to school.... our older ones go back next week. Glad you got some much needed rain...we did too! Your baby blanket is looking so sweet. Hope you have a good week dear Teresa xxx

  14. Lovely photos! Back to school indeed. For Zach in Chicago , school starts Tuesday after Labor day. The local county fair is this week, so our local kids are not back yet either. Zach is a quick hour and a half ride away now. I can take a metra train to see him too!

  15. hmmmm Wonder if i typed to fast. Love your back to school pics. Zach is a hour and a half away> A BLINK compared to Chiapas mexico!~~

  16. Your grands are so beautiful/handsome. I read your current book a few years ago. One of my all time favorites.

  17. Hi Teresa. I seem to gotten behind with my favourite blogs. Life is going too fast! Our grandchildren all go back next week. Sam starts High School - he is 11.
    Love, love, love the porch. I would choose staining for definite. Sure it will look beautiful whatever. Would love a porch swing if I had a porch lol.
    That was one big frog I saw in one of your posts!
    Have to admit I was happy to see the rain when it came.Sorry not commented on all three posts, but have read them. Hugs Anne x


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