Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Farmhouse Porch Redux

  • re·dux
  • ˈrēˈdəks/
  • adjective brought back; revived.
Hello! Some things are happening around the old farm place.  I am happy to see that my 4th of July rose rallied after I pruned all the spent blossoms off a while back and I see several buds to open soon. 

My two pots of Lantana also came back after I nipped off the spent blooms.

Hayden's tomato plant produced this beauty which we had on top of soft tacos that Travis made us all for dinner when we returned home from the lake reunion trip.

Our handyman Richard is working on replacing the deck on the old front porch.  When he started removing the old boards it was kind of like opening a can of worms.  The understructure was old and needed to be replaced also.  Then he had a look at the insulation under the house and suggested that be replaced too.  So the deck progress halted while that project took place, he just got that done and will start again on the porch tomorrow.

I guess to get things right you have to rip out the old and start over.  It's a disaster out there and piles of debris are in the front yard, also tools and lumber and all.  

Richard gets our kudos for doing all this for us, it's a dirty, difficult job.

I'm off soon to meet my blog friend Gracie for a crab salad for lunch and then we're heading to the pool for our swim workout.  I've been missing from the pool for a few weeks and am anxious to get "back in the swim of things".  Thanks for visiting and the nice comments you leave.  ((hugs)), Teresa :-) 


  1. Your porch re-do is going to be so nice once finished. I know n the interim it can be an inconvenience while things ae worked on, but you'll be so happy to have that completed (and new insulation too!). Your flowers are so beautiful Teresa.

  2. I thought things would quieten down for you once you got back from your trip and yet it’s still all go in your neck of the woods. Your 4th July rose is very pretty. My mother’s rose is on it’s second bloom of the year here in the UK. I hope you enjoyed your swim.

  3. Beautiful flowers Teresa, hope all goes well with the new porch work. It must be lovely to sit out on the decking, sheltered from the elements. Take care and have a good week. Cathy x

  4. Your flowers are always beautiful, Teresa. I love when the flowers rally after a good pruning. Whenever we get a project done around here it usually reveals something else that needs doing. I'm sure you will be happy to get it all done soon and have a brand new porch with insulation. I hope you share the finish! Happy swimming! ♥

  5. Ahhhh a good lunch with a good friend and a good swim as well! Thanks so much for all the goodness, Teresa 💞 It is a joy to see your pretty flowers and the latest progress on your porch revival. Thanks for posting! [Our house is being shown tomorrow morning!!!] 🤗

  6. It's always "something" .... glad you have someone good to do the job right. You'll be enjoying that nice new porch is no time!

  7. Enjoy that swimming Teresa and would love that crab salad with you both. Always love seeing all your lovely flowers ♥ xoxo maybe one day on another trip back

  8. I hope your lunch and swim with Gracie was a good one. Who am I kidding? Of course it was good with the two of you together!
    Your flowers all look beautiful and I’m sorry about the insulation being needed too. It always seems when you start one project two or three more need done doesn’t it?
    Blessings, Betsy

  9. Hi Teresa. You are always so busy. We have just had all our windows replaced. Big job but house looks so much better and should be warmer this winter. Next - the bathroom :-( then decorating - it goes on and on doesn't it. Hope you had a lovely swim with Gracie. Hugs Anne x

  10. That Lantana plant of yours is so pretty - I think I'm going to do a bit of research to find out if they would be happy in our climate. Lots going on at your house !!! It will be nice when its all finished though, and perhaps a nice place to sit and crochet? Wouldn't mind joining you for that crab salad (yum) enjoy!

  11. Construction, inside or out, is always a messy business, but so worth it when it is completed. Can't wait to see the finished project!

  12. Oh my, busy as ever! And your blooms are always stunning. I have been busy here too. So Cal has been the hottest summer on record. Gardening was a challenge this summer. I have reached my "over it" status, and pulled the remaining vines, and kept only a couple of things for now. I had bad luck with my seeds this summer.
    We have been on a couple of fun trips, and I have yet to blog about trip two. School is back in session after a one week postpone due to the Holy Fire. I am ready for some sewing and home love.

  13. Your flowers are just so Pretty Teresa. So great that the kids are growing vegetables and cooking with them. Great job! Kids need to do these things I feel. Happy Swim. One of my best memories of Oklahoma this year is swimming in a great lap pool at al's friends apt complex. IT was so refreshing. I did get burnt though and wished I hadn't . ..on my back and shoulders

  14. You're sure fixing up your place and I'm sure you will enjoy the porch even more! I love ours now that is re-sided. Flowers are so pretty too, Teresa. Hope you and Gracie had a good lunch and swim the other day! Take care~Becky xx

  15. I too hope you had a good swim and lunch with Gracie sounds like fun. I do know the feeling as we start one job in our cottage another three appear, it will all be worth it in the end.


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