Friday, November 30, 2018

A Mother's Bloom

I have a big pot behind my easy chair in the bay window which we put 3 color varieties of Christmas Cactus.  One of them is very special to me.  The one in the photo below.  My mom was a plant lover and had them over the years.  When she was nearing the end of her life I visited her weekly in the care home, my 2 sisters and I were devoted to spend time with her.  

On one visit I noticed that she had a little potted plant on her shelf that was in an extremely neglected state, dried up to the point where many would have tossed it in the trash.  So, I rescued it and brought it home with me.  I soaked it in water and put it in my garden window.  Not long after mom passed away the little plant burst forth with a few flowers.  I think it was thanking me for rescuing it.  But mainly I felt it was my mother's spirit saying hello to me.  It's in bloom right now, hello mom!

I'm working on decorating the Christmas tree, I have a couple embroidered ornaments that I find fascinating.  This is one of them.  I'd like to make a few felt and embroidered ornaments this year.  The other one is even more amazing, I will try to remember to photograph it when I find it.

I found the other one!  I just love how this is made.  I've wanted to try to emulate it some day.  I wish I could find somewhere that sells these.  The little red house is stuffed and stands out from the black background.

I know I ususally show you the cozy living room all decorated with a fire in the hearth, but I thought I'd show you the "before" photo.. :-)  I have my work cut out for me!  

My box of tree ornaments.  I've only hung a few, Michael, our 18 year old grandson who is living with us, is going to help me with the decorating.  He started school on Monday and is hoping to graduate there in the Spring.  

I was opening some boxes of decorations and found this neat snowman candle piece that I had forgotten I'd gotten last year.  :-)  I put this on our TV cabinet as it's low and doesn't interfere with viewing.  I have a similar one that will go by this with little animals roasting marshmallows.  I haven't come across that one yet.  :-)

Dayle hung some new icicle lights across the old front porch while I hung ornaments on the tree.  One string didn't work so we have to return it.  I hope they have another string to give us!  I'll get a photo from out front when it's done.  

I'm having my sister's holiday luncheon in 10 days, that gives me a deadline to have things in order.  :-)  Do you have a party at your house during the festive season?  Do share!  

((hugs)), Teresa :-) 


  1. Hello to your dear Mum's cactus Teresa, I love seeing those blooms each year. Happy tree decorating! Hugs xxx

  2. I have my late mother's Christmas cactus, it is very special but getting very old and woody. I'm thinking I might cut a lot of the long trailing fronds and hopefully rejuvenate it. I could use the cuttings to make a new plant. We start decorating tomorrow, two young grandsons, one tall thin tree and wooden and straw decorations. I love your snow candles.

  3. Betsy is having trouble leaving comments so I'm posting them for her:

    What a beautiful flower. I like the thought that it’s your mom saying hello to you. I like seeing the before pictures. It makes me realize I’m not alone in having a disaster when I’m trying to decorate. Ha! The only thing we’re hosting this year at all is our Bible study Christmas party. We usually have it the first week in January because people are normally so busy in December. I love your little snowman candles. You know how much I love snowman. I hope you and Dayle have a wonderful weekend Teresa. Blessings, Betsy

  4. Love your cactus. An elderly friend gave me two earlier this year, one was from one that had belonged to her mum ( my friend is 84) Both are doing really well. Decorations not out yet, still don't feel up to it :-( Hugs Anne x

  5. The color of that Christmas cactus is fantastic. I belong to a tea group. We get together weekly and whoever is hosting, uses her prettiest linens, china, and silver. I host one of the December ones so through the year I've found different bone china tea cups at thrift stores. Each place setting will have one and each person will be able to take that tea cup home as a little party favor. Some of the cups are totally gorgeous.

  6. My sister, brother in law, niece and nephew are travelling over to Chicago for Christmas. They are hoping for snow and we can't wait to show them the city. So we have two weeks of a full house.
    I have two cactus that I got last year when we moved to the US, they are still green and healthy but no flowers.

  7. Your mom's Christmas cactus is one of the prettiest I've ever seen. That color is amazing.

    We do not have a party at our house. At least not this year .........We don't have the room (or seating) for a group of people. However, I do have my friends over (one or two at a time) all through the year.

  8. Wow, what a beautiful Christmas cactus! The fact it was recused and was once your mother's makes it extra special. I totally get the scene you have going on with all of your Christmas decor about the room. We have our tree up, but there are boxes still to unpack and decorate the rest of the house. We host Christmas every year in our home with both of our children and their children stay in our home for several days and them we have a party for our extended family while they are here--Whew, I'm tired thinking about it! We love it and hope to continue doing it as long as we can. ♥

  9. Your cactus is so pretty. Mine always blooms at Thanksgiving and is pretty much done way before Christmas! Those felt ornaments are lovely and they don't look all that difficult to make. It's nice that you have your grandson to help you decorate!

  10. Lovely to think of your mum every time your cactus flowers especially at this time of year. Love the embroidered pieces for your tree. I’m sure it will look beautiful when you have finished. Enjoy decorating it with your grandson. B x

  11. My mom liked plants too. I think of her each year the Amaryllis come out. Maybe I should find a Christmas cactus as she liked them too. Nice stuffed ornaments you found. I'm working on decor this weekend too. Have a good weekend! ××--××

  12. What a joy to see your Mums cactus flower. I loved the embroidered ornaments they are beautiful. We have limited our decor this year as we won't be here.

  13. I love that you were able to save that little cactus and that it joyfully blooms for you each year with a heavenly hello from your mom. You'll have your place decked out in no time and it will be wonderfully festive. Tomorrow I will start doing some decorating. I've never made felt ornaments but have always wanted to try even though sewing is not my forte. The ornament and stocking are lovely.

  14. That is a sweet story about your mom's Christmas cactus and I like your cute ornaments. I could use icicle lights since we don't get icicles or snow around here.

  15. That flower is gorgeous Teresa and yes a lovely hello to your Mum. We miss them that is for sure but can't live forever......Doing a backwards blog hop to catchup xoxo

  16. I remember the story of your Mother's cactus, it is so similar to my parents little one I rescued. Mine is doing better after that scare last year, I think it is even beginning to bud. We are putting upi the tree today, wish me luck with the puppies!


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