Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Holiday Favorites and Red Mixer

Hello, nice to see you today.  :-)  I'm slow to decorate so far, but I've put a few of my favorite things on the dining room table.  This Fenton frosted glass snow couple I found at the gift shop of the Pittock Mansion when I visited it during the holidays years ago.  They live in the china cabinet so were easy to find.  :-)

My wooden candle carousel on the left, it has a nativity scene on the bottom level and angels spin around them.  The upper level also spins, it's the 3 wise men and sheep.  On the right is one of my favorite Christmas gifts from over the years, a beaded Christmas tree put together by my daughter-in-law, Kristi.  

I love the movement and light of this carousel.

I continue to be in love with the Norwegian rose-maling hand-painted design on the candelabra that my friend made for me.

A closer look at the beaded tree that Kristi made for me.  The tree was pre-beaded but she selected all the little things for around the base and got the glass dome and put it all together.

She even put in a Scrabble board game as she knew I loved playing it.

A book of cross stitch, a children's book, drums, a bag of wrapping paper with a bow, a stack of gifts, a red sled, a package ready to post, a jar of cookies, and more.  I just treasure this wonderful gift.

Dayle just left to run some errands and took a big stack of cards to the post office for me.  :-)

I decided that since we'll be in charge of cooking more now that I needed a new mixer.  How about this candy apple red model?  LOL!  We're going to break it in with a batch of chocolate chip cookies to surprise the boys when they get off the bus one of these afternoons.  :-)

I play Scrabble online and I had to share with you this big score I got.. this is a game I'm playing with my friend Gracie.  I thought it was fun as I used the word "holidays" spanning over two triple-word spaces.  :-)

My daughter's dog, Honey, got a beauty session by Paige the other day and she took this photo.  HA!  Cute, huh?

Amy posted this photo on Facebook today, she was less than thrilled at the idea of having to bathe Honey after letting her spend some time in her little backyard dog run.  :-)  This photo cracks me up.  I think she's smiling, do you see it?  

Caleb fractured his ankle yesterday at school, running after a friend and he tripped on a jump rope.  Poor guy just got the cast off his arm on Monday!  He'll be in a soft cast with a walking boot for 4 weeks.  They are pretty tired from cleaning and unpacking at the new house.  

How are things going at your house this week?  ((hugs)), Teresa :-) 


  1. I have the exact carousel which I got at a thrift store five years ago for $2.54. The pricing amazed me not only because it was so inexpensive for such a treasure, but also because it's such an odd number.

  2. Oh no! Poor Caleb! What a fun of bad luck. I absolutely love that littlest tree. Kristi obviously knows you well, doesn’t she? Honey is a cutie that’s for she but obviously mischievous too. :-). And a new Kitchenaide! You two are going to have fun with that.

  3. Isn't it fun to start pulling out Christmas treasures? I adore the beaded tree Kristi made with your favorite things.
    I'm so sorry to hear about Caleb! Hopefully he is feeling better with the cast. I'm sure he'd love some homemade cookies made using your pretty new Kitchen Aid! ♥

  4. Oh poor Caleb, I am sure a batch of cookies will cheer him up made with your lovely new mixer. The dome with the beaded tree is a real delight, such a thoughtful gift. Kristi is certainly a very special Daughter in law.

  5. Oh poor Caleb, that's no fun at all. And just after he had one cast off. I'm sending him my best wishes for a speedy recover. Honey is utterly adorable. They do so love a bit of mud these little pups, don't they. The beaded tree is amazing, Kristi really is so talented, and so kind and generous too I think. I hope the move went well and they settle in soon. CJ xx

  6. I love the tree that Kristi made for you. I can see why it is such a treasured piece. Love your red mixer. My kids gave me a stand mixer a few years ago and I love it! It makes baking so much faster and easier. I 'm sure you will love yours too!

  7. Oh gosh! I love the beaded tree Kristi made for you. That is so beautiful with all the packages underneath it. And poor Caleb! I hope this is the end of his "accidents!" Honey is darling...she is smiling but almost with a smirk - I bet she enjoys getting into things she is not supposed to.....

  8. Poor Caleb. Love seeing your decorations. I need to get ours out of the roof space but we both have a nasty virus at the moment and I have no energy. Love the mixer. Hugs Anne x

  9. Oh no Poor Caleb. Kristi knows you so well. I love my mixmaster . I know you will love yours. Clearly Betsy loves the snowscene globe you made her years ago. She posted it yesterday. So lovely. The Nativity is beautiful

  10. So sorry that Caleb fractured his ankle and I hope it heals faster than expected! Bravo on your super Scrabble score...even if it means you trounce me yet a.g.a.i.n! Honey is cute clean or muddy, but I feel for Amy having to get her cleaned up. :) I am imagining you enjoying using your new mixer. Thanks for letting us admire the beautiful, thoughtful loving gift Kristi made for you. The house was appraised this week which is the last formal viewing we should have to have before closing. Progress! xx

  11. Gosh poor Caleb hugs to him from way over here. My surname is Fenton and sure love the snowmen ♥ Cute Honey and oh my all muddy lol

  12. So sorry to hear about Caleb, he is well onto healing by now but still another cast!


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