Monday, November 26, 2018

Sending Greetings

I've been working on my Christmas cards over the weekend.  Filling out addresses on envelopes by hand.  I fill my fountain pens with red and green ink and enjoy thinking of my friends and family as I write their names on the envelopes.

The ink I'm using has tiny gold flecks suspended in the ink, kind of fun.  The ink is from the J Herbin ink maker.  The 1670 Collection celebrates the rich life and adventures of Herbin, an enterprising French sailor of the mid-17th century. While he was in the employ of the Compagnie des Indes Orientales, he made a number of voyages to India, collecting ingredients and formulas for his sealing wax and inks.

The cover of our card is an image of our living room all decorated for Christmas.  :-)

I hand write each and every card. I feel strongly that we need to keep our writing skills sharpened - too many things are mass produced.  When I get a card that is even signed by the printer I am disappointed not to even see the hand of the sender to sign it.  We need to keep the personal touch.

I lit the bayberry candles in my new candelabra while I wrote cards.

The tools of my trade as a writer, bottled ink and fountain pens.  Do you like to write?  Have you ever used a fountain pen?  Did you know you can get one for relatively little money?  You should give it a try.  :-)

I found this hen ornament on Amazon and I look forward to hanging it on the tree.

Speaking of which, Dayle and Travis put up our tree last evening.  Now to hang the ornaments.  Notice Meeka is missing all her boys.  Michael started high school today, he is in his senior year and we hope he graduates and gets his diploma from Corbett school.

Yesterday was the big moving day when the kids moved their beds to the new house.  They slept there last night.  Their 15 year old dog Shelby had a bit of a rough time adjusting to the new surroundings but has settled down.  It's very quiet here.  But the boys will burst through the door when they get off the bus so that will be nice to see them for a while each day.  We're going to have to adjust to the new normal.  :-)

Do you do cards?  Do tell.  ((hugs)), Teresa :-) 


  1. Your cards are top notch in beauty and warmth and I love the idea of gold flecks in the ink. I have three pen pals and treasure the old school notes and cards we send each other.

  2. I'm posting this for Betsy who is having trouble leaving comments.

    I admire the handiwork that you put into your cards every year Teresa. I do send cards and I sign every one, but, they aren’t hand written like yours are. I can only imagine how quiet your house is right now. I’m guessing it’s sort of a mixed blessing. Poor Meeka is looking very sad and forlorn. Will the boys to continue in the Corbett schools next year? I hope their house is very close by so they can visit you often.
    Blessings always, Betsy

  3. Oh I am so glad you get to see your grands nearly every day. Ive been amazed and joyful that you had extended family with you for , well, as long as I've known you? Zach gave me a caligraphy set for my birthday . I have to get over STARTING with it. I LOVE each card I get at Christmas. And I love how you share your hearth in yours

  4. You will sure miss them and Meeka sure will too. I do a few cards for xmas but so many I use to send now have no one at the other end :( and overseas ones I have done did not seem to arrive last year so just simple msgs in person/blog/txt now. That tree is gorgeous xoxoxo

  5. That ink looks pretty. I bought a beautiful hand made glass dipping pen a few years ago. It is a joy to write with.

  6. I do cards, always have. My address list has lessened a bit the past few years, but I don't think I will ever give it up.

    We took our trip to Italy just for the adventure. Our daughter went with us, but our son is not fond of flying, so he decided not to go. No turkey on Thanksgiving day, but lots of delicious pasta. The food was exceptional.

  7. I have always sent Christmas cards, Teresa. Many folks have stopped the tradition due to the cost. I intend to continue as long as I can. Your pens and inks are very special. Fountain pens are wonderful to use and it brings back memories every time I use one.
    I hope you enjoyed the boys when they came back to your place this afternoon. Life is full of changes isn't it? Oh by the way, I love the header of your home--so lovely! ♥

  8. Gerard enjoys writing the cards to all our family and friends. Like you he uses a fountain/ink pen and enjoys the process. I make them and then he writes in them, a wonderful combination. A new normal will soon be established.

  9. Your cards are wonderful. Sending and receiving cards and letters are joys in my life. I create a typed, photocopied letter but only send it to people where I add a paragraph or two or written paragraphs. That's my test for who gets Christmas letters. Nothing extra to write? Maybe it's time to stop sending to that person.

    I learned to write using a fountain pen. That was in the '60s. The first two years pen was used at school, it had to be a fountain pen and only after that we were allowed to use ball point pens. I think it made us neater writers (except for the lefties who leaved with smeared pages). I have a fountain pen that is quite cheap, but I covet beautiful, expensive ones that seem all the rage now.

  10. such a dreamy header with the snow and your home, how very merry beautiful!!
    such a lovely post, makes me feel the warmth of the festivities to come.
    I always think a hand written card is just so lovely...With modern techno they said that the e-card would take over but it never did. Its like the kindle books...I think the love you feel from reading a card hand written the hand writing and to hold it and put it up on show, like a good book, the smell and holding it in your hands means so much more than online... xx

  11. Love your inks...and your new hen ornament. Will the chickens stay with you and Dayle? Or will they be moving with Kristi et al? I do send out cards and try to hand write a note in each. My Dad used to use a fountain pen when I was young.

  12. I too write with a fountain pen Teresa and have started writing my cards. Thanks for the lovely virtual blog one! I love your inks, the bottles are exquisite. Life is certainly changing again for you but I'm glad the boys are still seeing you each day. Hugs xxx

  13. I still send cards because I love receiving them and I always start with good intentions of writing a letter to go with each card but then end in a rush with just "A Happy Christmas and best wishes for the new Year"!

  14. I do a few cards ... not a lot, but I DO handwrite something in each one. I hand address them too. No stick on addresses for me.

    I have used a fountain pen, but it was the kind with an ink cartridge. Not the dip in the inkwell type.

  15. I love hand written Christmas cards as it just adds a special, personal touch to what has become a very commercial driven season. I should start mine but the heat has returned making me feel a little too lethargic to think about Christmas much right now! I should just sit in the air conditioning and create some enthusiasm for myself. xx Susan

  16. I still send out Christmas cards as well. Yes, I sign mine too. I need to slow down when I write as I mess up at times. I don't write many letters like I used to and I miss receiving them as well. Many people are on facebook so they send their wishes via social media. I'm still old school and send invitations only by mail. Glad your son's family has their own house now and I'm sure they are enjoying it and you enjoy some quiet times too. Will decor out this weekend and get my calendar photos printed as well. I'm a bit behind! Have a good week!

  17. You have beautiful handwriting Teresa! I enjoyed this post very those ink bottles! It will be strange at first without the family there, but lovely the boys will be coming after school each day. Enjoy your week and your lovely Christmas card writing XxX

  18. Dear Teresa, it's a very pleasure meet your blog.
    I'm going to read all your posts.
    see you Ely

  19. We do send cards but the number has dwindled due to the increase in postage. I also sign all of our cards by hand. I miss getting "snail mail" as I used to be quite the letter writer!

  20. This year if and when I send cards I plan to send them in part as a change of address after our moves. The house is now scheduled to close between December 7-14 but probably on the 7th and then the condo is to close on the 14th. I admire your card sending "station" at the table...very festive! xx


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