Friday, January 25, 2019

Completed, Week 3 of CAL

Goodness I'm enjoying the CAL (Crochet-a-long) that was designed and organized by the lovely and immensely creative Lucy from the Attic24 blog in England.  I just completed my last row to finish the 3 weeks this morning and then I did a "photo shoot" to share with you.  I am totally in love with the colors that Lucy chose for this blanket.

There are 4 designs to choose from and I'm on "Team Sample Repeat".  There is a random stripe one, a color wash and those of us who fell in love with her sample where the colors melted into the next, some did a "mirror" stripe and some (like me) are doing a repeat.  I'm happy with my choice.

I admit I've done some experimenting with the melting of colors as I am going along, which is okay with me.  I'm not perfect and this blanket will not be, but that is fine with me.  :-)

This just makes me happy.

The stitch pattern is called Sweet Pea Trellis - do you see the flowers and the upright trellis?

I must say Dayle picked out the perfect bouquet of flowers to bring home.. they go very well with my blankie.  :-)

Can you find the photo bomber?

And of course I had to fold up the blanket and fan it out for the camera.

OK.. are you sick of seeing this yet?  LOL!  

I was on Facebook and scrolling down my feed and what did I see, to my surprise?  My wonderful blog friend and crochet super-star, Lucy from Attic24 had read my blog and shared a photo on FB.  I whooped so loud, my husband who was at the other end of the house wondered what in the heck was going on!!  If you're on FB and want to visit Lucy's page, click HERE.  Once there you can click on "Like" and/or "Follow" to have Lucy's post show in your feed.  :-)

No swimming for me today.. I am a bit sniffly and do not want to go get chilled and make it worse.  PLUS.. I need to do a bit of puppy-proofing.. how is that for a teaser?  You might want to check my blog post on Monday.  

What's new with you?  ((hugs)), Teresa :-) 


  1. How lovely to see your blanket so far and also to see it being shared on Lucy's blog. So exciting. Well done.

  2. Teresa, I love your blanket and I especially love your home. The tablecloth, flowers, candlesticks, the nice big windows, the wood, the decorative items, the wall color - everything just comes together with such a nice feeling of coziness and contentedness. Thanks for sharing!

  3. Your blanket looks great! I am currently on part 2 of the CAL and I'm doing the colorwash version. It's an easy pattern and works up quickly.

  4. Hi Teresa,
    To begin with, I’m really sorry that your sniffly. This kind of weather will do it to you. It’s been so cold and foggy and damp over here all week too. Your blanket is looking so beautiful. You’re making very fast progress on it. And that is so cool that Lucy featured it on her Facebook post.
    I can’t wait for Monday’s post. I know it’s going to be a doozy!

    Blessings, Betsy

  5. It looks beautiful. You did a fantastic job!

  6. Your blanket is beautiful! I am also doing the "sample" version but I am not nearly as far along with mine. I really like the order you have used for your colors. Are you getting a puppy??

  7. Beautifuland wonderfullucy praising you too

  8. The colours of the sweet pea blanket are just gorgeous and I'm loving looking at all the different variations that people are making. I hope your sniffles don't get worse. xx Susan

  9. Your blanket is beautiful, the colours are a delight. You are a tease...I am so excited for you.

  10. Your blanket is looking lovely, it looks perfect to me. I do love those colours, they go so well together and are so bright and pretty. Am excited for Monday’s post! Hope you feel better soon and have a great weekend. X

  11. So much joyful color in your post. Sounds like you've made a decision about adoption. I look forward to hearing all about it. Take care!

  12. Your afghan looks beautiful on its own, but I particularly like it against the backdrop of your wonderful tablecloth. Oh, I hope, hope, HOPE you are ready for a new dog! When our last dog died, my husband said, "no more dogs." We lasted three months and then knew what our home was missing. We got a perfectly adorable 2 year old pound puppy who has since given us seven years of fun. Long may it continue.

  13. Oh.....pup proofing? Cant wait to see.
    And I never tire of your pretty yarn work. Never. I love the basket shot

  14. So lovely and cheerful, Teresa! How nice to be featured and I can certainly see why! I particularly like the lovely basket it's in...maybe I've missed it from before--I have a thing for baskets! ♥

  15. Hi I’ve always read and enjoyed your blog. What caused me to comment was Simba. You haven’t showed her so I wondered what happened. I was also so sorry to read about Buddy. He always made me smile. Thank you.

    1. Poor Simba fell ill and passed away, poor little barn cat. We found what we think were his remains in the pasture up behind our farmhouse much later. We did feed him and do what we could for him but he was as feral as you can get. Thanks for asking.

  16. WOW,great photos of your Beautiful Blanket,it would have taken me ages to do all that,you must be speedy.xx

  17. Aww how glorious you blanket is looking Teresa, great work and such fun that Lucy gave you a shout out too! Enjoy your Sunday, hugs xxx

  18. Lucy, sen ve bu CAL'e katılan herkes çok yaratıcı. Keyifle izliyorum sizleri <3

    1. For those who do not speak Turkish - I translated this comment.

      "Lucy, you and everyone involved in this CAL is very creative. Enjoy watching you <3"

  19. Your blanket is just gorgeous Teresa! and it's Monday.....where's your new post? I NEED to know - lol

  20. What a lovely blanket! The basket and the blanket fanning out from it on the table is fab.

    Ooh I’ve been waiting for puppy news! Exciting times ahead....

    Rachel (

  21. Oh my goodness you are famous! I love that she posted your photo, amazing! But you deserve is as your balnket is perfect!

  22. Loved your blanket photo shoot 💞and reading through the comments🤗


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