Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Mocha and Emerging Blooms

We had a nice day yesterday, we went out to lunch at Panera Bakery, Dayle's first time.  He liked the fresh baked bread and said he'd go back again.  Then to Costco to pick up our new prescription eyeglasses and sunglasses.  I'd lost my old pres. sunglasses and really missed them for driving.  THEN home and we spent time out on the deck in the warm afternoon.  I snapped this photo of Mocha.. it cracks me up.

We've been watching her like a hawk when we go in and out of the door and are planning to have a fence put in that includes our back deck so she can enjoy the freedom of running about when we enjoy our outdoors area.  We also have signed up for a 6 week obedience class with her starting mid-May.  :-)

When people meet Mocha they mention how unusual her coat color is, they say she looks like she's had her hair streaked.  :-)

Our little Bonsai tree is looking well after a long winter.  Dayle dug this up and potted it a long time ago and has pruned it to keep it small.

My beloved 4th of July rose is leafing out.  :-)

The white Lilac buds are coming along nicely.

The windmill Kristi brought here that was her father's has blown over a few times and the tail vane was bent and also the circular fan part had some bent blades so I asked Dayle to straighten them out and he did.  :-)

After we buy a Hyacinth for the house, we plant the spent bulb in one of our big pots on the deck.. this pretty thing came up.  I find it interesting that when I buy one the flower is packed with blooms but when we plant them outside the flower spikes are so skimpy.  Does anyone know why this happens?

When I was emptying the china cabinet for the new vintage dishes I found this muffin pan stuck on the side.  I actually made this in pottery class 44 years ago!  I threw each bowl part separately, then rolled out clay flat, cut holes for the cups, etched the clay, added a bit of slip and attached each cup to the flat part, cut out a design and smoothed the edges.  Then the piece dried out for a few days and then was "bisque fired" at which point I dipped one side in glaze, then turned it and dipped the other side in glaze.  I then had to clean the glaze off the bottom of the cups so I could fire it and it would not stick to the kiln shelves.  I have made muffins in it and it was neat to use my own designed pan.  This was put through the dishwasher and I plan to make some muffins in it.  :-)

I'm working on my dining table today, removing the old tablecloth and putting on my Easter one.  Then adding some bunnies and eggs.. I'll share a photo soon.  

What are you up to this fine day?  ((hugs)), Teresa :-) 


  1. The muffin pan is wonderful, clever you. Dear little Mocha is such a pretty pup, and her coat is beautiful. Love the bonsai tree, well done Dayle for creating it, they're tricky to get right I think. I'm just back from an evening with the Scouts, so feeling a bit dazed and confused. It was not a quiet hour and a half! I also have a new ball of yarn and I am contemplating it and wondering what to do with it. CJ xx

  2. Hi Teresa,

    I just got new glasses and prescription sunglasses in the last few weeks myself. It’s so nice to be able to see and read with my sunglasses. What a cute little picture of Mocha. She is darling and I can’t wait to meet her in person someday soon. It sounds like your weather is a little bit warmer than ours. It’s overcast and in the 40s today but I’ll happily take it. No snow is falling so anything is good!

    Love and blessings, Betsy

  3. I look forward to your Easter display. I did mine this week doing spring cleaning as I went along. Most of displays end up in our kitchen and dining area as that's where we spend most of our time.

  4. That's an impressive piece of pottery! The first thing I 'threw' that got fired (in hs) was the size of an ink well. The lump of clay didn't start that small, lol. Then later in life when I had access to a wheel to use I was determined to make a teapot. I did. Again it wasn't large but it will hold about 1.5 cups and has a fitted lid. :) Never thought about making a muffin pan. Just as well.

  5. Not many people can say that they made their own muffin pan :) Mocha is such a pretty pup. I know you must be enjoying her company.

  6. It is my belief that bulbs raised for forcing are not the same as bulbs meant for planting. Therefore, you don't get the same results. It's like orchids .... they are forced into blooming at a time not in their nature in an environment different from what you can attain. Your results are rarely as spectacular as what you see at the greenhouse.

    It is possible that with good fertilization and acclimating to your ground, the hyacinths may get better with subsequent years, but it is certainly not guaranteed.

    Love your muffin pan. It's beautiful! Happy muffin making!

  7. I've put my Easter decor all around our home this week after cleaning. Your muffin pottery baker is lovely. How neat that you made it through all those steps. It's nice to see all the plants emerging around you. Spring is wonderful! Glad little Mocha has good parents to keep her out of danger.

  8. What a cool muffin dish. It seems now the younger generation has also found pottery building a creative outlet just like we did at their age. It's good to know folks are keeping those arts alive in addition to knitting, crochet, and sewing. Not to mention baking and cooking, too.
    So happy to hear sweet Mocha will have room to roam without dangerous attractions. Like you all, we too will be attending puppy training classes. We start ours this Friday. Fingers crossed we can get our Scottish Terrier, Hamish, to do what is needed, as they (terriers) tend to have a mind of their own, LOL.
    Great job fixing the windmill, Dayle. And your Bonsai tree looks so healthy.
    As for your hyacinth, all I can think of is after they are finished flowering in late spring, cut back the flower stalks, and allow the leaves to die back naturally. That will give the bulb more energy the following years flowering.

  9. Here is a lovely day and I donated blood. Love seeing pics of Mocha and does look like streaks and glad her okay. Always wanted a bonsia but never did it 💖

  10. The photo of Mocha is lovely, hopefully the classes will help and a fence will deter her from wandering. Loved the muffin tray, you have such a talent. I have gathered together the things I need to start y Spring display and like you will be making a start on it soon.

  11. Great muffin tin! Now I want a blueberry muffin. Mocha is so cute, and her fur does look streaked or highlighted. I remember pictures of your lilacs in bloom from prior years - can't wait to see them again!

  12. Isn't it wonderful to see the gardens starting to come to life again?
    I love to see your photos of Mocha.

  13. I worked on my taxes, a load of laundry and did not make it to blog reading until this morning :) Thanks so much for creating such a beautiful interesting post. It is so encouraging to see the signs of Spring around you, and I am noticing more around me, too...more Daffodils, and pink or white blossoms on some big trees! Your muffin tin is beautiful, and I enjoyed learning about your process of making it! Mocha's protection plan sounds wise to me...she looks so innocent in her photo here :) xxxxxxx

  14. I love your muffin pan. It's fun when you find old treasures that you have made isn't it? Today's my sister's 50th birthday so it's celebration time for us here. xx Susan

  15. I worked all day... but spent the early evening cutting purple sprouting broccoli for dinner and some early flowers for a little posy. A lovely way to wind down. Your muffin tin is really beautiful, you are an artist! I like the way the glaze dipping created different shades on each side of the tin. x

  16. I was listening to a radio show in the car today about gardening. They had three gardeners on answering people's call-in questions. They said over and over to always test the ph of the soil and adjust as necessary for best results. And to fertilize with a good, organic fertilizer. Maybe that would help your hyacinth?

  17. So glad Spring is trying to arrive by you. We are well past it now but luckily the humidity is still not back. Hooray for that!


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