Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Beach Tripping with Family and Friends

Ahoy there!  We've been enjoying our beach vacation and sharing our time with our kids on Fri, Sat and Sunday.  Then on Monday we met fellow blogger Betsy from "The Simple Life of a Queen" and her husband Dennis for lunch at Kyllo's restaurant.  Yesterday we visited the Yaquina Head Lighthouse, more on that later in the post.

At lunch with Betsy and Dennis, she pulled out her iPhone to snap a photo of us so I did the same.. Dennis found that funny.  lol!

After lunch they came to visit us in our caravan and Betsy gave me a birthday gift of some taffy, handmade soap, some huckleberry lip gloss and 3 hand-knit eggs! Thank you, Betsy!

She also delivered to me some gifts from BeckyL, another blog friend of ours that she met on Saturday, along with Gracie, on their way to the beach. Thank you, Becky!

A local restaurant to where we stay changed hands and now offers Cajun food!  I had the crawfish and shrimp etouffee and it was great!!  

Yesterday my sister Denise came to visit and spend the night in a hotel in Taft.. we went to Georgie's Grill in Newport and I had the crab Louis and it was outstanding.

After lunch we did some sightseeing with Denise, first up is the Yaquina Bay Lighthouse.  

Next is the Yaquina Bay Bridge.

Then we drive by the Coast Guard Station, I think it's beautiful.

We drove through the historic bay front which is a working fishing port with canneries and shops and restaurants and dives.. lol.. and down to the fisherman's yard that is full of crab pots and a great view of the bridge.

The colorful crab pots.

Dayle took my camera down to the dock and got some photos of the sea lions for me.  You should hear the seals and sea lions barking.. ORK ORK ORRRRK!

They are fun to watch and listen to.

Dayle thought this one was neat.

I thought it was interesting how this big bronze weather vane seal looks so much like the one above.

Next stop is the Yaquina Head Lighthouse.. a favorite place of mine.  

I enjoy using my big Lumix camera to zoom in on the top of the lighthouse.

The Fresnel lens fascinates me.

We zoomed in on a big boat off the lighthouse.  Any ideas of what this boat is doing?  I wonder if it's a NOAA (National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration) vessel?  They have a facility in Yaquina Bay.

Denise came back to hang out with us in the caravan for the evening and then headed back to her hotel.. and then we got our best sunset photo so far.

Soooo pretty!

I do love me a good sunset.

We had a restful night listening to the waves crashing on the beach and awoke to a beautiful sunny day!!

And now I'm enjoying this view while I type this post to share with you.. Denise is here with us and we'll head out to lunch and our biggest decision is where we want to dine.  :-)

((hugs)), Teresa :-) 


  1. Beautiful sunsets. What a lovely part of the world. Glad you’re having fun catching up with friends. B x

  2. Beautiful photos Teresa. Good that you are managing to see so many folk.
    Love the seals and sea lions. Food all looks delicious. The lighthouse is very impressive. Anne x

  3. What a beautiful post! Those sea lions are fascinating. I would love to see them in person. How nice to meet blogging friends in person! Sounds like you're really enjoying yourselves.

  4. I love visiting lighthouses. I particularly love the lights... they are works of art.

  5. I love Kyllos. I know it is a bit of a tourist trap but their food is terrific.

  6. Your vacation sounds very relaxing and quite perfect to me! The two lighthouses are beautiful as is the old Coastguard Station! How fun to be parked close to the ocean and hearing the waves and viewing the lovely sunsets. Enjoy yourself!

  7. Really lovely photos! I'm so glad you are having a good time. The weather was perfect here today. I found some patio chairs and enjoyed sitting outside for a bit trying to decide how to arrange the chairs and imagine where pots of flowers might look nice. Thanks for posting Teresa and Dayle! xx

  8. Such a wonderful time you are all having and love seeing all of your photos Teresa ♥ Great you have good weather. Here today is sunny and cool but nice. Just caught up with one of my sisters overnight at her place xoxo

  9. I cracked up as I read your post tonight. I think Dennis and I followed the steps you took yesterday! I have almost identical photos of Yaquina Head, Yaquina Bay, the Coast Guard, the seals! Ha! Places we always go and enjoy. My post will be almost identical but not nearly as good of pictures.
    We're looking forward to lunch again tomorrow. See you then!

  10. Your vacation looks wonderful Teresa. Beautiful pictures . So glad you are having a good time!

  11. Oh the coast looks lovely! Glad it wasn't raining. I'm glad you liked the little gift I sent. We heard and then saw sea lions in Astoria. Oroorrrrk!! Resting my feet from another busy day at work. Take care!

  12. It all looks so lovely Teresa, especially that gorgeous sunrise, what a view you have. It's really nice that you get to meet up with fellow bloggers. Glad you're having a lovely time. Cx

  13. How I wish I could sit there in that lovely caravan and enjoy the view with you. So glad you were able to meet up with Betsy and Dennis. That is just the best!


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