Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Branches on the Family Tree

Our son Travis took this photo for me of 4 of our grandchildren in our apple tree.  I'd taken one years ago of our 6 grandchildren in this same tree.  This time Michael wasn't home and Gabriel is still in California.  Isn't it amazing how fast time flies and children grow?

I took the girls to the airport yesterday morning and we quickly got this photo before they left.  They are home in Ohio now, they missed their dad and dog, Honey.  I'm so glad they got to come for a nice visit and to get re-acquainted with their cousins and aunts and uncles.

I thought I'd show you the 2 pieces of pottery I picked up when visiting Mossy Creek Pottery.  This is called an "Ikebana". The Japanese art of flower arranging, blossoms, branches, leaves, and stems find new life as materials for artmaking. In contrast to the western habits of casually placing flowers in a vase, ikebana aims to bring out the inner qualities of flowers and other live materials and express emotion.

This one drew me for the impressed lace and branches and the jellyfish and sea colors.

These are clever things, the potter rolls out clay like a pie crust and cuts a circle and then makes designs, fires, glazes and finish fires it then they use a silicone sealer to affix a small glass bowl underneath and seal a "frog" on the bottom.  

I'm going to have fun with this, I already plan to cut some of our corkscrew willow to put in my next bouquet.  I also think it will look pretty with a lily it.

My second choice was this cute little vase with Lily-of-the-Valley on the side.  It will look pretty special in a year when my lilies bloom once again.

We're resting up today for the 4th of July parade and BBQ here afterwards.  If you celebrate, have a GREAT 4th!!
((hugs)), Teresa :-) 


  1. OH I love both vases. The one is so unique! the other....well I love lilies of the valley! happy 4th

  2. It is hard to believe how fast time does fly by, isn't it. I enjoyed seeing your family photos and the new pottery you have is truly lovely. Thanks for the info on Ikebana. I can imagine you will have fun experimenting with arrangements, and I admire your current arrangement! Have a good rest today as you prepare for a busy celebration tomorrow :-) ((Hugs))

  3. couldn't believe the girls had returned home - time flies doesn't it. Just adore the photo of the kids in the apple tree. Bet you are missing them all. Love the vases. Hope you have a very happy 4th July! Anne x

  4. I know you had a great visit with your daughter and grands. Kids grow and time marches stopping it. Have a great 4th!

  5. Such fun to have such quality time with the family, I am sure you will have created so many more lovely memories to treasure. Both the vases were very special and I just love the way you arranged the blooms.

  6. So good you had time together ❤❤❤❤ Those girls are tall. You are so good at arranging in those special vases xxoo

  7. I enjoyed seeing the photos of your family together. I know how much Amy and the girls visit meant to you and Dayle.
    I remember seeing vases like your Japanese pottery when I visited Alex. I never asked him what it was I know! He's winging his way to London as I type this. My jet-setter child! :-)
    The lily of the valley vase is so sweet too. You find the most interesting things.
    Happy 4th of July. We're at the lake. There will be a boat parade and then the resort is hosting a bbq for all of the residents. They provide hamburgers, hot dogs and ice cream. We bring side dishes. It's the same every year. Lots of fireworks last night. I know tonight will be interesting for Chloe. She's terrified of them.

  8. What lovely family photos and I love the one of the kids in the tree. It's such a fun one. I've never heard of Ikebana but the vase is gorgeous. xx Susan

  9. I know your home is quiet now, maybe way too quiet. The trip just sounded so perfect. The girls, Amy and all the family together to celebrate each other. I have a vase like yours, I believe I bought it in San Francisco years ago. It is a lovely way to show of one or two blooms. Enjoy.


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