Monday, July 8, 2019

Finding Flowers on the Farm

While we've been busy with our family visits and reunion parties and the 4th of July.. the flowers around our yard have been emerging and bringing joy to us.  This is a new pink hydrangea we need to plant as soon as we decide just where it would do best.

Our Hollyhock is blooming, the big basket is looking good, the jasmine in the pot is covered with blossoms and is scenting the air.

Our big Hydrangea is coloring up nicely, I love how long these flowers last.. all summer really.. and in fall they dry on the bush and still look pretty.  

My pretty Astilbe comes back every year reliably and is getting bigger too.

My red Maple is a lovely backdrop for the Hydrangea.

I really like the combination of colors, green, lime and purple and the blue in the center of thee petals.

We enjoyed some relaxing time on the deck yesterday, watching the fish swim about, listening to the falling water, watching the birds at the feeder and breathing in the perfect temperature of the fresh country air.

We had a storm blow through last week and it knocked over my pots of Papyrus in the pond, it broke one of the spikes on one plant, I need to snip that off.

This Koi of ours has grown so big, it must be at least 15 inches long.  The other two are also getting big, it's fun to watch them.

Kristi thinks the black and gold one is pregnant.. wouldn't that be something if she had babies?

The Jasmine.

We saw this Limelight Hydrangea at Coastal Farm store and snapped it up, it was 40% off.  I've always wanted one of these in our garden.

The fun thing about these flowers is they stay this new green, very unusual.

The pink Verbena also comes back every year.  Gotta love perennials!

Kristi planted my Trumpet Vine that my sister gave me a start from, it's growing up the trellis on the garden shed, I wonder when it will bloom?  It never has when it was in a pot.

Another volunteer plant is this Rose Campion.  What a shot of color amongst the green, it also has dusty grey foliage.

A close up of these amazing flowers.

This is my first pink Lily to bloom, it's another variety than the Stargazer lilies I have.  

Day Lilies, a nice dark red.

4th of July rose.

Our beloved Bolivian Begonia "Bonfire" had an accident.  During the storm last week the rain came so hard that this pot got so heavy that the metal bracket we had it on broke and the pot fell to the deck.  Dayle had another, stronger bracket so he rehung the pot.  It looks a little worse for wear but I hope it fills back out.

Travis and Kristi came over on Saturday to help with some chores around the farm - Kristi brought in these lilies for me to put on the table.  Sweet.

On Sunday I decided to repair my broken turquoise bracelet so I got out my jewelry work tray and went to work.  I must say my tray is a bit of a mess.. but it works for me!

All re-strung, I just have to use my pliers on the crimp bead to finish it off.

I missed seeing the pretty Sleeping Beauty turquoise on my wrist.  The clear bead bracelet is my 4Ocean one, each one you buy they clean 1 lb. of debris from the world's oceans.  

OK.. time to pack the swim bag and head to the pool.  Have a super week, dear readers!!  ((hugs)), Teresa :-) 


  1. Your gardens are always lovely to view, Teresa! Hopefully the Koi will gift you with babies. I love your Sleeping Beauty turquoise bracelet--so pretty with your other beauties. Enjoy your nice weather. It's been so hot and humid here.

  2. Your flowers are beautiful and I'm learning a lot. I enjoy your color combinations.

  3. Your flowers are so pretty Teresa. The farm garden is like a little paradise. How fun would it be to have some baby fish? Would you need to do anything special for them?
    I'm glad you were able to repair your bracelet. It's beautiful. I'm still at the lake but going home tomorrow to do laundry and then I'll return on Wednesday morning. I love this time of year.

  4. As my sister Margaret and I paddled up and down the Columbia River on the sternwheeler today I found myself telling her how much I enjoy learning about the area through you and Dayle.... Thank you for another beautiful blog post, Teresa, and for your dear friendship. As you share your joy in the beauty around you, I am blessed and grateful. ((HUGS)).

  5. Your jewellery is beautiful. I make simple bead with elastic yours much nicer. That garden and Koi fish WOW 🙋‍♀️🙋‍♀️❤❤😀😀

  6. A beautiful post of your garden and those stunning plants. It was lovely to read that one of the fish maybe having babies, what fun! You are blessed that you have family so close to help with the chores, they are a credit to you.

  7. So many beautiful flowers and beautiful pictures of them too! You live in such a lovely place Teresa. I love your gorgeous glad you were able to fix it and wear it again. Love to you and Dayle XXX

  8. I am so envious of your Hydrangeas Teresa.....the slugs have destroyed mine this year.
    There was one of the cream and green ones at the garden centre we visited the other day but I had to leave it there as it cost £130 ($106)......made my eyes water that

  9. Your flowers are so beautiful! Love your koi fish

  10. Wow EVERYTHING looks so beautiful, all the colors and types! Teresa, your gardens are stunnings! I love your pond area, that would be so soothing. ♥

  11. Your flowers are gorgeous Teresa, enjoy!


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