Monday, August 26, 2019

🌻 A Fleeting Summer 🌻

🌻 Can you believe it's the last week of August?  If ever there was a season that I wish would last longer it's Summer.  I love driving with the windows down.  I love sitting in the warmth on the deck watching the birds visit our feeder and bathe and drink in the creek of our pond.  I love the fresh fruits and vegetables from the local roadside farm stand.  I love all the sunshine.  

Yesterday we met our son and his family for lunch to try out their favorite Mexican restaurant near their house.  Two Brothers.  It was good!  On our way home we had the windows down and enjoying the drive and Dayle came up with the idea of going to our local farm stand to buy some fresh corn on the cob for dinner.  :-)  She had some sunflowers in vases but they weren't for sale, so we drove to the flower stand and purchased a dozen flowers for our table.  :-)

I recently saw this tablecloth online and fell in love with it, it reminds me of the 50s when I was a small child.  So.. I ordered it!  It goes very well in our yellow dining room with white wood trim.

Last night we had corn on the cob for dinner!  Why not?  

Slathered with melted butter and a shake of salt.. perfecto!

Dayle just ran up to the farm stand to get the last strawberries of the season, and some green beans, too.  Tonight's dinner?

The weekend weather was divine, we were enjoying the deck when I looked up I marveled at the interesting cloud formations.  Anyone know what these are called?  Altocumulus?

Each time I walk to and fro on the deck I admire my darling pots of red and green shamrocks in flower.  The red one has pink flowers, so cute!  They will come back in for the winter.

All the plants in the garden around our pond are fully lush and bushy.  

We have 6 bird feeders that Dayle keeps filled with different things, cracked sunflowers, black niger seed and wild bird mixed seeds.  Can you see all the birds dining on them?  We seem to have a ton of immature goldfinches that are all brown visiting us.

Our garden provides them food, water and trees.  What more could a bird ask for?  Oh.. and no cats.  LOL!

The Corkscrew Willow I've grown from my Dad's funeral floral arrangement has gotten rather huge and arches over the pond.

Our fish bring great joy to us.. watching them glide back and forth is a soothing pastime.

We only have 4 right now, 3 koi and a battle-scarred old pond goldfish.  She was bright orange when we got her but over the years turned white.. they say it's when they are deprived of light but ours is not kept in the dark so there goes THAT theory!

This big guy is so gorgeous.

See the big flat rock on the left?  We made a place for the fish to hide if predators try to get them and it's worked pretty well.  Raccoons have caught and eaten several over the years and when the potted papyrus are knocked over we know something has tried to catch our fish.  :-(

On Friday we attended the spreading of my friend Sally's ashes at Vista House, they gave each of us a rose and some babies breath.

Sally would have loved these.

Some of her ashes are in this china jar, I'm holding on to them for Dallas who will pick them up in a few days when she moves her things to her new apartment in Houston, Texas.

And lastly, our grandson Hayden started middle school today!!

OK... I must dash to pack my swim bag and head to the pool. I hope you have something wonderful to do today.  Do share.
((hugs)), Teresa :-) 


  1. Best wishes to Hayden. A new school years is so scary and exciting and fun all at the same time.

    We too have been filling up on farm stand corn. It's a short season. We eat ALL we can.

    I'm not sure what those clouds are, but I know they portend a change in the weather (usually means a cold front coming in and possibly some rain).

  2. I used to love summer too, Teresa. But the last few years the heat and humidity keeps me inside in the AC! Lol. We are having a break in that pattern, so the weather is wonderful to enjoy outside. Your garden looks so lush and beautiful--I have a shamrock that I should have put outside this summer. Your's are beautiful. Love going to the produce market and getting fresh veggies. Looks like a nice bounty at your place to enjoy.

  3. Beautiful photos from your corner of the world. I wish Hayden a good start to his school year. We have been eating so many fresh veggies too. And that table cloth is great. I have a few vintage tablecloths I picked up at antique/second hand stores years ago. I enjoy using them.

  4. So many fun things in your post. I love all seasons...except, you guessed it, WINTER! You know how I detest the snow. The new tablelcoth is perfect in your dining room. I really like all things 40's and 50's too. The corn on the cob and produce look so delicious.
    I also love how they spread Sally's ashes at Vista House. Such a fitting tribute for her. That is a gorgeous ceramic jar too. What a wonderful friend she was to you.
    Our Caleb started middle school this year too. It's unbelievable how quickly they grow. And Kyleigh is in high school! I just can't believe it.
    I hope you have a wonderful evening Teresa.

  5. Thanks for sharing another interesting narrative and beautiful bouquet of photos, Teresa. I have scrolled through your post several times, pausing to especially enjoy the Sunflowers and to realize that Hayden is starting Middle school...I hope he has a wonderful year! I had fun trying out phones at the store and then gliding back and forth and bobbing around in the sunshine in the pool. Hope you had a good swim, too! xx

  6. Again, I m so sorry about your sister, Teresa. I love the flowers you were given.

    The tablecloth is amazing. So pretty and inviting. I imagine the sun always shining at your house.

    Your fish are lovely and I'm glad they have a nice place to hide. Your flowers are amazing.
    I don't want summer to be anywhere near over either! For many reasons. Mostly because Zach leaves this week and I've loved having him with us a bit this summer. BUT he is heading into a wonderful year and he's ready and I need to be thankful he is going to be in a happy situation for the next year!

  7. Again a lovely visit cold for us at moment miss all that sun we had on Oz trip 😀😀 Middle school how neat we dont have that here. Just kindergarten....Primary school....Secondary College then University or Tafe. Love those fish Teresa xo

  8. Summer is always a bit too short isn't it. The fresh local food you have looks delicious, it's one of the best things about summer. Your garden is looking beautiful, I do love the deep red of the shamrock. I hope Hayden enjoys middle school. My youngest will be off to big school in a week or so. It'll be a big adjustment. Have a good week Teresa. CJ xx

  9. The sunflowers are amazing and the corn looks so delicious but my favourite image is of you and Dayle driving with the windows down in the car. I bet you were both grinning and loving it. xx Susan

  10. I am so ready for Fall!! We've been having cooler temps and the air just feels so fresh. Love your new tablecloth - gorgeous! And those sunflowers are beautiful. Wishing you a great week Teresa!

  11. I will admit that I am looking forward to the start of fall. Summer has been a hot one and I am ready to move on! lol

  12. This summer seems to have gone by particularly fast and I am sad. I love fall but it seems like we've had so little summer this year and I'm going to miss all the fresh fruits and veggies. Love those sunflowers! Do your fish live in your pond year round? I have never seen clouds like that, very unusual.

  13. I have a couple of sweet, vintage tablecloths from the 50s and 60s - one that my Mom always used on the picnic table that I just love. I know that same feeling you're getting from the one on your table. It's lovely. Enjoyed all your photos, as always. I grew sunflowers this summer for the first time (only two plants, but they're big!) and I'm going to try to dry and save the seeds for the birds this winter. We'll see how that goes! Fingers crossed.

  14. Again I am so sorry about the loss of your friend Teresa, she sounds like an amazing woman. Your garden and pond are just gorgeous. I love Autumn, it is the best season ever, but sadly we don't have it here. As for now I just will take a day under 90 degrees!


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