Wednesday, August 28, 2019

New Flowers in the Garden

Over the last several years I have been admiring large bushes covered with pretty flowers well into Autumn.  I identified them as "Rose of Sharon".  Last year we went to a local nursery and found four different varieties and brought them home.  

Kristi planted one and we just got two more planted on Monday and have one more to find a place to plant.  They are a hardy, cold tolerant variety of Hibiscus.  

This one is a double variety.  

We have a very nice housekeeper coming once a week and her son is now helping us in the garden.  We had way too many potted plants on the deck of the garden shed and at my request he moved them all off to another location.  Our two grandsons worked with him last Friday and it looks so much better now!

I took a photo from a different vantage point of the back of the house and the gazebo on the deck.  

Our Bolivian Begonia has filled out well.. Dayle has wintered it over for 6 years and it shows no evidence of slowing down.

A sedum that Kristi gave me in a mixed plant basket at Easter is blooming again.. so pretty!!

Yesterday was National Dog Day here in the USA - so here is one of my favorite photos of our darling Mocha.  What is the name of your dog if you have one?  What breed?  

I found this older photo of the pool I swim in and thought I'd share it with you.  

Caleb started school yesterday, 5th grade.  He was excited to start back.

We're having a hot week so far.. it was 95 deg. F yesterday.  How's the weather in your part of the world?  Have a fab week!!
((hugs)), Teresa :-) 


  1. We have a hibiscus which is just about to start flowering too. 75 degrees in Chicagoland so not quite as warm but still good. My favourite dog is back in the UK and I am missing him. CN x

  2. Lovely flowers.
    We have a one year old Scottish Terrier named Hamish. We call him Hammi, Hamster, or The Hammer. It all depends on what he's doing at the time. We love him dearly. It wouldn't be home without a little four legged companion. But you know that, right!
    I can't help but wish summer was over, really over. Not a fan of hot weather or weather over 70 degrees. I don't function at all well in heat of any sort.

  3. We planted 4 small Rose of Sharon's this summer and they're all doing great. We're hoping for some blossoms next year. That's interesting to hear they are a kind of hibiscus - the flowers certainly do look like hibiscus! We have a "heap" of rescues here: Roscoe (pug), Max (beagle), Rosie (short-haired chihuahua), Luke (half Yorkie/half chihuahua), Noah (long-haired chihuahua), and last but certainly not least, Pixie (5 pound long-haired chihuahua). It's a happy home! (plus 5 cats, 2 turtles, a very loud Conure, hermit crabs, and many tropical fish!)

  4. Cooling off here a bit in KY. I always enjoy seeing your flowers. So beautiful. Glad you are getting some help. Outside work is a lot of....well, work! Glad the boys are having a good start to the school year.

  5. Hi Teresa! It's HOT here today in the mid 90's. We probably have what you did yesterday. :-) I would rather hot than snow though so there's that. Ha!
    Your second photo looks like my Rose of Sharon. It's my favorite plant in the yard. I think they're so beautiful.
    Mocha is darling in that photo. Of course you know I have my precious Chloe who is a British Lab. She's so smart and obedient in all things. We'll never have another like her.
    Have a wonderful evening my friend.
    Blessings and love to you and Dayle.

  6. I can't believe that summer is almost over... our Virginia grandson is in his second week of school and the kiddos here will start on the 3rd. I'm hoping we have a really nice fall since our winter is supposed to be brutal! I love your Rose of Sharon plants. I will have to try planting a couple... do they have a nice scent?

  7. Your begonia is so large and lush! The Rose of Sharons are so pretty, Teresa. Sadly they are quite bad in my garden reseeding themselves --I've pulled hundreds of them from our compost. Your pool looks quite inviting. And I hope your grands have a great year in school. Our younger grands don't go back until after Labor Day. Our eldest grand began his junior year of college this past Monday. Have a great week.

  8. Your pretty Rose of Sharon bushes remind me of the lavender one I enjoyed in our front yard in NY. Hmmm I have an open spot I can plant some bushes, so I think I will look into planting some Rose of Sharon bushes. Thanks for the inspiration! xx

  9. We've had some surprise rain here which cooled things down again so I got to wear a long sleeve shirt and a shawl for a last hurrah of winter. Your plants are all looking very happy and it's wonderful to hear that Caleb is excited to be back at school. I hope all goes well for him. xx Susan

  10. Cool here today, after a few warmer days. That's a gorgeous photo of Mocha, we are all for National Dog Days. The pool looks lovely, I like all the windows around it. They tend to be a bit enclosed over here and you can't see out at all. It must be nice to see daylight while you swim. I hope Caleb has a good year at school. CJ xx

  11. Oh that pool looks SO refreshing!!! I love how it is so sunny and bright.

    Our weather .........mid 70s, nice breeze and sunny. But, I hear it is about to change and the heat and humidity are coming back.

  12. Beautiful flowers! We have several Rose of Sharon bushes/trees on one side of our yard. A few years ago my brother took some of the seeds and they now have them blooming on their property in Colorado. Another school year! Caleb doesn't look like it is 95 degrees - lol.

  13. Your flowers always look amazing Teresa! We tried to bring a rose of sharon from illinois here, it was a shoot from Fireman's moms original tree. It did not like the soil change. I m sad about school. I'm not even going and it bugs me! hahaha We have the county fair here until labor day, and THEN the local schools start up. Caleb looks happy!! How is Dayle feeling?

  14. Nice flowers! It was hot here last couple days. 100 and 97 and then rain last night. Heard some thunder early a.m. A heavy rain shower this afternoon while I was at work.Enjoy your labor weekend!! x x

  15. Gorgeous flowers! Our weather is still hot plus major humidity has moved in so evenings are a bit unbearable. But that's a sign of seasonal change in the desert. Looking forward to walking weather and planting season. Happy Friday!

  16. Cold, blustery and rainy here in Glasgow. The colours in the garden at this time of year are very pretty, aren't they? I have seed Rose of Sharon before. It is good to know they are hardy, thank you. Love the deep pinks of your newly planted ones. x

  17. Still cold here Teresa but you know I had hot holiday in other parts of Oz. Love your garden and house.Mocha so cute I had a labrador Rani she was crazy lol


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