Monday, December 23, 2019

🎁🎄 Christmas Visit 🎄🎁

🎁🎄A couple of my friends came to visit on Friday.  The house was all set for company as I'd had my sister and friend from 7th grade over just 2 days before.  :-) 

My friend Gracie, who I met via my blog, brought a healthy and delicious salad, Taci who I also met from my blogging brought some potato rolls.  We had more ham with the red currant glaze Dayle made and baked potatoes.

After a leisurely lunch with lots of chatting and catching up with each other, we retired to the living room for more visiting.  We all had brought some fun gifts.

Soon we were opening our presents to each other.  Yarn was involved.  LOL!

We have been friends since 2013 and share a love of yarn and crochet.  

Taci proudly shared photos of her dear little grandson.  She also has a cabin near Bend and showed us how they're finishing it with walls and stairs and all.  Gracie filled us in on her brood.  It was cozy and such a pleasant time of catching up.

Dayle snapped a photo of us by the tree.  Thank you, my friends!

On Saturday Kristi had us over for lunch and a Christmas visit with our son Shawn and grandson Michael as they both have to work on Christmas Eve when we're having our celebration with our son Travis and his family here at the farm.  Her sister had given her this framed print, isn't it cute?  Travis BBQ'ed rib-eye steaks for our lunch and Kristi served mashed potatoes, gravy, molasses rolls and glazed carrots for us all.

We gifted Michael with a Carhartt jacket to keep him warm for the winter.  He has a job at a gas station and will need the extra warmth over the cold winter.

I couldn't find my scented wax warmer so I ordered this cute little one to use.  Kristi had gotten one and I fell in love with it.  This one came with cute little cinnamon bun wax scents.  

Aren't these cute?  We have it burning right now too and it's filling the house with the smells of cinnamon rolls in the oven.  

The candle below begins melting the wax.  Do you use scented wax to make your home smell nice?

I got a card all the way from England from my blog friend Anne!  She's a talented stamp artist and even teaches classes.  She made the card and envelope and even a darling handmade ornament!  Her blog is Copper Beech Crafts - thanks, Anne!

The ornament is a slice of wood that she decorated, this will be a beloved addition to our tree.  :-)

The other side.

And this wonderful card flew all the way from France from my dear blog readers, Julie and Bernard.  Thank you!

The little snowman I made years ago is waving hello to you.  I cut 3 circles of white cotton fabric, basted the edges and gathered it up and stuffed them and hot-glued them into a snowman.  I ripped some plaid fabric into a scarf and hand-sewed a bit of knit ribbing into a hat, painted on the face, stuck some orange pipe cleaner for a nose and a couple of twigs from the yard for arms. :-)

I tape up my cards around the archway into the living room and enjoy them each time I walk by.  A special thank you to those of you who take the time and effort to send me a card.  It means a lot to me.

Dayle took Mocha to a dog ophthalmologist on Sunday as we were worried about her left eye as it was a bit cloudy.  He announced that her eye is just fine so we're so relieved.  

Yes, we spoil her.  This is Dayle giving her a piece of spaghetti just like Lady in Lady and the Tramp.  LOL!

My daughter Amy's SIL Tonya shared this beautiful photo on FB of the Vietnam Wall in Washington DC at Christmas.  Many wreathes are laid at the base of the monument.  We thank all of these brave men and women who gave their lives for our Country.  

Our grandsons are both here and will be spending the night.  They are very excited as tomorrow is Christmas Eve and we're having our dinner and gift sharing with them.  I am sending you greetings from our home and hoping you are having a wonderful Christmas.  Thank you for being here, you are appreciated!  

((hugs)), Teresa :-)

 *M*E*R*R*Y* * *C*H*R*I*S*T*M*A*S*!*


  1. Your home looks so festive, cozy and inviting. You have such a knack for decorating! Merry Christmas to you and all your family! xx Sue

  2. I love the wax warmer! I may have to search for one myself. Merry Christmas to you and your family. Christmas Eve is almost over here and the kids are starting to get excited as there's only one sleep to go! xx Susan

  3. Hello Teresa. May I admit that I shed a tear at the photo of you, Taci and Gracie? Oh how I wish I could have been there with the three of you, my dear friends. I have wonderful memories of our times together. I hope we can do it again very soon. I also hang my cards on a string over our patio door. I'll have to take a photo and post it next time on my blog, (if I remember.)
    Your meals both sound delicious. I love the little wax warmer. I have one from Scentsy but it's not a cute little cast iron pan. I love the smell of the wax warmers but sometimes I just like a regular candle too. I also use my essential oil diffuser sometimes.
    I so enjoyed seeing all of the photos of friends, family, and of course, Dayle and Mocha. I wish for you and your family a wonderful Christmas Teresa. Hugs to both you and Dayle and a kiss for Miss Mocha. :-)
    Love and Blessings,

  4. Yarn!! I am very happy for that lol Love Michael's jacket Wow Love that wax warmer so neat. Merry xmas again and love to you all my dear blog friend. Gracie so neat to see her ❤❤❤❤

  5. It sounds like a lovely day with your friends, I'm glad you all had a good catch-up. I'm wishing you and yours a wonderful Christmas. CJ xx

  6. Lovely! I hope you all have a wonderful, peaceful Christmas. xx

  7. Looks like you are well into the festive season. Hope you have a lovely holiday with all your family. B x

  8. Your Christmassey home so cosy and inviting, wonderful. Wishing you and yours a peaceful and happy Christmas xx

  9. Love you Teresa! ! Hope Dayle has the healthiest new year ever. Mocha~ What a joy to behold. Grands at your house! WHEEEEEE. I love the yarn in your photos!

  10. How fun to be getting together with so many wonderful friends and family. I miss Taci!
    Hope you enjoyed every minute of your holiday Teresa. Love to you and Dayle

  11. Thanks so much for a lovely post, Teresa. I read it again and again and am smiling at you through the computer screen :) You captured wonderful times with family and friends along with crafty interests. The snowman is so cute and cheery and it is a gift from you to know how you constructed him. I too admire the scented wax warmer. I treasure the time you, Taci, Dayle, Mocha and I shared in your beautiful home and thank you again for your gracious, warm hospitality. ((hugs))


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