Thursday, December 19, 2019

🎄 Sisters Christmas Party 🎄

🎄 Yesterday was my holiday luncheon for my sister and honorary sister Shirley.  We tidied up the rooms, waxed the piano and antique oak furniture, arranged things, laid the fire and had ham with red currant glaze and potatoes baking.  Right before they arrived we lit the fire and candles and I took the moment to record it all on "film".  

Dayle was not up for dragging all my Dicken's Village pieces down this year so I put my Jim Shore Nativity scene on the piano this year.  The large and beautiful doily was a gift from my blog friend Betsy.  I treasure it.

His pieces are quite amazing and beautifully decorated.

Oops.. I just realized I have Joseph where the shepherd is supposed to go.. I will fix that.  :-)

The Three Wise Men bearing gold, frankincense and myrrh.  I added 3 camels to my scene.

More wrapping was done.  We got dog toys for our son Shawn's 2 dogs, Meeka and Shadow, Kristi's dog Ozzie and our Mocha.  Also some of the boy's gifts.

I took the spool of wire-edged sparkly ribbon and sharpened an old skill of making bows myself.  I remembered how!  Were you ever taught how to do this?  You start with the center little loop, then twist it making each bigger loop with a twist before and after each loop is added, always making sure the right side is out.  After it's done you do a bit of fluffing and the wire edging keeps it how you want it.  :-)

This is our attempt at getting a photo of Mocha with the ribbon on in front of the tree.  Hmmm.. okayyy.

Soon we hear the crunch of gravel and our guest are here!

Oh how I love our Christmas home.

A funny anecdote, Shirley asked me about my pretty Christmas quilted centerpiece and I told her Denise made it for me.  Denise goes.. no.. I didn't make that!  What?  I've been bragging about that you made that for years?!  Nope.. lol.. now where did I get that?  On top of it is another Jim Shore Santa and Sleigh which lights up and has a music box inside.

After a short chat with the girls in the living room we headed to the dining room.

The table is all set..

I got this Gibson Windsor Christmas China about 30 years ago for a very reasonable price, it was in the holiday sales area of Fred Meyer department store.  :-)  And I still love it, it's never gone out of style.

Luncheon is served!  Ham with red currant glaze which Dayle made, baked potato with butter and Uncle Dan's herbed and garlic dressing mix (yum), Shirley brought the broccoli salad and Denise made fresh homemade focaccia bread!  Nummers!

The ham we got at Costco, it's a Kirkland Master Carved ham and we found the recipe for the red currant glaze on Google.. lol.. you use red currant jelly, natural dried Zante currants, Worcestershire sauce, ground cloves and a bit of vinegar.

After a nice long lunch and lots of chatting we retired to the living room to open presents and more reminiscing and chatting.  My gift from Shirley was inside the darling little tin box in the shape of a mail box, see the red flag?  I got a kick out of capturing Mocha next to Shirley on the sofa.

I gave the girls each a Jadeite bowl, when I got the 3 nesting bowls of this swirl pattern, I decided to gift these two to the girls.  They loved them.  Now they can have fun finding the other two to complete their set, in fact Shirley had the medium bowl at home, now she only needs to find the bigger one.  Denise needs the little and big one.  :-)

My sweet and generous DIL Kristi surprised me with this aDORable floral gift!!  Isn't she wonderful?

It's a white dog like Mocha made of Carnations!  It's called Santa Paws!  Isn't it adorable?  Thank you Kristi!  

The doggie sits amid pine branches, pinecones, babies breath, red carnations and snowballs.. with a pretty ornament on the back, Santa and his Sleigh.  Plus, it's in a keepsake ceramic chimney vase that we can use each year.  SWEET!

Kristi made and brought over a tin of some chocolate cherry cookies for us for the luncheon.  Click HERE for the recipe.

Denise got the boys a t-shirt for a gift, it says "I Paused my GAME to be Here".  :-)

Shirley gave me this adorable little terrier glass box similar to a chicken on a nest.  I love it!  It has a slight green tint to it.

Shirley also gave me this sparkly gold ornament with a crown on top.  Fit for a queen!  LOL!

Denise knew I wanted some Stevia to carry when we go out to eat as I always order iced tea and wanted to try it.  How thoughtful!  And a pair of Bomba socks for me!

I put this pair of snowman and Santa out in a special place of honor, it was one of the last gifts my sister Roberta gave me.  We raised a glass in her honor over lunch and we missed her presence very much.

Now last but not least, we found this movie on Showtime and we watched it last Saturday afternoon.  We were entranced and loved it dearly.  It's THE perfect Christmas movie.  Let me know if you watch it and what you thought of it.  Dan Stevens, the star of the movie, was Matthew in Downton Abbey.  

Well.. you earn a gold star if you were able to read this whole post.  :-)  ((hugs)), Teresa :-) 

 *M*E*R*R*Y* * *C*H*R*I*S*T*M*A*S*!*


  1. Beautiful decorations, Teresa. I love how so many of the ornaments and decorations have sweet memories for you. So many wonderful treasures to make your home so perfect for Christmas! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Your home looks so festive and inviting. Sounds like you all had a great time. I love the "flower Mocha", almost as sweet as the real thing! Wishing you and yours a wonderful Christmas. xxx

  3. Thank you for letting us come into your home and see all the beautiful decorations. Many of them filled with memories of Christmases past. Sometimes holidays are difficult when we don't have our loved ones actually present. But we will always carry them in our hearts. I raise a glass also to your sister!!

  4. It looks like you all had a wonderful time and your house is looking gorgeously festive. Love the boys shirts, I think I need to find one like that for my kids! xx Susan

  5. Loved your post Teresa and a lovely cool read while we roast here wth 41ceclius
    and smoke here even in the city. Thank you for sharing so much and Krisit is awesome xoxo

  6. Nice house. Loved being there some years ago. Looks like a fun time together. thru the whole post :-} need to wrap gifts and get rest of cards sent out. Not much decor out yet as last two Sat were busy. More out this weekend. Merry Christmas!!! Your nativity scene is nice!!

  7. I alwAYS LOVE YOUR posts. Long or short! your home is nothing short of Magical teresa!!! So beautiful! Table set beautifully. The pup flower gift....a winner!

  8. Thanks for sharing your sweet sisters' celebration, Teresa, including your good remembrances of Roberta. As I share good remembrances of those dear to me I find that I am even more grateful to the Lord for the love we shared, especially for those not still with me here on earth. I admire your home and the cute Santa Paws Kristi found for you :-) Thanks for the movie recommendation as well! xx

  9. Where can I begin? Of course I read all the way through. I love your home at Christmas and fondly remember having a Christmas lunch there with the "girls". I hope to do so again and sit by the fire and see all of yoru treasures. Such lovely gifts you all shared. I loved Kristi's Santa Paws bouquet. It's so perfect for you and Dayle. Little Mocha has captured your hearts and it's no wonder. She's a sweetie and I enjoyed her being my lapdog for a short time during our visit at the coast.
    The Nativity looks beautiful on the doily. The detail is amazing on all of Jim Shore's pieces. Thank you for showing it all to us.
    Your lunch looks delicious. Broccoli salad is my favorite salad of all and I love ham and baked potatoes too. Can you tell I'm pretending I was there with you? I know it was a hard luncheon for the three of you without Roberta with you and I'm sure lots of memories were shared. She was there with you in spirit though. I love how you all love each other so.
    Wishing you and Dayle a wonderful weekend.
    Blessings and love,

  10. Hello! Found you via the Posie Gets Cozy blog site. Your Christmas decorations are lovely. What an inviting room! Sounds like a great celebration with your family. :-) My husband and I watched The Man Who Invented Christmas last year and loved it. So Merry Christmas to you and yours! :-D

  11. I read this whole post! I adore your Christmas traditions and I like seeing Mocha with the bow. She is the cutest little thing. I have to say that your DIL is a true gem. LOVE that you get together with your sisters. Thank you for linking up. I hope you have a terrific weekend, Teresa!!

  12. Such a lovely post full of festive atmosphere! Loved all the cosy pictures and your meal looked delicious. Loved all your gifts and the cute floral arrangement! I haven't seen that film yet but it's going on my list! Enjoy the rest of your week dear Teresa. XXX

  13. You are celebrating the holidays with great activities! Your luncheon looks yummy and fun. I love your Jim Shore Nativity--so pretty. Your daughter in law is so sweet to gift a beautiful arrangement to you for Christmas. And then bring cookies--how sweet! Merry Christmas to you and your family.

  14. Your living room looks absolutely amazing, I'm glad you had a lovely lunch. I love that you have Worcestershire sauce, that amused me, I had no idea it had travelled so far from home. The gifts are lovely, all so thoughtful. Glad you are having a good festive season so far. CJ xx

  15. Hi Teresa,

    What a lovely celebration! I had been thinking of you and knowing that you all would be missing your sister so much. I'm glad you could all get together and have a good time. Your house looks so festive and beautiful. Merry Christmas!

  16. Your home looks so inviting and festive!


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