Friday, December 27, 2019

Winter Gorge and Baby Yoda

Greetings from Oregon.. a wintery cold place right now.  I volunteered at Multnomah Falls with my sister Denise yesterday afternoon.  We had a real cultural melting pot of visitors which I just love.  A world where people from all corners living together in peace is one of my hopes for the future of our planet.  I forgot to take a photo of the lodge and the falls.. so we snapped this one of the Columbia River as we left the Historic Highway and entered the freeway to home.

There is a rest stop/viewpoint before we exit the freeway to home.  We only live about 15 minutes away from the falls.  It's cold here, about 40 degrees F.  But we were pleased to have sunshine.  This photo is taken upriver, heading East.  Do you see Rooster Rock and a tiny Vista House on Crown Point?

There it is, up on the bluff, 733 feet up there!  Do you see the snow on Larch Mountain?

The sky was on fire on our way home.. we should have driven up to Vista House to get a shot of the sunset, but our two grandsons were here so we wanted to get home to them.  

I do love the pretty barn Dayle built for us when we moved to this house.  We had a herd of Nubian Dairy Goats that needed a good barn.  We had a milking room with 2 goat stands for milking the girls.  I wanted my children to have healthy milk from our own farm which we did for at least 15 some years.

I've been hearing about Baby Yoda and seeing his image on social media so I went to the experts to find out about him.. my grandsons.  According to Google... 

"The Child, colloquially referred to as "Baby Yoda" by fans and the media, is a fictional character from the Star Wars Disney+ original television series The Mandalorian. He is of the same alien species as Jedi Master Yoda, a popular character from the original trilogy and prequel trilogy of Star Wars films."

So, we found our way to the Disney + channel and began watching several episodes of The Mandalorian.  We found it quite good and I became quite fond of the Baby Yoda.  :-)

Here he is using his powers to save his savior.  

I mean.. look at that face and those ears!  LOL!  Have you heard about him?

Our grandsons asked to come stay with us yesterday and brought their X-Box which they hooked up in the attic and are using the 2 bean bag chairs we got for them.  They decided to spend another night.  Dayle took them up to the school to play basketball with their 2 new BBs we got for them for Christmas.  Dayle played with them and showed them his shooting style.

We're enjoying the peaceful days post Christmas.  How are you spending your days?  ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  *H*A*P*P*Y* *N*E*W* *Y*E*A*R*!*


  1. Hello Teresa. Oh my! That shot of your barn and the sunset is gorgeous. It's 16F here right now and snow is on the ground. I'm ready for spring. Not a lot is happening here. Dennis had to work yesterday and today. I've been knitting on the sweater for our great-niece...only three more to go! I had high hopes I would finish two before Dennis goes but I don't think that will happen.
    I made a delicious soup with leftover Christmas ham from a recipe I found online. Tomorrow night will finish the ham with mac & cheese made from a Cracker Barrel mix. It make it so easy and it's delicious.
    We're going to breakfast with friends tomorrow and then I'm not sure what we'll do. It's been a fairly quiet week here and next week will be even quieter with him leaving early Tuesday morning.
    Take care and hello to Dayle!
    Blessings and love,

  2. Oh, I forgot to say that although I haven't seen ANY Star Wars movies or shows except things that are everywhere and you can't miss, I HAVE seen Baby Yoda and think he's darling. I love that face and those ears. Did you see the ones Debra, (Araignee) made for her kids? So cute.
    Talk to you later my friend.

  3. Thanks for sharing the gorgeous photos from your trip home from the Falls! I think Baby Yoda is cute, but have not seen the latest movie. Today I went to see Little of my all time favorite stories. So glad you are having happy family time! 🤗

  4. Your barn is indeed lovely, especially in the sunset, and I didn't know you kept goats for all that time, well done you. There have been lots of board games and walks here - the weather has been mild and damp for ages, no chance of snow for us. CJ xx

  5. You really do live in a beautiful place, which you clearly appreciate. Our 2 grown-up children and their spouses came for Boxing day and son and his wife have just gone back home. Our son-in-law wasn't well, so he and daughter only stayed one night. So just back to us two and a mountain of laundry! xx

  6. Awwwww....this all sounds very lovely.
    And that barn...sigh. So pretty! :)

  7. Your house sure looks pretty in the snow. I'm not a fan of cold weather. It's 63 F here but inside it feels so much colder so lots of warm clothes and socks are required.

    I only know about Baby Yoda because of posts on Instagram and a hospital in the states was dressing newborns in crocheted yoda hats. :)

  8. We're enjoying some post Christmas quiet and some family time before hubby heads back to work in a couple of days. Enjoy your time with your Grandsons. xx Susan

  9. I love that your grandsons want to spend time with both of you. You and Dayle are pretty amazing! Happy New Year Teresa.

  10. We are sad. We are feeling a bit lost. I know I shouldn't be complaining, but Teresa I lived near my folks and My husbands folks and we still are not used to this distance. I cannot wait for the barn to reopen. I may get to go in next week and that will help me tremendously. Also some nurses meeting Monday will be nice. We are watching football, the fire is lit and the trees are lovely at night with their white lights.

  11. Your photos are always spectacular! I especially like the sky in the first picture.💖

  12. Beautiful photos. Happy New Year.

  13. Baby Yoda looks so cute!! We don't have Disney channel to watch it. Sunset is so pretty by the red barn. Still knitting on my shawl. I plan on finishing it in a month or so. Wish I didn't have to make it so long. Per instructions. Oh well. Looks pretty. Made 2 loaves of pumpkin banana bread this eve. Yum! Happy New Year!!🎈🎉🎄 (I still have my small tree up. ) God bless!!!

  14. The barn and the sunset look fabulous. Our grandchildren like coming to stay as well, it is a good feeling. Yesterday ( Saturday) we went out to a friend's house for dinner. There were 11 of us, lots of good food and laughter.
    It is Sunday, nearly 4pm as I write this and we are waiting for our younger son and family to arrive for dinner. Hugs. Anne X

  15. Your photos are always so gorgeous, Teresa! The sun setting behind the barn is exquisite. The Columbia river is so lovely. You certainly are blessed to live in such a beautiful area. Yes, I've heard of Baby Yoda from my grandsons, too. He's so cute and wise. We're relaxing now that all of our family is back in their own beds after spending this past week with us. I'm tired, but happy! Happy New Year to you and your family. xo

  16. Beautiful pictures Teresa thankyou for sharing your wonderful area. Baby Yoda so crazy fires (not near us) so bad for many xxoo

  17. I love your photos... so pretty. Sounds like you are having a nice relaxing time with your grands.


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