Monday, March 30, 2020

No Excuses

With all the time in the world to do things one has put off.. things are getting done.  For example.  I had 2 containers on the counter for kitchen utensils.  SO.. I took them both and dumped them on the kitchen table and went through them.. now we only have one bucket of them!  The bucket and counter were scrubbed and it all looks so nice now!  The water spigot in our fridge froze up months ago, so we got a water filter unit and it is working well for us.  We had an appliance repairman come out to fix it and he said our fridge was so old we should get a new one!  HA!  Kristi got the spice rack and all the spice jars as a gift for me a few years ago, isn't it nice?

Mocha using me for a pillow.

We belong to a Facebook group called "Corbett Area" and one of the women posted about how she'd used the grocery delivery option for Fred Meyer, a local grocery store.  So, I thought we'd try it out.  I went to their website, did all my product selection, paid online and the delivery was set for the next evening.  The InstaCart guy did the shopping and delivered our groceries on the deck for a fee of $9.95 - plus we gave him a 10% tip.  So worth not exposing ourselves at the store!  Fun fact, I posted this photo on the group page and so far 141 people have hit "like".  :-)

They have to give you a similar brand if the brand you chose is out of stock and also have to refund you for items that are not available.  But still I was very pleased to have the things we did get.

I looked online for a "breakfast cookie" recipe and tried this one, Oatmeal Pecan Coconut Chocolate Chip.  I'm happy to say they turned out excellent.  

Travis and Kristi came by last evening to pick up their rototiller to put in a garden and I remained 12 feet away from them but tossed Travis a bag of cookies for them to have.  He liked them!  I also froze a bag of them and kept out a few to have with my morning coffee.

Oatmeal Coconut Chocolate Chip Pecan Chewy Cookies

1 cup butter, softened
1 ¼ cups packed brown sugar
½ cup white sugar  
2 eggs
2 tablespoons milk
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
1 ¾ cups all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
½ teaspoon salt (optional)
3 cups rolled oats
2 cups semisweet chocolate chips
1 cup chopped pecans (my favorite) or walnuts (optional)
1 cup shredded coconut

Preheat oven to 375 degrees F (190 degrees C).

In a large bowl, cream together the butter, brown sugar and white sugar until smooth. Beat in the eggs one at a time, then stir in the milk and vanilla. Combine the flour, baking soda and salt; stir into the sugar mixture until well blended. Stir in the oats, chocolate chips. walnuts and coconut until evenly distributed. Drop by rounded tablespoons onto ungreased cookie sheet.  Store in tightly sealed container.

One of the utensils I found in my bucket was this copper ladle that I made!  It needed scrubbing and shined up.  

In 1977 I was taking a jewelry class and our assignment was to make something using copper.  I decided to make a useful item, a large serving ladle.  I cut out the handle, 2 of them, then the round bowl of the spoon.  I then soldered the two handles onto the bowl, the copper is soft so I needed to firm up the handle and soldering them together did the trick.  Then I set about using a ball peen hammer head to hammer the handle and form the bowl.  Tadah!

After it was completed I used a dentists drill to etch in my name and the year.  I sure do hope one of my children will cherish this and not toss it in the dumpster after my passing.  Hint, hint.  Dayle took care of the kids while I took summer art classes when I made this.  

We did not have any authentic copper cleaner so I used this old fashioned method, you put some salt in a little pile on your copper, pour a bit of vinegar on it and *poof* the tarnish is gone.  Note my new vinegar which came in a frosted bottle and a wooden topped cork!

I have a thing for hammered metal.

This is an odd shape for a spoon/ladle but what the hey, it was easier to make than the normal spoon shape.  I couldn't get off some of the blemishes, but have ordered some real copper polish which will be here on Wednesday so I'll give it a second go then.

Much cleaner and easier to read!

Imagine my delight when the April issue of the British Country Living arrived a few days ago.  I'm slowly reading each article and savoring it.  When I'm done with it I share it with Kristi, my friend Bev and her husband Gary, then on my blog friend Gracie and she will pass it on.  I'm fascinated with caravans and this is a fun one on the cover is made of galvanized corrugated roofing.

This silly movie came on the channel I was on yesterday and I actually got into it and realized what a boon it was to watch something fun and frivolous instead of the news which is soul-crushing right now.  It's called "Trolls".  

Another one pot meal Dayle made.  Kielbasa sausage, rice, carrots and sweet potatoes with a bit of BBQ sauce over the top.  45 minutes in a 450 deg. oven in a cast iron French oven.

That's it for me.  We're hanging in there and staying home.  Cooking from scratch and tidying house.  I've started a new book I'm enjoying - "The Seven Sisters" by Lucinda Riley.  How are you passing your confinement?  Do share.  ((hugs)), Teresa :-)  


  1. Al loves pounded metal TOO!!! She loves it. In Silver mostly.
    Good keep your distance!
    Good for you Teresa, sending positives out in the world to help others get food .. I love you lady

  2. Teresa, we are doing the same with groceries the last two weeks. We use "curbside" and the Instacart shopper brings your order to your vehicle! I just pop open the back door and they place them inside...great social distancing. We cannot always pick up the same day we order as the service is understandably popular. Take care dear one. ��

  3. Love your copper ladle Teresa! You'vve made so many different and interesting things! A true Renaissance woman! I'm working out every day; going for walks when the weather permits and, of course, working from home. also cooking and baking a lot and knitting.

  4. Got to love getting deliveries Teresa and I love vinegar so handy. Gorgeous Mocha on your head and glad you both keep well and safe. Our release date is tomorrow but don't look forward to going out but to have a walk outside will be nice though. We had a delivery today so enjoying having food here in city pad.

  5. You dear Teresa and dear Mocha inspired me to LOL [repeatedly]. I am impressed with all your industry and enjoyed learning about your copper ladle. Oh goodie...a new Country Living! : ) ((hugs))

  6. Where both in our 60's with some health issues and even through our freezer & pantry is full we where running out of fresh fruits & vegetables. So I did our first ever whole food delivery yesterday. Very impressed with the service and nice fresh produce. These shoppers and delivery people are really on the front line! I feel so bless to be able to stay at home and only having to wipe down or wash everything before storing it away.

  7. Love Mocha on your head and the view of your kitchen. Our Brita water filter pitcher broke a couple of months ago. Yours truly dropped it. Well, we had been planning to get a Berkey water system to take to the trailer in the summer so we went ahead and ordered it. We got it in just a few days and we're using it here at home. We love it! The water tastes really good. You are supposed to be able to take river water and run it through the Berkey and be able to drink it. Any water, anywhere.
    Your ladle is beautiful and I enjoyed reading about how you made it. Thank you for the cookie recipe too.
    I did my first Walmart pickup order today. I don't normally buy our groceries at Walmart but I haven't used instant cart yet and Walmart was free. They had to substitute my pie crust but they gave me the name brand for the same price so that was a win! Originally they said that there were no pickups available until April 7 but there was a cancellation and I got it. But...I forgot bananas. I saw yours and remembered. Then I had to wash and disinfect all of those groceries in the garage before I would bring them inside. Whew! It was a job. The lady was so sweet though and brought them to the car, loaded them and even signed for me so I didn't have to touch the clipboard. I could get used to shopping like this.
    Take care Teresa. Much love to you and Dayle. Stay well and happy.

  8. Glad you're keeping safe. I love that copper ladle. You're so talented! By they way, tomato ketchup (or any other vinegar based sauce) is good for cleaning copper and brass. Just smear it on, leave for a few hours, then wash off and buff dry. I'm planning to make a poster to put in my window to thank all NHS and other key workers. On Thursday evening, I'll be outside clapping for our carers. It's an initiative started last week and the founder wants everyone in the UK to do it every Thursday until the lockdown is over. It was so uplifting last week, and hopefully it'll gather steam as the weeks go on. Satay safe and sane! xx

  9. Champagne vinegar for cleaning your copper, how posh 😊. Mind, it is a really lovely ladle and you crafted it with love and a luxury clean is absolutely appropriate.

    Mocha on your head looks very funny, she is a sweet thing. I do love having an affectionate dog. Dogs are just a joy, aren't they?

    I'd love to do online shopping but there are no slots available for weeks. I gathered from the news that shops are now being issued lists of vulnerable families and people in high risk groups so that they can be prioritise who can book a delivery. We are neither but Richard doesn't mind going to the shops for fresh produce. We'll be doing some baking today, there seems to be a surplus of bananas. I don't know how this happened... I think you shared a banana loaf recipe a while ago, will check this out.

    Have a lovely day x

  10. The copper ladle is beautiful, you made a lovely job of it. The spice rack is brilliant and you have a wonderful view from your window. I'm glad you were able to get your groceries delivered. I usually have mine delivered, but at the moment I am able to go to the supermarket so I've cancelled my slot so that someone who needs it more can have it. The cookies look delicious. I have very little flour left and there is none in the shops so I'm not doing much baking at the moment. I'm glad you're well. Look after yourself, CJ xx

  11. Wonderful to have delivery of groceries! We had pick up outside store, but that stopped, with this horror. -sigh- But a dairy, which has other products too, delivers.

    Always have things to be done, around home. Now is the time, to do them. :-)

    Gentle hugs,

  12. OMWord- that Keilbasa one pot dish looks wonderful. Is there a recipe? My mouth was watering just looking at the photo. I love the copper spoon made by you. You're a very talented person. It would fit right in with my hand-made copper collection from Turkey that are in my kitchen. It's good to read that you and your husband are keeping busy. I do wonder what everyone is doing to keep busy so thank you for sharing this interesting post.

  13. I am glad you got groceries from Fred Meyer instacart. Thought about doing that. I heard they might go on strike? Whatever! I did go out yesterday and grabbed some items. Now that the stay home directive is through end of April, I thought since I had an appt I needed to do it then!!! We are doing ok. Am enjoying my time at home. Getting items done on my to do list. daily!! And a walk outdoors!!!
    I started reading a book this a.m. by Max Lucado I bought last year close to Easter. Now I have time to read it!! "Six Hours One Friday". I had one years ago and think I lent it to someone but don't have it so bought another one...on sale!Plan on getting my curtains up finally in dining room! this week!!! Take care and hope you and your family stay healthy and happy!!! ..xx..

  14. Teresa, it's so good to check in with you since we got home. I'm so glad you and yours are doing well. I love your copper spoon! I'm always amazed to hear about more talents you have enjoyed over the years! We have been so busy since returning home. I've hardly had any time to check in with my blogging friends. We are thankful to be well. Take care of yourself, my friend.

  15. I love your copper spoon... it's a treasure. Dayle's kielbasa meal looks delicious. It's so nice to sort out and organize. I surely do not do it often enough!

  16. Seeing Mocha on your head made me smile. Loved the copper spoon such a lovely make and must bring back lots of memories. 2 cases have now been confirmed on the Island of coronavirus which seemed so faraway for so long. Crafting, crosswords, baking and planning our garden is filling our days. Stay safe.

  17. Ooh, what a gorgeous copper spoon! I love hammered copper. Is there any craft you haven't tried and succeeded at? Your counter looks so clean and organized too.

    Yes, the news is soul-crushing for sure. I'm glad you found a happy movie to watch instead.

    Stay safe, my bloggy friend!

  18. Hi Theresa, Referring to your blog today, March 30th... Do you have the recipe for the one pot meal Dayle made? Kielbasa sausage, rice, carrots and sweet potatoes with a bit of BBQ sauce over the top. 45 minutes in a 450 deg. oven. I was wondering how much water to add for the rice, potatoes and carrots. Was there a type of bean added to that recipe too? It looks from the picture that there may have been.

    1. Hi Sue, Dayle uses one cup of rice and one and 1/4 cups of chicken stock with that. I think the beans were a can of cannellini (rinsed), 1/2 cup of chopped onion, 2 peeled and chopped carrot, peeled and cubed sweet potatoes, kielbasa sausage and BBQ over the sausage and then on top of it all. Not a ton but to taste.

  19. Oh, thank you so much for replying on this. I'm going to try and make it today.


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