Monday, April 6, 2020

Rock Art

Hello my friends!  Thanks for visiting today.  As an artist - I get inspired with many different mediums.  I have loved the simple rock my whole life.  My last endeavor was to crochet around them.  But on Facebook a photo showed up of Japanese rattan cane wrapped rocks that just wowed me.  This below is my second one, the first one was less than satisfactory.  :-)

This is the photo that inspired me.  As you can imagine, I googled them and have seen some amazing examples.

First up - gathering the materials.  I actually found a small supply of cane.. where else but.. Amazon.  It was fairly inexpensive.  They sell it to people who do cane seats for chairs, plus basketmakers.  I have used this for several baskets I've made over the years.  I looked for the perfect rock around the farm and the best I could find was this one which was... on the bottom of the pond.  SO.. honey.. will you fish this out for me?  Thank you.  :-D  

Then I donned my shoes and found a pruning shear and trekked out to our large black bamboo patch. 

I wanted short pieces with nodes on both ends.  After some research I found out that the area of bamboo between the nodes is called the internode.  :-) I cut some likely pieces and snipped off the branches while standing outside.  Once inside I cut them into pieces.  As a side note, many people are afraid of bamboo as some are called runners and spread badly.  I have 5 different varieties, all are called "clumping" and don't spread crazy but are well behaved.

This is a closeup of the black bamboo and it's node, where new branches come from.  The canes grow to the girth of a man's thumb.  The canes turn solid black over time.  They start out green.

The label on the cane.  It comes from rattan cane and is stripped off and cut to different sizes.

OK.. materials gathered, time to get to work.

OK, my first attempt.. ummm.. I was ready to give up on the whole idea!

I found my second rock near the pond, it was smaller and much easier to work with.  I soaked the cane in warm water for 10-15 minutes before I began to weave.  

I think I will leave my first rock out by the pond.  :-)

I am very happy with Rock #2.  

Of course I had to photograph them on my big rock I had placed when our pond was built - it's my "sitting rock".

The photo below shows the size of rock that is optimum for doing this - palm sized.  

Some people look askance at me when I share my rocks.  :-)  The ones below are my crocheted ones.

So.. what do you think of cane wrapped rocks?  :-)  Would you ever consider trying to do one?  
((hugs)), Teresa :-)  

PS - I had a suggestion that I make my type larger so it's easier to read.  When I selected Large type it's huge on my screen.  Question, do you like it better the size I have used for 10 years or do like the bigger font?  Please let me know.


  1. I love your rocks! Very unusual and creative. I don't think I would try them though. I used to make baskets but had to stop because my hands hurt... old age, you know! But I do love yours... both the first one and the second one. Stay safe and well.

  2. How interesting and beautiful Teresa! Very "zen"! ;-)

  3. Ohhhhhhhhhhh!!!!

    You took my breath away, with your lovely larger print!!!!!!

    Oh thank you soooooooo much! You have no idea, how much easier it is, to read. Well, for me anyway.

    And you asked your Dear Readers. Which is wonderful.

    'Course, if the majority like the "old size," you will be putting it back.

    Or, even if you tried it, between the "old" size, and this "new" size...? And asked again....

    Anyway, it is your blog! And we each, do our blog, as we like.

    But mercy! This particular post, is delightful, to my eyes. -smile-

    Stay calm

  4. You have your own bamboo trees!!!!

    And these rock weavings are amazing.

    You show your artistic side, in these, as well as in the lovely knitting. So nice.

    And so nice to find another hobby, at this very awful time...

    Stay calm

  5. Those rocks are amazing. I'm not sure I'd have the patience or skill to do them. I'll stick to knitting and crochet! My neighbour had a creeping bamboo - I'm still digging up shoots that have snuck under the fence. Where's a panda when you need one? LOL. I also have a clumping bamboo. Guess which one I prefer! Re: the font size, as an oldie whose eyesight seems to get worse each year, I prefer the larger font too. xx

  6. I see painted rocks on my walks in my local park with inspirational/encouraging phrases on them but never bamboo ones. Very positive. Love your zen bamboo wrappings.

  7. Hi Teresa,
    Those rocks are interesting. I take a brisk walk just at daylight and have been spotting painted rocks here and there. Some have designs and some have encouraging words.
    Problems with eyes make the larger font super attractive to me. I really enjoy your blog and would like to read it better! There are some blogs with such tiny and pale writing that I cant enjoy.
    Thanks for making time to share your life.

  8. Oh my gosh. Zach would love that rock design technique. i"ll send him o ver!

  9. Interesting! Thanks for introducing me to a new to me art form, Teresa. Your Black Bamboo is beautiful! I like both of your rocks, but probably will not try to make one...[I still have not tried making a crocheted covered rock although I admire them and would like to make one...where does my creative time go???]
    The larger size type is ok. Now you have me wondering what I use on my posts. I have noted Blogger uses a smaller font if I enter captions to my photo as opposed to just typing two lines below my photo.
    Along with calls texts and humdrum chores, today I swept the patio and planted in three little pots, the last of my Sweet Basil seeds I bought last Spring. Will they grow? ((hugs))

  10. Clever lady love your rocks xoxo 🙂🙂😀😀

  11. I enjoyed seeing your first attempt, was it on facebook? I've been on social media so much recently that I can't remember where I see what. I probably shouldn't admit that. :-). But...that second rock is amazing. You are so talented. I have several of those crocheted rocks too. I love how they look and gave some away too. I think rocks from the coast make the best ones to crochet around.
    I like both of the fonts so whatever works best for everyone else and that you like is find with me.
    I sewed a couple of face masks today and have six more cut out. My back protested sitting at the machine any longer. Maybe I'll be able to finish them as I think it was the standing at the counter cutting for so long that aggravated it the most. I have a few friends that don't sew at all that have asked for them. I cut elastic out of an old shirt and skirt because I couldn't find any anywhere.
    Take care my dear friend.
    Blessings and love,

  12. They're wonderful, and something I've never seen before. I love the idea of making something with biodegradeable materials that one day will just return to the earth. And you've made a lovely job of them, and photographed them beautifully with your amazing bonsai. Nicely done! CJ xx

  13. Loved them and yes it is something that I would consider having a go at. They are impressive and make for a great focal point on a garden path or deck. Stay safe and well.

  14. Wow! These are gorgeous and I can see why you wanted to make some. Yours are amazing! Do we get to see any photos of Dayle fetching the perfect stone from the pond though? :) xx Susan

  15. Fantastic post! Kisses ... ı love the art so much ... Dilek .

  16. You always amaze me with your artistic talents. There are so many beautiful treasures you have created and with so many different materials and different methods! I love the beautiful rocks - even your first attempt looks pretty to me! Thanks for sharing your creativity and talents with us. Stay safe!

  17. Oh my! I love those wrapped rocks Teresa - another rabbit hole to get lost in. I also really like the crocheted ones. We have bamboo on our property too. It is such a great plant. Fletch has made a ladder from some of the canes and we have used it for other things too. Use whatever font you want - anyone can increase the size on their computer screen if they want.....

  18. Love the rock and the larger font!!

  19. These rocks are so pretty, I have never seen anything like it. Such a good way to be creative, you get to go outside and enjoy the garden while gathering supplies and then you have something wonderful to display at the end. It sounds just perfect. I also really adore your crochet rocks. Whimsical and pretty and just the thing that puts a smile on my face. Have a lovely Wednesday x

  20. Love your rock art, it's really interesting!! I don't think I could do that. I also loved your crochet ones and it was nice to see them again here. Yes I do like the new font! The bamboo pictures are beautiful. I thought of you last night as I was watching the amazing 'pink moon' was so beautiful and so bright! Have a good week dear Teresa. XXX


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