Friday, May 8, 2020

Country Living

We moved into this house on 5 acres in January.  I will NEVER forget when Spring arrived and flowers and shrubs burst out.  I would walk around in wonder, wishing I knew the names of all the floral abundance.

This huge pink Rosebud Azalea is below our bay window in our family room.  So pretty!

A big blast of wonderful.

We finally got all the vegetables planted in our salad garden.  Leaf lettuce, radishes, Walla Walla onions, parsley and head lettuce.

These are ones I grew from seed - beans, peas, carrots and zucchini.  We are going to put the zucchini in one of the new beds but we have to fill them with soil first.

I have wanted a purple Rhododendron for years, now I have it and need to find just the right spot for it.

I simply must share another Siberian Iris photo.  :-)

A big whiff of my white double Lilac.. they are actually lasting well this year.

Another variety of Rhodie is opening.

Farmer Dayle built a trellis backing for the peas and beans.  I can't wait to see how they climb up this.  And to think we can walk out and pick beans for dinner is so exciting!

Then he planted them.  He also put leeks, yellow, red and Walla Walla sweet onions.  There are two rows of Yukon gold potatoes in the middle.  :-)

New plants in the ground and watered in!

Then we planted flowers in baskets and pots.  This is the big yellow begonia Kristi got for Dayle.

I saw that the front of the house was lit up by the late afternoon sunshine, so I walked out to snap a photo.  Oh how happy I am that we painted the house red with white trim!

Then I walked down near the roadway and snapped a wide angle shot that encompassed the house, garden shed, chicken house, garage-barn and our big barn.  It's 30x50 feet for a total of 3,000 sq. feet in size.  Dayle designed it and built it almost single-handedly - with a bit of help from me and the kids

Turning to the right.

The two little green Japanese Maples that were given to me by Kathy who I met via my blog.  They are really pretty.  And I also planted a white Hydrangea near them.  It's leafing out well and I hope it has many flowers.

We hung a newly planted flower basket on the lamp post - which reminds me of New Orleans and Victoria BC.  :-)

Now we have two flower baskets on the gazebo.  I need to find my red, white and blue bandana banner that my beloved sister Denise made for me and get it hung up.

Every day I check the Peony buds.. can't wait until they open.

We have wonderful weather predicted for the weekend.  I think a fire in our outdoor fireplace will happen.. and we just happen to have purchased some Hershey bars, big marshmallows and graham crackers.  :-)

The orange Azalea is blooming.. and the big cotton candy pink Rhodie behind it is also.

Chef Dayle made homemade crust for a sausage quiche a few days ago.  It turned out very good - but he has decided it's much easier to make scrambled eggs than a quiche.  :-)

Today Dayle will be working on the Dahlia and Zucchini raised beds.  They need shimmed and leveled then filled with soil.. then planted and watered!  My job is support staff.  :-)
Have a fabulous weekend.. any special plans?  OH.. and...

.•..• Happy Mother's Day! •..••.

((hugs)), Teresa :-)  


  1. Your flowers are all so beautiful! We literally live in a sandbox so it's hard to get anything to grow... the drainage is good though! I agree with Dayle, scrambled eggs are easier but I love quiche... must be the crust!

  2. πŸ’žπŸŒΈπŸŒ·Happy Mother's Day, Teresa! πŸŒ·πŸŒΈπŸ’žThanks for the walk around the farm. The flowers are fabulous this year, and I hope the raised beds are a great success. I have never tried to grow iceberg that the head lettuce you hope to grow? Enjoying walks around the condo loop in the warm sunny weather and visiting some online church services are on my agenda for the weekend. πŸ’žπŸŒ·πŸ’ž

  3. Fantastic Teresa and Dayle is wonderful with what he does.

  4. How fun to visit the farm and take a walk around with you. All of the flowers and the gardens are spectacular. You're going to have a LOT of veggies to share with family and friends. I always enjoy seeing your beautiful farmhouse. I want to visit again. Soon, I hope.
    We're at the lake for the weekend. I adore our new trailer. It's like a tiny house.

  5. Dayle is sure a busy guy! Your property looks great and I love the views of your home and buildings - how terrific it all is. Happy Mothers Day to you also, Teresa! My children have set up a "virtual family reunion" tonight so I can't wait to see them and my grandkids on the computer! Stay safe!

  6. It's lovely seeing your wide angle shots of your pretty property, Teresa! All of your flowers are so joyously blooming. We have a freeze warning this evening. I'm worried what will happen to all of our annuals that we've planted. There are far too many to cover, so we'll see what happens. I hope you have a great Mother's Day, my friend. We have a Skype visit with our family tomorrow, just like we've had since the quarantine.

  7. A beautiful garden and the azaleas are magnificent. Thanks for sharing.

  8. Happy Mother's Day Teresa. Hope you have enjoyed a beautiful day. Your flowers look fantastic and so does that garden, so excited for all you will be harvesting. Stay well and safe.

  9. your 1st rhodie is close to color of mine. We had Denny's food after church today. Megan was my daughter dash to get it in her car. We enjoy their food. Looking forward to indoor seating some time this year hopefully! Happy Mother's day, Teresa! I enjoy all your photos of your country farm and house! I enjoy the inside of your house as well. Been there, done that! Maybe another time? Take care!! Tell Dayle hello from me! xxxx---------xxxx

  10. You certainly are surrounded by such beauty Teresa. I love your veg patch and yes how good it will feel when you can harvest your home growns! Take care and stay safe, hugs xxx

  11. Your flowers are so gorgeous! And your garden plants look wonderful. I'll look forward to seeing what you harvest! Love Dayle's comment that scrambled eggs are easier than a quiche - lol.

  12. All looks so lovely Teresa. I am hoping to have tomatoes, beans and lettuce. Not going too mad. Hugs Anne x

  13. I absolutely cannot fathom having so much space to play in, it seems wonderful to me as I sit in my tiny tall thin house on it's miniscule plot of land surrounded on all sides by rows of other tall thin houses. You are so blessed, but I see how very much you appreciate it and how much heart and soul has gone into creating and nurturing it xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


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