Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Loving Summertime

We went out for a drive and some errands a few days ago and while Dayle went into Coastal Farm store to get bird and chicken food, he came out with a Dahlia covered with buds.  He planted it with all the Dahlia plants which have a long way to go before they flower.  It's neat to have one in bloom!

Dayle took a dozen eggs over to Ginger at Bates Lavender Farm across the road and I asked him to snap a photo of their fields and our barn.  

He also picked up a little bottle of Lavender essential oil for me to use in our diffuser.  I even put a drop on my wrists.  It smells so good!

We were out in the garden today and here is our Dahlia bed with the new flower.

Our grandsons asked to come over for a few nights so Kristi dropped them off this morning.  Hayden wanted to earn a bit of $$ so we asked him to cut back some blackberries there were coming up through some of our shrubs.  We also are being plagued by wild cucumber vines so he pulled some of those out of the Rhododendrons, too.  

I'm so proud of our grandsons when they help out around the farm!

More little Zucchini!

One of these days we'll be handing off extras of these to any willing takers.. but I can't wait until we have as many as we can eat.

Coastal also had pots of these wonderful orange/red geranium with these gloriously colorful leaves.  We potted it up today.

This pot of mixed flowers is thriving.

We also potted up this pink Begonia Boliviensis and have hung it on the porch next to the orange one.

We put this pot of mixed flowers next to the carport, we bought what we thought was "Hot Lips" Salvia as the tag said that, but it's all red.  Wah.

We sat out in the sun today while potting flowers and enjoying the fresh air.

I just love our red leaf lettuce!

Today on Corbett Unstuff on Facebook one of the local ladies put several kitchen items up for sale.. she had these 3 copper measuring cups for TWENTY FIVE CENTS!  I told her we'd take them and also bought 2 Fire King glass bread pans and 1 square baking pan.  Those were $2 each.  Plus she delivered them to us in our driveway!  Score!

Here is the 1 cup measuring cup after I did some scrubbing and Dayle, too.. plus using our copper cleaner on it.  It needs more work and the other ones need cleaned up.  But I'm in love with these!  I'll show them to you when we get them all done.

So.. that's it for here now.  I have another fun thing to show you but Dayle is out assembling it right now.  Maybe on Friday?  Any fun plans for the weekend?  ((hugs)), Teresa :-)  


  1. Wow, your garden looks so lush! I love the lobelia in the mixed pot, and the new zinnia is so pretty. Lucky you to have a lavender farm across the way! We have some lavender oil from a farm we visited in Washington in 2016. I love the scent.

    What a great deal you got on those measuring cups!

    Enjoy your lovely weather, Teresa.

  2. Nice flowers and old measuring cups and pan. My plan is to watch rest of Young Living virtual convention on Sat. I'm at the coast right now, and hotel room is adjacent from ocean/D River! Beautiful sky and ocean and got a bit of shopping done at the Christmas store! I am glad you have helpful grandsons to work on your farm! I need to get rid of some blackberries in my flower bed! Just found out Marion and Polk county is going into 2 phase and all are required to wear masks in public. Even in restaurants. Well, hopefully not while eating! Enjoy the rest of your week, my friend! x------x :'}

  3. Those measuring cups are great good find. Look forward to seeing what you are up much action at your place. Us back in city for change of scenery and walks safely xoxxo

  4. I enjoyed catching up on your news! I made a great discovery. I put my copper bottom pans in the dishwasher and the copper comes out looking brand new. I have been storing the pans on my stove top with the copper side up so I can admire them before I use them. :-) I checked out Bates Farm online when you last mentioned them and I was attracted to the lavender oil, but I have not ordered it...yet. ((hugs))

  5. I like to diffuse lavender essential oil too. How wonderful to live across from the lavender farm. It was fun catching up and seeing all of your pretty blooms. The gardens are growing so fast too. Good for Hayden in wanting to earn some extra money. I'm sure there's always work to be done when you own land. We're going to camp in our little trailer on 10 acres about halfway up Mt. Spokane for one night. It's good to know that our house is looked after so well by our house-sitter when we decide to head out camping.

  6. I love the smell of lavender and dry some bud each year to make little bags for my drawers. Your garden is looking so good. The copper pans were a real find and such a bargain, hope you manage to get them cleaned up. Have a great weekend.

  7. Don't despair of your Hot Lips! The colour depends on light at different seasons. Mine is mostly the proper mixed red and white - but I have seen it with all red and all white flowers in the past.
    You have a great garden!

  8. Your garden is gorgeous! We are so buggy here that I have to keep everything under nets or it would be gone in a day. My son found that out the hard way at his allotment spot. During the lockdown the bugs ate everything. Araignee

  9. I just had to look through Fireman' s hair because he felt was not a tick thank goodness. Teresa your grandsons are awesome. I mean it. They obviously love you both so much. Your gardens are so glorious and beautiful!

  10. Oh, I love your garden! It is so lush and vibrant. Here in Minnesota, mine is just getting going but I am happy about the progress. That dahlia made me smile. Looks like the first dahlia I ever grew when I lived in North Carolina. Mine are also going now, and I am expectantly waiting!

  11. The sun makes everything better doesn't it? The garden is looking great and I bet the lavender fields behind are heavenly. CN x

  12. He is such a great helper. I bet that oil smells terrific. You can put a drop on bug bites and burns and they heal right up. Stay safe.

  13. I am impressed with those copper measuring cups. What a steal! I love Fire King and have a Charm Azurite lunch service, with other various pieces. I am drowning in lettuce right now, but I like it! lol Thanks for linking up.


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