Monday, June 15, 2020

Sunny Sunday

... and then the rain came back.  But we did enjoy a dry day!  Two days of rain and then we're in for some summer days!  I got out and did some checking on our garden.  Umm.. the potatoes are taking over this big raised bed!  The peas and beans are climbing their lattice panel but the carrots and onions are buried under a heavy canopy of potato leaves.  But this was our experiment year and we are learning a lot.

The tomato plants are getting monstrous.  A few flowers.  No 'maters.

We have Zucchini success!  I will be keeping a beady eye on this.  Funny story is our whole garden adventure came to fruition because I wanted to grow our own zukes to make quick bread with.  So, a gazillion $$$ later, we have this.  :-)

See it down there?

And we have pea blossoms!

Young Dahlias, spinach and the zukes.

A wide angle shot of the two low raised beds and if you look carefully across the road you can see our delightful neighbor's lavender fields.  

Bates Lavender Farm - they have a great website and you can order there under "Shop".  They have some new products that I can't wait to try.  Be sure to tell them I sent you, I like to support small businesses.  They just posted this photo on their Facebook page, of course I love seeing our barn in the picture.  :-)

I am enjoying watching the flowers we planted grow and thrive.

We thoroughly enjoyed having a nice day.  We brought our folding chairs over to the salad garden and potted up the last of the flowers we had purchased. The blades on the windmill were spinning like crazy and I tried to capture the motion but it did not.

I get to select the flowers for each pot and Dayle plants them.  We have a system.  :-)

Our pot of Canterbury Bells is doing well.  Funny story is that Kristi saw a little plant coming up in the gravel by our barn and pulled it up to show me.. it still had it's roots on so I suggested she plant it in a pot on the deck.. and it was so happy that it comes back every year, bigger and better each time.  The other name for it is Campanula.

Lovely flowers.

Happily the Mock Orange is still blooming beautifully.

Oh how I enjoyed the blue sky.

The flowers smell and look like orange blossoms, hence the name.

Such floral joy.

I planted an Autumn Fern by the pond years ago and it also faithfully grows new fronds each year.  It's an unusual fern as the new growth is yellowish orange and as it matures they turn green.  

Fern love.  :-)

Then to the left of the Autumn Fern I planted this lovely Japanese Painted Fern.  It lives in harmony with the Hosta.

The leaves are so pretty with a silver tone and purple veining.

My grape colored Astilbe is ready to burst open in their fluffy, pretty spikes.

The Begonia "Bonfire" is looking to have a banner year.  The stalk is beefy and lots of new shoots coming up.  

The yellow Tuberous Begonia Kristi bought for Dayle.  Love it!

And so.. it's gray again.. but there is hope.  How is your weather going?  I hope it's good!  ((hugs)), Teresa :-)  


  1. Wonderful, cooler days here in KY. Mid 70's with the farmhouse doors and windows open to the breeze. I have tiny zukes and squash that will be ready in no time. Also tiny tomatoes, but they take more time to mature. Been eating fresh lettuce and Swiss chard for a few weeks now.

  2. Teresa, your beautiful garden photos got more out loud "WOW"s from me and I especially enjoyed seeing the colorful flowers. It is wonderful to see how your raised beds are flourishing! On my morning mile condo loop walk it did not start raining until just before I made it back to my unit...I was glad I was wearing my rain jacket and I am looking forward to sunnier days! ((hugs))

  3. Our weather is a lovely now, in the 70s with no humidity. But alas we need rain badly! Your gardens are beautiful, Teresa! I enjoy seeing the wide variety you have. Everything is so healthy and lush. Enjoy your week, my friend.

  4. Your garden is so lovely. I bet it smells heavenly at your house, especially with the lavender fields so close!

  5. Oh my your garden is fabulous but you know I think that 😀😀 How is your garden kitty 🐾🐈

  6. Wow Teresa, another fabulous floral filled post. I love seeing it all grow so lush by you. DO you add miracle grow? I'm going to add it to my vegetables in hopes of more produce for the food pantry. Astilbe is so beautiful in husband loves florals that are like that: so slight on their own but amazing in mass. I'm so ready for blooms. I keep patiently watering it all. I generally don't buy annuals but Fireman asked for just a few zinnias in flats, so he doesnt have to ask me if something is a flower or a weed. Soon he'll know! I hear the deer leave zinnias alone. Hope so. They leave our wild geraniums alone. So far the echinacea leaves , no flowers yet, are left alone. I hope they go for the clover I planted.

  7. Hi Teresa! What gorgeous photos of your flowers and veggie gardens. Soon you and Dayle are going to eat very well. I especially like the photo of the lavender farm with your red barn in the background.
    We're having our 3rd straight day of rain with more forecast tomorrow morning with absolutely beautiful weather on it's way after least that's what our local weatherman is predicting. I sure hope he's right.

  8. Your garden is looking glorious. The rain might be annoying you but your plants seem to love it! Why don’t you pinch out the tips of the tomatoes, you might get more flowers that way.

  9. You gave us a wonderful tour of your garden, alive with bursts of colour. It was a delight to see and indeed admire the veggi plot, they are amazing. A joy also to see the lavender, I love to dry some out each year and us it inside little bags.

  10. I would say your gardens are a huge success this year Teresa!! How wonderful. Just wait till you taste your own home grown potatoes - nothing better!

  11. You certainly have a very lush garden, Teresa! I am amazed at how full and colorful all of your plants and flowers are. Hard work and perfect weather have really shown the beauty of nature around you. Thanks for sharing!

  12. What beautiful photos! I love your raised beds. I have to laugh at our growing adventure this year too. I've spent $300 on garden carts and such and will probably get less than $20 worth of produce. Lol...oh, well. It keeps us busy and gives us more to talk about than the virus. Araignee

  13. Your gardens look wonderful and your veggies are certainly growing! Every year seems to bring surprises in our garden and there's always something new to try (or to re try!)How wonderful to have lavender fields so close to you! I love to see them! Happy week dear Teresa XXX

  14. Hi there. We having lots of rain and there is thunder at the moment. I have planted lots this year flowers and veg - hope the weather won't ruin it. Your garden looks gorgeous. Hugs Anne x


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