Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Shawl Progress and Edging Colors

I only have a few more rows to go on the body color purple before I begin the lacy and colorful edging.  Yay!

This is my pink shawl done with the same pattern - "Sunday Shawl" designed by Alia Bland, aka Little Bee.  Selecting the colors for the border is tricky.  In this one I wish I had not added the yellow and went with more pink-blue-lavender colors.

This is how close I am to being done with the purple!

The border edging design is so interesting!

Which of these colors would you start with?  I will alternate warm and cool colors.

This was my cozy location over the rainy weekend while crocheting away and watching interesting things on TV.  We watched a most interesting show on Netflix called "Unorthodox -- The Scandalous Rejection of My Hasidic Roots." which is a German-American drama miniseries that debuted on Netflix on 26 March 2020. The first Netflix series to be primarily in Yiddish, it is inspired by Deborah Feldman's 2012 autobiography.

My sister Denise gave us a loaf of Como bread and I cut thick slabs of it, toasted it, buttered it and sprinkled it with cinnamon and sugar, I got it at Penzey's Spices and it has Ceylon cinnamon and vanilla bean in it.  YUM!

I finished book 4 in the Seven Sisters series - The Pearl Sister by Lucinda Riley.  This one was set in Australia and we learn a lot about it in this book and also the plight of the aboriginal people.  It was very good!  Next up is the Moon Sister.  I do love a series that is great as you don't have to agonize over the next book you'll read.  :-)

I'm watching the news right now and it's looking like actually positive changes will be made due to the massive worldwide protest and calls for justice after the horrific death of George Floyd.  A deli clerk called the police over the suspicion of Mr. Floyd using a fake $20 bill.  He was choked to death over $20.  Things must change.  

I hope your week is going well.  Please be safe, the Covid19 virus is rearing it's ugly head again.  Cases are rising after the loosening of restrictions.  Be well!  

((hugs)), Teresa :-)  


  1. I have always liked that pink shawl of yours and you're beautiful when wearing it. I like the yellow in it. My vote would be starting with the darker blue.
    That bread. Oh my goodness. I would love it.

  2. Ohh the shawls in crochet!! So pretty!! That yarn or thread seems pretty light. It looks good for Summer. I just finished two shawls to give as gift to a couple of ladies in the family. The shawls are in Fall colors. I also like the looks of the bread you baked!! Loooks delicious!!

  3. Ooh I think the green next would be good. Love your shawls have a plain purple one at city pad. Protests for George Floyd and our indiginous who have been mistreated for ever.........keep safe too xoxo

  4. You have busy hands creating that lovely shawl! The edging is quite unique. I hope you are right about things changing in regard to race relations. And that bread is making my mouth water!

  5. I vote for the light lavender for the next color on your pretty new shawl and thanks for sharing the photo of your gorgeous roses~ ~ ~ ((hugs))

  6. I agree with you Teresa. Things MUST change. I listened to NPR radio lab tonight . IT was a program about how jurors are instructed to judge the police officer in the split second of the decision he or she has to make. That has to change. Very interesting podcast. Zach suggested we listen to it.

    As for colors I am so bad BUT
    I got out my cheat card: according to IT: Purple is pleasing to the eye with your darkest blue color. IF you want a pop first. put some orange in for just a row or two then go to blue. I use Gail Callahan's original color grid.

  7. What a beautiful shawl! I was supposed to go pattern shopping last night for a summer shawl but I fell asleep.
    I love Penzy's cinnamon sugar too. As soon as they were shipping again I got another jar of it. Araignee

  8. Your shawl is gorgeous!! I'm looking forward to the end product, your colors are splendid!

  9. Your shawl is looking so beautiful Teresa, can't wait to see how the border goes and which color you will choose to be first. It rained last weekend but this weekend it is plenty hot and sunny. I love rain! Stay safe.


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