Monday, July 20, 2020

Creating and Enjoying the Deck

Keeping my hands busy helps keep my mind occupied in a positive manner.  As you may know I decided to make a little fabric "book" to keep my sewing needles in one place.  The pin cushion I made before this is coming in very handy for my current stitching project.

I am "winging it" on this.  I did the cross stitch flag on Aida cloth but found it frays alarmingly.  So, I stitched the finished item on some linen I ordered.  It was impossible to sew on without little fray end sticking out.  Oh well!  Then I cut a piece of felt into the shape of the book and set about blanket stitching the linen onto the felt.

I must admit this is looking rather rustic and uneven but what the heck.. life is not perfect.  :-)

I want to cross stitch Pins & Needles on this but am kind of afraid that the words won't be centered and will make it look worse.  The inside is awful so I will line it and then put the felt pages in.  The finished product will be another post.

I'm just amazed at the size of our Begonia!

Fish and bird watching.

Barn.. lol

Fish pic.. 3 of them...

Love the deck.. and woods.. and flowers...

Well.. gotta run.. socially distant visitors coming in 10 minutes.. love you!  ((hugs)), Teresa :-)  


  1. I think your needle book looks lovely. I also think your edge stitching looks pretty even considering it was done on linen. I hope you had a good visit with your visitors.

  2. Hello Teresa. It looks as if your needle case is coming along just fine. I look forward to part two. :-) Goodness what a marvelous garden you have got. I imagine it is quite large with that impressive barn and even a fish pond. Teresa: I have recently sent you an email. I used the email address you have indicated on your profile here. As I use a new email address now it may have gone into your spam/junk folder. Stay safe. Amanda x

  3. I love a whip stitch or blanket stitch, I guess it is. I love blanket stitch around anything. It is just so cozy looking to me!!! Beautiful fish. Hope Dayle is feeling good today! Fireman said he saw an amazing photo of the NEO comet with Mt. Hood.

  4. I hope you enjoyed visiting with friends. Your needle book is looking so nice. The pin cushion is beautiful. Such lovely pieces to enjoy with your needlework.

  5. Hi Teresa. Boy I'm late commenting tonight. We just got back to the trailer a little bit ago. I've been at the house packing up pictures off of the walls and patching nail holes. Then we delivered some furniture to two low income families from our church. The rest will go to our neighbors from Afghanistan. It was so HOT even with the A/C on. Only a few more days and we should have most of the hard work done and just the final cleaning to do.
    I really like your needle book. It looks perfect! I'm looking forward to seeing how you add the pages because I would like to make myself one. Maybe this winter if I ever feel safe going to a craft store again. Our cases are going up, up, up here. They are the highest since this whole thing started.
    Take care my dear friend. Please tell Dayle hello from Dennis and I. We wanted to get over to the coast before winter and see you two, but if this continues we won't be able to go. :-(
    Blessings and a huge virtual hug,

  6. Your needlebook is looking great Teresa! I love blanket stitch - it always looks so nice. Your fish appear to have grown some since the last time you showed pictures of them!

  7. They both look so lovely sitting side by side in your basket. Well done!

  8. Thanks for sharing your needle case. Will be a welcome addition to your sewing basket when trying to locate needles. Very big koi! Flowers look wonderful. Be safe!

  9. Thanks for sharing your good progress on, and the process of, making your pretty needle book! I have run into issues with fraying material on projects and I appreciate learning about your creative fixes for your problems with the materials you are using. It is so good to see the beauty around you through your wonderful photos, Teresa. I hope you had a good visit. I chatted with a neighbor this morning as we admired her thriving tomato and squash plants, and various pretty flowers on her patio. Love you, too! ((hugs)) :)

  10. I love your little needle book's such a cute idea to go with your pincushion. I like the blanket stitch edging. Hope you had a nice visit with your friends, and that you and Dayle have a good week. Hugs XXX

  11. Lots of loveliness in your post Theresa. I love your needlebook.
    I hope to be blogging again next week. It was four weeks yesterday since I lost mum, her funeral is on Friday. I am finding it quite difficult to settle to anything at present.
    Take care, stay safe. Hugs Anne X

  12. Your farm is looking wonderful Teresa, so bright and cheerful; on these dull July days with so much going on. Stay safe my freind.

  13. Love your needle holder Teresa so unique 😀😀 lovely Koi too. Must do a blog post doing so little an stress with growing numbers in my state of Vic Oz 😯😯

  14. Your little needle case is a treasure Teresa and your garden is looking beautiful...Hope your having a good week,
    Susan x

  15. You do such beautiful work on your projects. Your outdoor plants are as lovely as ever.


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