Friday, July 17, 2020

Handiwork and the Garden

The Betsy Ross flag cross stitch is done and my order of linen arrived yesterday.  So, I'm hand-sewing the flag onto the linen and will sew this on some felt and then stitch on some words and I think I will blanket stitch around the outside.  I'm winging it, folks.  It may look horrible when I'm done but I will still use it to keep my needles in one place.

And now lets go outside and see how the garden is doing.  I love the Crocosmia we have although the plant always falls over.  I don't get it.

I won't add text to the rest of the images, just hope you enjoy the photos.

I took Dayle in for a procedure today, they found a hiatal hernia so put him on a medication to help.  We both were diagnosed with cataracts and are both getting surgery for that next month.  Just an update on a few things we're dealing with during this strange time.  

Not a lot more going on.. just hanging in there and watching the news and being worried about our country and the future.  I just hope in a few months something good with happen and we'll be able to begin repairing things.  ((hugs)), Teresa :-)  


  1. Lovely flowers Teresa and ooh beans 😀😀 Numbers rising in Victoria not good at all but we keep safe so far xoxo

  2. Thank you for posting , Teresa. I admire your photography, stitching and the lovely flowers and green beans. I care about you and Dayle and the worries and concerns you shared. Love and ((Hugs))

  3. Your flowers are gorgeous. I think your flag turned out great. I also think your needle book will be so practical and beautiful.
    I'm sorry to hear about Dayle and his hernia and the cataracts you both have. It always seems to be something doesn't it? I'll be in prayer for you both.

  4. Nice flowers. I am enjoying mine. I hope to move the ones out into sun area this weekend. I need help moving them. I pray you and Dayle will stay well. Uncertain times in life right now are no fun but we will make it!
    Not sure why my photo isn't coming up. My sync on Google has been paused which is strange. Have a good weekend! x------x
    Becky L,,,,,

  5. Hello Teresa. Beautiful blooms. Although things are easing here it's no longer the same as it used to be. We do our own shopping again but only go and do what is absolutely essential. I miss going out, meeting up with friends, holding my craft class. Not hugging and kissing my family is awful - even more so at moment. Mum's funeral is not until the 24th -it has been a difficult time, I am in limbo and it's taking its toll now.
    I pray for you and your family, stay safe. Hugs Anne X

  6. Your garden is looking beautiful as ever, and lovely to see how well your beans are doing. The plants around the edge of your decking a really pretty. Sorry you are both having to have surgery and that Dayle has a hiatal hernia, I hope the medication works well. Have a good weekend, CJ xx

  7. Your little flag is just perfect!
    All those beautiful blooms make me so happy. It's a reminder in these terrible times that there are still some things to appreciate. Araignee

  8. Your garden is really fabulous! The variety of colors and flowers is so amazing to me! Sorry to hear about the medical issues - growing old is not for sissies! I am so worried about Oregon and the news of the federal troops that have been sent there. I cannot believe what this president has done and worry about what he will try next! November cannot come soon enough and I hope he loses "hugely".
    Hope you and Dayle stay safe and heal quickly!

  9. I hope the medication helps Dayle and that your eye surgeries go smoothly. Love your stitching and beautiful flowers.

  10. Hello Teresa, I don't understand why you think your cross-stitch is going to look horrible it looks really neat to me. I think it will look smashing once you have it fitted on to the linen. I am in awe of the beautiful blooms you have in your garden. The beans ......homegrown is by far the best. I was trying to convince Sr P to apply for an allotment (you can't do much veg growing on a balcony)he is not keen at all...shame!! It is the same everywhere!! Barcelona and Llerida city have to go back into Lockdown because of new outbursts of the virus. It is so upsetting and darn right scary. Stay safe Amanda x

  11. Teresa, you have such a wide variety of flowers that bloom so beautifully for you! I know they must make you smile. I don't know how you do such lovely handwork with eye issues. We must remain hopeful for better days ahead for our country.

  12. Your garden is beautiful, it must give you great joy. Your cross stitch looks great can't wait to see the finished project!

  13. Poor Dayle . I will pray for both of you!!! Most people are really happy with their cataract surgery. Your garden. So beautiful Teresa. I love hollyhock, I know it takes two years to bloom. Such a lovely old fashioned plant. I also love your gladiolas. My mother called them funeral flowers because they were used in a lot of coffin sprays. But I love them. I have echinacea, sunflowers, cosmos and clematis. Oh the clematis hates this heat. IT was glorious until last week. I remember though, it brightens up in fall again. I see your bean!!!

  14. your garden is wonderful!!! so much in bloom...we're heading into our heat and humidity, which just seems to kill everything. I'm trying to keep the flowers hydrated, but it's hard enough to keep myself hydrated!!!
    You'll love being on the other side of cataract surgery....had mine done 5-6 years ago. And this is really the perfect time for surgery. (Hubby just had prostate surgery three weeks ago.) No one can visit, great recovery time with no feelings of missing anything. Hope all goes well.

  15. Your Flag Needlebook will be fabulous Teresa! Well done. Your flowers, as always, are beautiful. Thinking of you and Dayle. Hope the meds help Dayle and wishing you both well with cataract surgery. Fletch has had both eyes done and is extremely happy. I have them, but they are not yet "ripe!" - LOL


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