Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Lantern Finish and Boat Bath

My crocheted lantern is done!  I have yet to hang the LED light in it but will do that soon.  For now I'm just enjoying seeing this hanging in the dining room.  I can see how fun it would be to make several of these to hang outside for a party.  Whenever that can happen again.  I actually didn't follow the pattern as it calls for very small rings which would have produced a very small lantern, so I played this by ear and it came out okay.

This is my first tassel and it was fun to make.  I decided to use 4 of the colors of yarn and pulled the yarn out of 4 skeins at the same time and that worked.  I'll be back to working on my purple shawl now.  

Dayle picked some of our plums which we need to eat right away.

I think these are Italian plums.

Our Bonfire Begonia has gotten so huge it's amazing.  I asked Dayle and Mocha to pose for a photo by it.  :-)

Our youngest son Travis is going crab fishing soon so Dayle pulled out the boat and Kristi came over and washed it up for him.  What a good DIL she is!  She also brought over chicken and croissants and made sandwiches for dinner for us and brought her garden grown corn on the cob to cook for us too.  

His best friend is going too.. I look forward to picking crab and eating it.  Our son is also talking about taking us out for a cruise and fishing with his dad.

Another shot of my Hotlips Salvia.. I'm so happy to have found this flower, it really is quite profusive and lovely and should come back next year.

This flower we bought this year is also doing well.. I think it's a Phlox.

We put my pots of green and red Shamrock out 3 weeks ago and they just thrive outside.  At first the leaves burn and dry up but the tubers send out new leaves which adjust to the sun and boom they take off and get full and put out flowers.  The green one has white flowers and the red has soft pink ones.  *love*

That's all she wrote for now.  I hope you are well.  
((hugs)), Teresa :-)  


  1. Teresa, all your projects are fun and beautiful - the lantern turned out fantastic. I can't wait to see you continue work on your shawl - so many of pretty colors.
    All your flowers are lovely - I love how they fell like little friends to you :)
    Thank you for your positive and generous sharing of loveliness and love.

  2. Awesome Teresa!!! Really this lamp is have done a wonderful job with this make!! I wonder if something Christmassy could be done with this pattern as well. LOve it!! Amanda x

  3. Hi Teresa! Look at me, actually getting online in the afternoon and not late at night! Your lamp turned out so beautifully. I think you're right and several on the deck would look great for a party. It looks great where you have it though too. I look forward to seeing it all lit up.
    Dayle and Mocha look very good too. I'm glad to see him looking so healthy and "ready for the world." How fun to go out in the boat on a sea cruise or river cruise? Either one would be so much fun.
    Kristi is great. Having sampled some of her cooking I can imagine how nice it is when she comes and makes a meal for you. Washing boats is hard work too. We've washed Paul and Lori's plenty of time and it's probably not as big as yours.
    I can't remember if I told you that I got my new phone yesterday. Mine finally went kaput completely and I couldn't use the hotspot which is vital when we're living in the trailer with no internet. I didn't get the pro but I did get the iPhone 11. It was a trial getting it set up as the SIM card it came with was corrupted. A long story but it's finally up and running now with some help from Alex face-timing from London. I took the SIM card out of my old phone and installed it in the new one and then I could activate it. I'll have to tell you the story sometime. But I am happy to have a new phone that works well.
    Take care and love to Dayle. Kisses for Mocha too.

  4. Hi, Your lantern didn't turn out just OK , it turned out FABULOUS! I love it. You always do such wonderful work on your projects. And, your gardens and flowers are to die for. Take Good Care. So glad Dayle is doing so well after his surgery.

  5. Your daughter-in-law is a real sweetheart! Love the colorful lantern that you made. Thanks for sharing your lovely flowers and plants!

  6. That lantern is so pretty!!!
    Boat washing is hard work. How nice it was for her to volunteer!

  7. Thanks for letting us see some of the fruit from the labor of the Kasners! Enjoy your Italian plums! I remember we really appreciated the good fruit we picked from our IP tree we had years ago. I admire your finished lamp, beautiful blooms and dear Dayle and Mocha. After Kristi's hard work cleaning the boat I hope all falls into place for you all to enjoy good crabbing and cruising! ((hugs))

  8. Those plums sure look good, Teresa. And hot lips salvia has me looking that one up to see if it will grow here. Love it! I put our shamrocks out on the patio this summer and I ended up repotting it as it is now huge. Mine is green with white flowers. Your daughter-in-law is a sweetheart. How lucky you are to have her in your family!

  9. Your lantern turned out great! So colorful and just fun. Your plums look delicious. Kristi is a dear!!

  10. That lantern is beautiful and will look great with an led light inside. Kristi sure is a gem. Planning to do some sewing here lol

  11. Hello Teresa. I am catching up with your posts. It's 7.15am on a very wet and miserable Thursday in the UK.
    I love your photos of all the flowers that seem to thrive so well where you are.
    Mocha is such a cutie. I hope that you get to go out in your boat with your son. I long to see the sea. Not yet I fear. Your D. I. L. is a treasure. I too am lucky to have very thoughtful D's. I. L. The lantern is such fun. Clever you. Take care, stay safe. Anne x

  12. Your lantern has turned out so well and I love the cheerful colours you used. The plumbs look delicious, I think they’re quite an underrated fruit, there are so many recipes you can use them in.
    What a thoughtful and kind DIL you have , you’re very lucky. And your garden as always at this time of year, is looking wonderful. X

  13. The lantern is a delight so pretty. It would make a great addition to the deck with lots of others in bright colours for a gathering. You are indeed blessed with a wonderful DIL, so thoughtful. Hope you get your trip out on the boat. Take care.

  14. Love your crocheted lantern. I can imagine a few of them outside for a party, they would look great. Hope you get out for a cruise. B x

  15. OH I want that Lantern times 4!!!!! The work involved would make mass production just for ME! prohibitive! Hahaha. It came out Great! Very nice of Kristi to spoil you guys. Well deserved

  16. Hello Teresa, I find your blog uplifting, especially the photos of your lovely home and gardens, in what have been very dark times for almost everyone. I am almost 80 yrs old and, apart from two short trips out, have been confined to my home for several months – but I can almost smell the freshness and scent of your flowers and the handsome stands of trees . I had not seen the ‘Hot Lips Salvia’ until you posted a photo….I think I would buy it just for the name :). Have you seen the sweet little bi-colour ‘Candy Cane Sorrel’ (Oxalis Versicolour) which flowers in late summer (here in UK at least) but needs some protection in very cold winters, I’m thinking of trying it in a pot. Our garden is due for some drastic work after fences blew down in recent gales and a hazelnut tree – which was a mere twig when we moved here 20 yrs ago – needs hard pruning, but we’ll leave it til the squirrels have taken their winter store. I do enjoy spending time in your blog, and the comments. Keep safe… Val E

  17. Lovely post -- I found you through Mamasmerchantile. Thanks for sharing!

  18. p.s. I'd like to share your lamp photo on my blog with a link to this blog. Please let me know if you approve. Thanks! Carol (aka Tehachap)

  19. I love your lantern and those beautiful flowers every where I look. Kristi is indeed fantastic. I hope that crab was delicious. Stay safe my freind.


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