Monday, October 5, 2020

New Fridge and My Personal Shopper

Dayle brought in 2 Double Delight roses for me.  I will be sorry when they stop blooming for the winter.

So.  Our fridge died.  It was 17 years old, in the good old days they lasted longer but when we had a repairman in last year when the water in the door stopped working, he said it was "old" for a fridge.  So we weren't surprised when the whole thing went south.  Thus began Dayle's extensive research to find just the right one for us.  I pointed at this one and said.. that's it.  So.. we went to our dependable appliance store, Reiglemanns, and ordered it.  Come to find out there is a run on fridges for some reason and we were lucky to get one that will be delivered on Thursday.  

It's a French Door type and here are the photos of the inside empty and full of stuff.  This one has 2 ice-makers - the one that serves the door and one you can turn on and off in the freezer section if you want to make a lot of it.

I've been looking for a "demijohn" from France.. why?  Because I think they're cool!  My friend Shirley found this one for me yesterday!  Now I need to go pick it up.  

Shirley also found this little ink blotter Scotty dog in Jadeite for a song, $7.95.  It was used when people wrote with dip pens and fountain pens to blot the excess ink on signatures and such.  It originally had a blotter pad and a metal clip on each end to hold the pad on.  She thought this was perfect for me as it looks like Mocha and is Jadeite.

It's nice having a "personal shopper".. lol.  She also found this vase for $10 which is embossed with seashells with dolphin feet.

One of my favorite parts of Autumn is - applesauce donuts!  We had to run some errands on Saturday and picked up some of these.  I have to say, these, warmed for 30 seconds with my morning coffee is close to nirvana.  Ahhhhh.  Mmmmm.

My crocheted pumpkins in one of my bowls.

Dayle was looking in the safe for something and came across my mother-of-pearl flatware.  I wondered where they were!  They look at home on my jadeite Alice plates.

Travis and Kristi's neighbor just had baby goats.  I think Kristi is in love.  :-D

Dayle is out mowing, so that tells you he is doing well.  I am nursing a strained muscle in my back.  I want it to be better for our upcoming trip to the beach in our trailer to celebrate Dayle's birthday.  Any interesting plans for the week?
((hugs)), Teresa :-)  


  1. That's a nice refrigerator. When we got our last one all the kids were gone and we downsized... big mistake! Must be nice to have a personal shopper... she sure has found some really nice things for you. Love your mother of pearl flatware. Have a great week!

  2. Boy do you have some lovely jadeite, Teresa! The mother of pearl handled flatware is gorgeous. Love the blotter dog. I sure hope your back is feeling better. And what a darling photo of Kristi with the baby goat! Same ole, same ole around here. I hope you are staying safe, my friend.

  3. Gosh hope your strained muscle improves. Good Dayle much better beautiful flowers. We are able to go away friday to a seaside place (not van) unit for a week. Will give me something extra to blog about although you are my only commenter of 60 visitors although none this time lol Still not allowed to see our other kids grandies coz city. Oh well we are alive and well xoxo

  4. Strained neck muscles no fun. Hope it feels better soon. Mine are getting better. Finally! A bit of neck tucks are good for it. We are going to celebrate our anniversary this week. Will have fun that day for sure! Glad you are able to go to the coast and have fun soon! I like all the goodies you got. Enjoy them! Goat kids are cute! Hope all is much better up there smoke wise. It is cooler today than yesterday. Which is ok. Take care! x------x ,/\, Becky

  5. You have such a nice collection of jadeity. I'm so glad that Dayle is feeling better and hopefully you will too.
    Dennis got a new (to him), truck toay. It's a 2018 F350 so he will be able to pull our trailer. We don't need it quite yet but now we're prepared to travel some after retirement. We'll be able to take our home with us anywhere.
    Take care my dear friend,

  6. Nice new Big fridge!!! Mind you I must mention I think that your old fridge giving up the ghost after 17 years isn't bad at all! What a good make it must be!! Trouble is though nowadays the new appliances do not last. I reckon the manufacturers now are using cheaper materials which last through the warranty stage and then make more from the parts used to repair it! Tch!! Strained neck muscles is painful and can easily happen even sleeping in a bad position. I hope you feel better soon. That jadeite ink blotter piece is very original! I wonder the date of it?? keep well Amanda x

  7. Your personal shopper sure found some treasures for you! Your Mother of Pearl flatware looks fabulous with your jadite. Very pretty together. Kristi looks so happy with the goat - do you think they will get one??

  8. Wow, the mother of pearl flatware is just perfect with the Jadeite! Great finds by your friend too. What will you do with the demijohn?

    Glad to hear that Dayle is doing well. Take care of your strained muscle!

  9. Nice refrigerator! I want a new one also but our old one just won't quit. Araignee

  10. Hope your back is better soon! California friends from Santa Rosa are in town and I am so glad to see them! Hope your fridge delivery goes smoothly. Thanks for posting dear Teresa. (( hugs)) :-)

  11. OH TEll Kristi tha tmy neighbor has goats. I grow red crimson clover for a treat for them THEY fight over it. I have to bring them some today.! Fridges ae so expensive. ANd your back? That is not allowed. I find walking does help my back. Just easy walking.

  12. How wonderful to have a friend that does such a good job with your shopping. Hope your back is feeling a little easier. Take care.

  13. Hello Teresa. Your fridge is very smart. The other one did do well. I think nowadays they make them to last only a few years so that you have to buy new. wasteful.
    Love the jadeite blotter. The mother of pearl items are beautiful. Hope you recover in time to go away. Take care. Anne x


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