Wednesday, October 21, 2020

🌊 Seaside Living 🌊

🌊 This is what we awoke to yesterday.  Blue skies and sunshine and the sound of the Pacific Ocean waves crashing on the sandy shore of Oregon. ðŸŒŠ  I took this photo standing in our doorway.  :-)

I brought a few Halloween decorations for the table and of course I have a fall tablecloth.  As you do.  The little cast iron frying pan has spicy scented wax in it.

It's been so nice that we have the door open and enjoy the sound of the waves and the cool breezes.  The people below us have a fish windsock on a 20 foot "stick" which is fun.

Last year we found this driftwood mobile and it hangs by the door, I love it.

This is the life, I tell ya.  We did not venture out yesterday but took the day to relax and recover from all the craziness of list-making, packing and getting down here and set up.  

I'll share a few photos of the ocean.

The only problem is the late afternoon sun beats in and it shines right into our eyes and it gets very warm in here.. but I guess that is a small price to pay for being here.  

We had corndogs for dinner.. and they were delish!  We had them frozen in the freezer here.  We are trying to cook here more this year and will only order to-go and not eat inside a restaurant yet.  

It was a lovely sunset last night.

I zoomed in on the crescent moon last night which was near the horizon over the ocean.  It's not very clear as it didn't give off much light due to it's thin-ness.  But it's a fun image anyway.

We are awaiting the arrival of my sister Denise.  She has booked a hotel for 2 nights.  Now we will do some sight-seeing and visiting!

((hugs)), Teresa :-)  


  1. Wow, just wow. It looks so calming and beautiful there, and I'm glad the weather is so good for you. Love the photo of Mocha in the window enjoying it too. Looking forward to seeing where you go, it really is such a lovely part of the world. CJ xx

  2. Teresa,
    What a beautiful corner of the world - to become one with the Universe! Enjoy the whispering sounds of the ocean waves and the beauty all around. Have fun :)

  3. Gotta love the seaside — we went for a day trip to Redcliffe this weekend past.

    Love the driftwood mobile!

    Beautiful photos of the sea. Such a relaxing place to be. :)

  4. Those skies are fabulous! Enjoy and stay safe!

  5. Lovely sunset photos. Glad you are recouping from a busy day of journey, etc. I forgot my prescription glasses at least I had my contact lenses which I wear and had an extra set in case something happened. Your creative yarn projects on couch look so nice! Have a good time! hugs------Becky

  6. Lovely photos! I like your driftwood mobile... very unique.

  7. Thank you!!! This post helps me feel I am by the ocean, my favorite place on earth! And I love your moon view, too! Awesome!!! Have a wonderful time with Denise ❤️❤️❤️🤗

  8. Awesome and I can hear the sea 🌊🌊 Enjoy and love your little wind chime.

  9. Yes yes yes on that driftwood. it is beautiful. The water, the skies...thank you TERESA!!!!!! Will you see the meteors? I hope so.

  10. Ahhhh! I miss that. We usually head to my parents every year at Christmas or in the weeks afterwards and get our solid dose of beach. But last/ early this year we couldn't because of the summer of fire. So we decided to go at Easter but once again it was cancelled because the state borders closed because of Covid. and we've been steadily locked down ever since. Our 5km travel limit has increased to 35km now so at least we can visit some local Melbourne beaches, but everyone else is doing the same so they're a little crowded which defeats the point! So I'll gaze at your wonderful photos and look forward to when I can go and breathe in some deep breaths (through a mask) of beach air sometime hopefully soon!
    xox Many hugs, Louise

  11. Awwww, one of my favorite places on earth. The Oregon coast. Thank you for the photos. Although I would love to be there too, your ocean pictures "almost" make me feel as though I'm there too. Lucky you, Dayle and Mocha. We're supposed to have 5 inches of snow on Friday and you have sunshine and ocean. *sigh*
    I hope you have a wonderful time with Denise. I'm glad you're not eating indoors yet. Our numbers are skyrocketing and so is N. Idaho. Scary times.
    Blessings and hugs,

  12. Wow! What a stunning view to wake up to. What a beautiful place to rest and recharge. Perfect. Enjoy.

    Your driftwood mobile is beautiful.

  13. Such a beautiful spot Teresa! Love all your pictures and your camper looks so cozy!

  14. Saw you yesterday driving through the waterfront area in Newport. Great weather! We have been here all week crabbing with our little C-Dory in Yaquina Bay. So wonderful that you will have two weeks at the coast - enjoy!!!

  15. What beautiful photos and a great view from your door. I love the moon

  16. Wow! I could sit on that couch and knit all day looking at that view!

  17. Really lovely.... is this an Oregon State Beach??

  18. I cannot explain how wonderful this looks to me. So relaxing and quiet, just what I need right now :) I know that you are enjoying it. Thanks for linking up and soak up every moment.


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