Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Putting Out Turkeys and Waiting For Election Results

Sooo... the future of our country hangs in the balance and what do I do?  Decorate the table for the next holiday.  :-)  

My grandmother's carnival glass bowl looks perfect with acorns from our pin oak tree in it.  

Kristi gave me this cute little couple a few years ago.  The pilgrim man shot a turkey and has it in his burlap bag for her to cook for dinner.  :-)

I found two ceramic turkeys years ago and I love the bleeding majolica glaze.

This is my newest turkey.. a little Jadeite one! He fits right in.

I barely slept last night.. I had to go to bed after hours of watching the election returns.. then woke up at 2 am and worried and fretted for at least an hour.  It's way too close.  But I won't say more as I know I have readers who disagree with my stance on things.  Please keep our country in your thoughts and prayers.
((hugs)), Teresa :-)  


  1. Hugs Teresa and know many of us are with you. So lovely now seeing your thanksgiving ornaments xoxo

  2. Teresa,
    We'll have so much to be thankful for this Thanksgiving - I am thankful people showed up to rescue our Nation and put it back in the path of good will.
    I love your Thanksgiving table! I think I'm going to collect some acorns and make a centerpiece with them for my November table. I am thankful for your blog and all the beautiful experiences you share with us.

  3. Hello Teresa. I love seeing your decorations appear for different holidays. You never disappoint. I will keep you and your country in my thoughts and prayers. We are with you! Anne x

  4. I love your table decorations. I was wondering when Thanksgiving was going to appear!

  5. Not knowing is hard. I’ve been eating my feelings and refreshing and scrolling. Im anxious. I appreciate that you bring up justice issues and politics.
    Peace in PDX

  6. I always love your Thanksgiving collection Teresa. It's one of my favorites. The little jadeite turkey looks right at home.
    Wishing you and Dayle a wonderful Thursday and thanks for commenting on all three of my posts. Blogging every day is hard! I'm more used to once a week. :-). Give Mocha a kiss for me.

  7. Certainly thinking of you at the moment and I have my fingers and toes crossed for a GOOD result. I don’t blame you pottering with all your lovely thanksgiving figures. Hopefully we’ll know today. B x

  8. Over here in Europe I am pinned to the BBC World news... a reliable source and so very eager to hear who your newly elected president will be!! Very interesting how you have lots of beautiful decorations for each festivity....they are so lovely. keep well Amanda x

  9. Read that Biden has the most votes of any candidate since recorded elections so that says something about turn-out this time around, but it's the electoral college that is tricky. Hard to believe we are already 5 days into November. Your decorations are always lovely. I don't put anything out anymore since it's just the two of us here with no visitors under the current circumstances. Crazy times!

  10. Distraction is always good. I love your little decorations, they are very sweet. We don't celebrate Thanksgiving in the UK (but I think we should).

    I am holding my breath, just as you are. The outcome of these elections will have a far reaching impact, far beyond the United States. Your last paragraph makes me a bit sad. This is your blog and your space, you should be comfortable to express your view and explain your view without having to worry about upsetting your readers. I think this is part of the problem with our "new reality", tip-toeing around each other because a rational and polite conversation about differing views is no longer possible, at least not online. This is your safe space and I love visiting you. Hugs xx

  11. I love your turkey ornaments. One of my favourite souvenirs that I found in NY a few years ago was a sweet little jug with a picture of the Mayflower ship on it. It looked vintage, but might not be super old. I use it for small flower posies. Anywho I can vouch that millions of us down here in Kangarooland are riveted to the tv & internet watching your election tallies and all the crazy goings on. Its got all my fingers and toes crossed for you that things go the right way (I won't say but it's the same colour as the sky ;) )
    Hugs xox Louise

  12. Your Thanksgiving decor makes me so happy. I love Thanksgiving-family together for a big meal and no other expectations or obligations. That's my kind of holiday. I'm really going to miss my family this year. I always miss my parents but this year I'll be missing everyone. My daughter's in laws are both on vents now from Covid. They are not expected to recover. It's going to be a terrible holiday season for so many. Araignee

  13. Lovely decorations as always. The counting is taking a while isn't it. I am on tenterhooks here, so I can't imagine what it's like for everyone there. Sending you my best, CJ xx

  14. Sweet decorations! You sure have a lot of holiday treasures! I wonder where you store them all! I've put my jack-0-lanterns away and added some turkeys also but I don't have as many as you.
    I agree with your political views and I know you fight for peace and justice! I am holding my breath until Biden reaches 270 electoral votes - so close! My computer shows him at 264 just now!!

  15. We are watching your election on the news today. I do hope people will accept the result with good grace. It's not my place to comment on the candidates but I do have a preference. I love your little ornaments. It's nice to have something to look forward to.

  16. I have been dipping in and out of the news, and thinking about all my friends across the ocean who must be struggling with the waiting. Sending a big virtual hug! Your home looks as cosy as always, I love how you embrace the seasons and celebrate the holidays. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  17. Loving your decor in readiness for Thanksgiving. Your Country have been in my thoughts and prayers today, hope the results will be available soon. It has been quite the saga.

  18. We'd all sleep better, IF . . .
    Vote in person, provide photo ID with fingerprint as proof.
    Voting stations open from 7am to 8pm on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November, as it was meant to be from the beginning.
    Military personal voting handled by the military (they have the most secure procedures available).

    1. I disagree. Oregon has had great success with all mail-in ballots for years and I think you can do a much better job of researching your candidates from home with a laptop computer at hand. PLUS - during a rampant and deadly pandemic killing thousands of people every day, the whole country should have been mandated to use mail-in ballots. ALSO - mail in ballots do not discriminate against people of color.

  19. We are on pins and needles here, too. Our country is so divided. I'm afraid we are in for rough days ahead. The stress of the political climate is making me heartsick.
    Your turkeys and pilgrims are darling. Even with all the stress with have much to be thankful for this Thanksgiving. Take care of yourself.

  20. I am glad to see your your lovely Thanksgiving decorations again and they remind me I have so much to be thankful for. Today I went to the Willamette Cemetery for a small outside-with-masks service for my friend Ellen. The autumn colors of the trees were stunning even in the rain. 💞🤗🙏


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