Wednesday, March 24, 2021

I'm Vaccinated!!

We took a drive South on I-5 and I got my 2nd Moderna shot.  Again, I got in fast, they have a special entrance for older people of which I qualify.  A check-in, took my temp, filled out a quick form and then around the corner for the shot, 15 minute wait after and done and dusted!  Have you gotten yours yet?

I finished the dish cloth for my friend Shirley.  I took a break from working on my blanket to do it but now I'm back to the blanket crochet.  I will make a 2nd one of these after the blanket is done.  The cotton is very soft.

I am so much more comfortable crocheting than knitting.  The knitting 2 together for this one is difficult on the decrease half.

A little green bunny hopped into our mailbox today.  :-D

I also found a plate rack and got it for my dishes.

Kind of fun to see them all together.

This is what it looks like empty.  I'll use this in one of my cabinets or on the brick opening from the kitchen to the family room.  Not sure yet.

And I also got a lapel

It started to hail yesterday and I stepped out the door to get a photo, you should have heard the racket of the hail hitting the metal roof on the gazebo!

I was texting with my daughter Amy in Ohio and she sent me a new photo of their cute little dog, Honey.  Awww.

She also showed me a photo of Paige who'd dressed up like an anime character and they went out for a bubble tea.  I think she looks so cute!

I scanned my high school graduation photo... gosh I was so young.  

Well.. that's all she wrote today.  I hope you get your vaccine!
((hugs)), Teresa :-)  


  1. So glad you were able to get vaccinated!! We are still waiting...patiently...sort of...

    More jadeite!! cute bunny dish. Paige looks all grown up.

    Can't believe you got hail! We had a rainy day all day long, hoping for some sun tomorrow.

  2. Gorgeous photos of you and Paige, you are both beautiful. So glad you've had both vaccine doses. I've had one so far. Love the jadeite bunny and the lapel pin, that's really cute. The hail photo is amazing. Not much news here, we're all still in lockdown, except for the schools being back. CJ xx

  3. We had a nice warmer day on Tues. Evening my legs were cold. Cozy fleece blanket over my legs on recliner when doing some bible study last eve. Felt a bit warmer then. Its been quite breezy today and rain showers. ☔ I like your senior photo. Beautiful then and now my friend. Glad you're done with your shots. Take care. :,}

  4. Did you get your shot today? Dennis got his second on Monday and no reactions at all except a bit of a sore arm. He said not as sore as the flu shot!
    Paige's outfit looks like the ones the girls in Japan wear around Tokyo. Lots of anime there. Seriously, there would be groups of 10 or more girls all dress in these types of outfits all over the city.
    Apparently Spokane had lots and lots of hail on Monday evening. Just a half mile south of us and all over the Valley and downtown. We seem to be the only ones who escaped it. About 3 inches of it was still in the parking lot Tuesday morning when Dennis went to work.
    Love that sweet little Jadeite bunny and REALLY like the plate rack. I can't wait to get my Hoosier cabinet set up in the house. I think it will go in the kitchen.
    I like that photo of you and I can see a bit of you in Paige too.
    Take care my friend. I hope you have NO side effects from the shot but congratulations on getting it. Doesn't it feel good to know you've done your part? I can't wait to get mine on Monday.

  5. Oh, I forgot to tell you what a beautiful job you did on the dishcloth. You may not like those knit two togethers, but you sure did them well. :-)
    Love ya,

  6. Thrilled you got your 2nd vaccine, we are still waiting for ours. You have done a great job on the dishcloth, nothing beats them. Love the plate rack, the plates look amazing all together. A beautiful photo of your grandaughter.

  7. Love the photo of your younger self. Beautiful hair :) We’re off to get our second injection today. Our little island has been very organised. Such a lovely plate rack that will display your jadeite perfectly. B x

  8. Gorgeous you! What an amazing high school graduation photo.
    Hurray for being vaccinated x

  9. We get our second dose on the 13th of April. I can't wait to get it all over with.
    Your high school photo is beautiful! Your hair is amazing. I had dyed mine within an inch of its life in high school. I started with some Sun In and went straight on to the hard stuff. lol....Araignee

  10. Congratulations on your second jab! I am now waiting for my no2, lets get it done.

  11. Excellent,glad you have your vaccination completed and are now protected. Wonderful photo of you and I can see Paige looks like you,in the smile definitely! Lovely and neat dishcloth. keep well Amanda x

  12. Glad you are vaccinated. I got my first one yesterday. That is a lot of hail. Holy cow! We are supposed to get storms today. Blah! Nice to see you and Paige. Thanks for linking up.

  13. Good for you!!!!!! One more shot to go for us. Counting the days. Cannot wait to go see Zach.
    I love your Paige! and pups seems very inviting right now. I said I'd bottle kittens but they aren't getting back to me. Perhaps for the best. In a few weeks we will be protected and out and about , I hope. Love your Jade lady note

  14. Your granddaughter looks so cute! I have 2 teenage granddaughters and they dress up like that too! They call it "cosplay" (costume play) and dress up as their favorite anime characters just like your granddaughter with fishnet stockings and wigs too! What a coincidence!
    Glad you got your doses done! Hope you feel fine.

  15. Yes, we both have had both doses of the Pfizer vaccine! So thankful! Your granddaughter is darling. And so are you! I hope the hail didn't ruin any of your lovely plants coming. Have a great evening.

  16. Next time try a crochet C2C dishcloth. The stitch works up quickly and there are plenty of YT videos for learning instructions. Adorable GD. Glad you are fully vaccinated. Have a wonderful and safe week from PA.

  17. Progress! Bravo! We have had some hail showers over here, too. The dish rack is a great idea for storage and display for your plates, and the new jadeite bunny certainly looks right at home. I enjoyed seeing the sweet photos of you, Paige and Honey. ((hugs)) 💞

  18. Super news about your vaccine! I am waiting to get my second one, and even more excited for all the young folks to get their's, soon! I love your newsy post, the pretty pictures... Paige looks adorable!

  19. I am knitting dishcloths for my daughter in law. Awesome that you got your second vaccine. Your Jadeite is so spring like... love the bunny. Paige looks very cute as an Anime. When I see old photos of myself I wonder where that girl went!

  20. Love your knitted wash cloth, new plate rack and that beautiful photo of you. Remember feeling so old when I graduated, Ha! So excited your got your second vaccine, number 2 will be tomorrow for me. Stay safe.

  21. Fabulous Teresa on covid needles NONE here yet for us but had flu vax and love your dishcloth


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