Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Sunny Day

I just took a walk outside to check on my daffodil "crop".  :-)  Their season is short and sweet so I try to get the most out of them by admiring them as much as possible.  LOL!

Most of our daffs circle around the garden bed next to our pond and where our Japanese Lace-leaf Maple grows.  

I look forward for the tree to sprout it's pretty red leaves.

I will enjoy seeing the new variety of daffodils bloom that we planted in the Fall.  

This Hyacinth will open soon and spread it's beautiful perfume.

The chickens were talking to me.. pawk pawwwwwk.

Dayle headed off a while ago to go to a doctor's visit and run some errands.  So, it's just me and Mocha keeping the home fires burning.  :-)

Back inside to enjoy some of my yellow joy beside my easy chair, my 3rd bouquet of them.  I have some tidying to do today, I just noticed the pillow that is supposed to be on that chair is on the floor.  I also have to clear the dining table as a few items are there that don't belong and other little piles need to be dealt with.

That's it for me on this fine day.  Are you having Spring where you are today?  ((hugs)), Teresa :-)  


  1. It's Tuesday! I was surprised to see you today. What a happy bunch of flowers in and around your beautiful farm. We have bright blue skies and beautiful weather today although it's not as warm as it was.
    A house can't look perfectly tidy all of the time when it's happily lived in. I have always said, "I want my house clean enough that people feel comfortable to put their feet up and dirty enough that people feel comfortable to put their fee up!"
    Hugs and kisses to Mocha and hi to Dayle.
    Blessings and love,

  2. It really is looking beautifully springlike with you. Here too in fact, with plenty of sunshine and warm temperatures. I saw a magnolia in flower earlier, the first one I've spotted. Amazing how the little piles of things appear isn't it, although your home always looks perfectly neat to me. The last photo is very cosy indeed, I love it. CJ xx

  3. Teresa I have been a big baby inside, but iam not telling Fireman. Yesterday s snow was such a typical march bummer.we had lovely 60 degree days last week and now typical icky yuck for st Patty's day. If either of my children move permanent to a lower state or state with a shorter winter I would think of moving . I GET CRANKY EACH MARCH. I TOLD myself last week that as long as we get our vaccines I will be happy.... So I need to tell !myself that again.

  4. It is nice to have some alone time to just putz around and get things sorted. Wishing you a wonderful and sunny day.

  5. All my daffodils are in bloom and then it got cold and windy again. It makes me so sad to see them getting beat up by the wind. The poor things came out just a bit too early this year.

  6. Down here in New Zealand just heading into autumn. Have planted some Japanese maples so looking forward to watching them change colour. Cold morning and night, but beautiful days, I love this time of year. Chimney swept, wood all ready for the coming winter. Keep safe, so happy your son is on the mend.
    Regards, Pauline

  7. Spring is definitely on its way in your part of the world. Such a blessing having a wonderful home with plenty of garden to plant lovely flowers like these daffodils. I quite envy you :-) keep well Amanda x

  8. Well. I need to plant daffodil bulbs. You make me certain!

  9. I can smell that springlike scent from here. It must lovely to have your own chickens with fresh eggs every day. Enjoy those daffodils while they last. Our tulips are beginning to show colour here, some of my favourites:) B x

  10. I always love seeing daffodils and your posts here Teresa

  11. We had a couple of lovely 50 degree weather but today it is rainy and cold. But the bright side is that the rain will help to melt the snow! I can't wait until my flowers start blooming.

  12. Teresa, I love to see how your garden grows! Nature is so giving :)
    Spring in the air has motivated me to explore embroidery and crayon color tinting - it looks like a lot of fun. I might start with coloring and embroidering some daffodils :)

  13. Thanks for sharing the pretty photo bouquet of Daffodils, Teresa! I plan to go out and take some photos of the Hyacinths by my front step...they are a welcome sign that Spring is nearly here! Then I am headed out to pick up groceries from Freddy's. ((hugs))

  14. Dear Teresa, what a colorfull pictures of your spring garden around your farmhouse! In Holland we have a lot of daffodils around in all the gardens. But that is all the spring we enjoy! It is cold and wet. I have been working in kindergarden the last two days. Their own teacher is suffering a light flue. We went to the playground , but we had a few raindrops. But since we are not made out of sugar, we played in the fresh air anyway. It is a group of boys, only a few girls...:-) It was lovely to be with the children. The theme was little ducklets, and it is great to see the wondering in their eyes! Be safe, lots of love, Janneke.

  15. Teresa, it is spring in Florida - colorful azaleas are abound :) I love how your garden grows! I very much enjoy seeing your daffodils in bloom.

  16. Grey and rainy here. Love seeing all your blooms.

  17. Hello.from u.k.love your blog.youd probably enjoy Brassed off and calendar girls.linda


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